
美 [wɜrld]英 [wɜː(r)ld]
  • 网络世界音乐;国际;世间


whole world,outside world,real world,modern world,western world
see world,save world,create world,build world,enter world



地球;地球人the earth/its people

1.[sing]世界;地球;天下the earth, with all its countries, peoples and natural features

2.[c][ususing]某地域(或民族、历史时期等)的人类社会;世界a particular part of the earth; a particular group of countries or people; a particular period of history and the people of that period

另一颗行星another planet

3.[c](像地球的)星球,天体a planet like the earth

生命type of life

4.[c]按性质(或职业等)划分的类别;界;界别the people or things belonging to a particular group or connected with a particular interest, job, etc.

5.[ususing]某领域的一切事物;自然界everything that exists of a particular kind; a particular kind of life or existence

人生person's life

6.[sing]生活环境;阅历;生活圈子a person's environment, experiences, friends and family, etc.


7.[sing]社会;世情;世故;世人our society and the way people live and behave; the people in the world

8.[sing]尘世;世俗;世事;世情a way of life where possessions and physical pleasures are important, rather than spiritual values

人类的生存human existence

9.[sing]人世;今世;来世the state of human existence


半音阶口琴吧_百度贴吧 ... _影子 shadow 世界_ world _奇葩爱豆 RT ...


音乐排行榜 ... 流派: 摇滚 Rock 流派: 世界音乐 World 流派: 流行 Pop ...


龙腾网 ... 中国 China 国际 World 时政 Politics ...


英语四级W打头单词_百度文库 ... workshop n. 车间,工场;创作室 world n. 世界;世人;世间 world-wide a. 遍及全球的 ...


英语四级W打头单词_百度文库 ... workshop n. 车间,工场;创作室 world n. 世界;世人;世间 world-wide a. 遍及全球的 ...


Zhang Jie - Music, Songs, Albums ... The Day After Tomorrow( 明天过后) World( 天下) Beautiful sun( 最美的太阳) ...


英语常用词根表_百度文库 ... corn=horn“ 角” 词根 cosnt=world“ 世界,宇宙” 词根 crit=judge“ 判断” 词根 ...

