
美 [stɑr]英 [stɑː(r)]
  • adj.用星装饰的;戴着星章的;标有星号的;…主演的
  • n.恒星;星状物;星形饰物;星号
  • v.主演;担任主角;使主演;由…担任主角
  • 网络星星;明星;星牌

复数:stars 过去式:starred starring 过去式:starred 现在分词:starring

bright star,distant star


n. v.

天空in sky

1.[c]恒星;星a large ball of burning gas in space that we see as a point of light in the sky at night


2.[c]星状物;星形饰物;星号an object, a decoration, a mark, etc., usually with five or six points, whose shape represents a star

质量标志mark of quality

3.[c][ususing](尤指旅馆或餐馆的)星级a mark that represents a star and tells you how good sth is, especially a hotel or restaurant


4.[c]歌唱(或表演)明星;体坛高手;才华出众者a famous and excellent singer, performer, sports player, etc.

5.[c](电影、戏剧等的)主角,主演a person who has the main part, or one of the main parts, in a film/movie, play, etc.

最优秀者best of group

6.[c]最优秀(或出色、成功)者a person or thing that is the best of a group

提供帮助的人helpful person

7.[c][ususing](informal)(表示万分感激或赞叹)used to show that you feel very grateful for sth that sb has done or that you think they are wonderful

对某人将来的影响influence on sb's future

8.[pl]星象(根据人出生时天体的位置而描述的命运)a description of what sb thinks is going to happen to sb in the future, based on the position of the stars and planets when they were born


see stars

(因头部被撞击等)两眼直冒金星to see flashes of light in front of your eyes, usually because you have been hit on the head

stars in your eyes

成名的梦想;(尤指成为艺人的)明星梦if sb hasstars in their eyes , they have dreams of becoming famous, especially as an entertainer

Japanese Girl Names ... "harmony flower"( 和花) - "star"( ) - "star child"( 星子) - ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... run v. 跑;奔跑 star n. 星星;明星 lot adv. 许多;很多 ...


partyprince花花王子 --京东商城 ... 风格 STYLE 明星 STAR 类型 TYPE ...


火机烟具 【行情 价格 评价 正品行货】 ... 王朝记忆 bahama bitton 恒星 STAR 恒星 EARTH ...


AE中英文对照表 - 丑石的日志 - 网易博客 ... 13.16 Squint( 重影) 13.17 Star星形) 13.18 Swirl( 旋涡) ...


美国星牌(star)橄榄油/包装设计陕西丰裕坊核桃油 丰御坊五锦贡米 美食客/标志及产品包装设计 美国制药/产品形象设计 规定合 …


不少大牌球星(Star)如 齐达内、 贝隆、菲戈(Figo)等等,你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;在生命的尽头,你笑着,而周 …


网络拓朴星型Star)拓朴所有设备接到一个称为HUB的设备中网络拓朴HUB 集线器人动式:需要电源,可放大信号被动式: …

And with a straight face you're gonna tell students that America is so star-spangled awesome that we're the only ones who have the freedom. 而你居然还一本正经地告诉学生美国已经是世界上独一无二的国家,我们是唯一拥有自由的人!
Prof. WIENER: Well, you know, it's a little hard to believe today that a president would fear the power of a rock star. 维纳:好的。你知道,在今天看来,我们很难相信一位总统会害怕一个摇滚明星。
Not the sun, but only the morning-star shone upon His opening tomb. 没有太阳,只有晨星发光照在那挪开的坟墓上。
Some competitors have dubbed it a "six-star casino in a three-star location" . 一些竞争对手戏称该赌场为“三星地段上的六星赌场”。
Planets orbiting stars beyond the sun are labelled merely with the name of the star and a suffix letter. 属于太阳以外恒星的行星们仅仅得到该恒星的名称,外加一个后缀字母。
She told Star-Boy that she would not marry him until he removed the strange scar from his face. 她对星孩说,“如果你把那块奇怪的疤痕从脸上去掉,我就会嫁给你。”
He too was known for movie- star good looks , until an attempt to poison him on the eve of the 2004 election left him painfully disfigured . 他同样以电影明星般的长相闻名,不过在2004年大选前夕因被人下毒而痛遭毁容。
He compared the teen star to the British pop group The Beatles, who were adored by girls all over the world back in the 60s. 他比较了童星的英国流行乐队披头士,谁是女孩崇拜各地在60年代世界回来。
The sun is a star. In the sky there are thousands of stars like the sun. They are as huge as the sun. 太阳只是一颗星星,在天空中有上千个像太阳这样的星星,他们都像太阳一样巨大;
The Daily Star reported that it had been blocked from reporting the name of the player and the casino due to legal action. 《每日星报》报道此文,但由于诉讼方面的原因所以不能透露该球员和赌场的名字。
These were the days of his wasted life; he saw a star fall from the sky and disappeared, and this was the symbol of himself. 这是他浪费生命的日子,他看到一个明星从天上掉下来的消失,这是他自己的象征。
The Star Ferry makes its way across the harbour, leaving nothing but wonder in its wake. So much to see. So much to do. 星星渡船横过海港,留下的只有它醒来的奇迹。有如此多可以观看,如此多可以去做。
His appearance had changed so much since he was a child star that there was much speculation about the work he'd had done. 他的外貌相比他童星时代的样子改变了很多,于是有很多关于他曾做过的手术的猜测。
"It's an honor to be selected to the All-Star team, and I'd like to thank all the coaches who voted for me, " Gasol said in a statement. “我很荣幸被选进了全明星队伍,我要感谢所有投票选我的教练。”加索尔发表了声明说道。
At the time of this interview, two airings of the first series on BBC Radio 4 had hardly begun to make him a star. 在进行这次采访的时候,BBCRadio4虽然两次播放了第一套广播剧,道格拉斯几乎还没有开始成为明星。
My lower self had me believe that it was just a far out wish; much similar to my one of being a rock star. 那个堕落的我使我相信那只是个遥远的梦而已;就像是我想要成为一个摇滚歌星一样。
Their star striker has so far resisted surgery but his workload over the past few years is beginning to weigh heavily. 他们的当家射手一直拒绝手术,但在过去几年里他的比赛负荷实在太大。
As I said already in my videos, the higher developed star nations will not interfere with the education of the earth people. 正如我已经在我的视频里说过,更高发展的星际国家是不会打搅地球人民的教育过程的。
They just hold firmly the book in pretentious cultural style and regard it as sacred thing as if it were famous movie star. 他们只是附庸风雅地死抱着那本书,像崇拜明星似的将之视为圣品。
So when a magical night sinks over the town and a shooting star flies across the sky, Maria wishes for a miracle. 于是,当神奇的夜幕笼罩了城市,一颗流星划过天空,玛利亚祈祷出现奇迹。
The Cheyenne people tell of a Star Woman who fell from the heavens to the Earth. Out of her body all essential food grew. 夏安族人有一个恒星妇女的传说,据说她从天而降,所有精美的食物从她身上长出来。
Russell Crowe made it a family affair as he got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame yesterday. 罗素。克罗使其成为家庭的事情时,他得到了他的好莱坞星光大道上的昨天。
When I again, looking upward, the sky's star a bit more bright, as if the dark flashing eyes, the water sparkling. 当我再次仰头时,天空的星更亮了几分,仿佛黑夜里闪烁的大眼睛,水盈盈的。
Whereupon a portly Bangladeshi bustles through the doors and wedges himself inside as if he's performing a star jump. 即便如此,还有健硕的孟加拉人迅速破门而入,挤入人群,犹如上演纵身一跃。
Now she's not ashamed to say that she'd like to be a globally popular, multimillion-selling star. 现在的她,一点都不羞于想成为专辑销量有数百万的全球知名歌星。
Show your love is as wide as the universe by naming a star after your spouse. You'll always be able to see it glimmering. 以配偶的名字命名一颗星星,显示你的爱像宇宙一样广袤。你将永远看到它熠熠生辉。
Today, he continues to make at least one film a year and remains the world's number-one action star, never ceasing to amaze his audience! 今天,他继续拍一年至少一部电影,仍然是世界上的第一动作明星永远不会停止惊奇他的观众!
Gasol was an All-Star once before in 2006 with Memphis, but it was not such a grand time. 当年在孟菲斯,2006年前,枷锁一直都是一名全明星球员,但对枷锁来说,那不是一段美好的时光。
In this chapter, we are going to discuss the fate of a star with mass less than or about that of our Sun. 在这一章内,我们会讨论质量比太阳少或和太阳相若的恒星的命运。
Since the 1960s some theorists have floated the idea that when a massive star collapses into a black hole, it gives rise to a new universe. 自上世纪六十年代以来理论物理学家间流传着这样一种说法认为当大质量恒星塌陷为黑洞时,从中便诞生出了一个新的宇宙。