Although the Senate did not follow the co - author with the box-office hit what World War II, "Li meters, " but quietly in the fire, Xinhua. 虽然没跟着与参合着打什么票房大战,可“李米”却静悄悄地在电里火了。
The girl is so interested in the physical world that she will no doubt be a great scientist. 那个女孩对物理世界非常感兴趣,毋庸置疑她将成为一个伟大的科学家。
I'd laugh, but it's kind of sad that this is where the world is heading. And i thought stupid law suits were an American phenomenon. 这很好笑。但也有些让人难过,世界竟然变成这样。以前我一直以为这种愚蠢的法律诉讼只是在美国才会发生。
This may be a sad reflection on the modern world, but it also provides aid agencies with a rare opportunity to help those in need. 也许这是现代生活的一种悲惨现象的反映,但它也为援助机构提供了极好的机会去帮助那些需要帮助的人。
the neighbor who respects his obligations and respects the sanctity of his agreements in and with a world of neighbors. 作为邻居尊重自己的义务和尊重与世界上其它国家的协议的神圣。
The world seems to be full of experts on my life who like to tell me what I should be doing. 这个世界似乎到处都是关于我生活的专家,他们总是试着告诫我“应该”做什么,“不应该”做什么。
I'm just a slob on the bus trying to make some sense of the world, just like you. 我和你一样,只是个坐在巴士上尝试着了解世情的懒虫吧。
They are interested in leisure travel, and we're just beginning to see a huge number of Chinese tourists travelling all over the world. 他们对高端旅游也非常有兴趣。这还只是中国人出国游的第一潮,今后我们会看到更多。
In coming years Room to Read expects to open an average of "30 libraries a week across the developing world" . 未来数年,RoomtoRead有望“在整个发展中世界平均每周开设30家图书馆”。
Lately we seem to have forgotten how essential that mission was to the rest of the world. 近年,我们似乎已忘记这一使命对世界其它地区是多么必要。
It has been a necessary trip around the business world for us to investigate this example of corruption. 集中探讨已经成为我们研究腐败案例通往经济领域的必经之路。
It is the furthest distance is you did not know what I love you stand before you and is not live and die in the world. 世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你
Since then, the accusations and the question of justice have been a preoccupation across Ireland and among Irish emigrants around the world. 自此,对司法的指责和怀疑就成了全爱尔兰以及全世界的爱尔兰移民的焦点。
The state attained by Alara-Kalama was that of a much higher formless world where physical matter no longer exists. 阿罗罗摩罗仙人达到的状态是比无定形的世界高得多,身体的物质不再存在。
And yet you know when it does your world will turn upside down! Your world as you know it has to be ready for this ultimate change . 但是你也知道当它做到了,你们的世界将从上到下反转!!你们的世界就如你们知道的,它必须准备好这最终极的转变。
His devotion to his wife and family in a world where ego and status can lead to a revolving door of playmates is admirable and refreshing. 对地位与自负充满诱惑的现今世界,他对妻子与家庭的忠诚挚爱真让人敬佩及耳目一新。
"It seems to be a pretty powerful opportunity for people around the world to connect with language partners, " he said. 它给世界各地的人与语言学习伙伴联系提供了很大的机会。
That we might have a financial situation where a possible default of Greece might have knock-on effects around the world as well. 希腊可能对其债务违约,这种财政状况也可能在全球产生连锁反应。
The virtue of such an approach was that America had much to gain in a world that lived by rules. 这种做法的好处是,在一个墨守成规的世界,美国可以获得大量的好处。
Our goal is to create a perfect blend of trade strategy and casual adventuring taking place in a complex imaginary yet trustworthy world. 我们的目标是要创造一个完美的交融贸易战略及休闲探险发生在一个复杂的假想敌,但可信的世界。
He said Haiti is one of many challenges now before world leaders. 潘基文指出,海地是世界领导人面临的许多挑战中的一个。
The end of World War II was a time of great drama and release for the nation as a whole. 对整个美国而言,二战的结束是一个欢动和如释重负的时刻。
Q | Facebook has enjoyed the media spotlight for over a year now, but it is still far from ruling the world. 一年来Facebook一直是媒体的焦点,但是它还不能统领整个世界。
He did not depict scenes from the world around him as they would appear after careful study or thoughtful analysis. 他们描绘来自周围世界的场景时,并不是将它们描绘成它们在认真仔细的研究和深思熟虑的分析之后将呈现的那样。
We are very proud to be able to provide art education to so many children here in Beijing, who come from all over the world. 我们为身处北京及来自全世界各地的孩子们提供专业的艺术教育,为此,我们深感自豪。
"This hunt for resources is going to consume large bodies of water around the world for at least the next couple of decades, " Mrs. 克林顿夫人在最近的一次采访中说:“至少在未来的几十年里,寻找资源将消耗全世界大量的水域。”
With so much bad debt out there - and no one really knows how much there is - banks around the world have become extremely risk-averse. 有这么多坏账——没人真正知道数字究竟有多大——全世界的银行开始变得不再愿意承担风险。
Indeed, their way of life is thought by many anthropologists to resemble quite closely that of pre-agricultural people throughout the world. 许多人类学家都认为他们的生活方式与世界其它地方进入农业社会之前的人类十分相似。
But even in the world of pop music, with the spirit of girl power behind it, the concept of feminism is often misapplied. 不过在流行乐坛,尽管有着女权运动的灵魂支撑,但是女权运动的概念常被误用。
His eyes glowed. There was a note of passion in his . "Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks? " 他双眸满是热情,声音饱含激情:“您知道您来到了世界上最好的袜店吗?”