
美 [ræp]英 [ræp]
  • v.包;用…包裹(或包扎、覆盖等);用…缠绕(或围紧);(使文字)换行
  • n.围巾;包裹(或包装)材料;停机
  • 网络外套;卷;披肩

过去式:wrapped 过去式:wrapt 现在分词:wrapping 第三人称单数:wraps

plastic wrap
wrap towel,paper wrap,wrap blanket,wrap bandage


v. n.

1.[t]~ sth (up) (in sth)包,裹(礼物等)to cover sth completely in paper or other material, for example when you are giving it as a present

2.[t]用…包裹(或包扎、覆盖等)to cover sth/sb in material, for example in order to protect it/them

3.[t]~ sth around/round sth/sb用…缠绕(或围紧)to put sth firmly around sth/sb

4.[t][i](使文字)换行to cause text to be carried over to a new line automatically as you reach the end of the previous line; to be carried over in this way


be wrapped up in sb/sth

专心致志于;全神贯注于;完全沉浸于to be so involved with sb/sth that you do not pay enough attention to other people or things


暗黑II代码对照表 - 帝睥流芒的日志 - 网易博客 ... COAT / 外袍 WRAP / 包裹 SUIT / 衣 ...


微表情 - flypig - 网易博客 ... 注释: note 外 套wrap 主导航: mainnav ...


高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... tough adj. 能耐劳的;坚韧的;困难的 wrap n.& vt. 包裹;缠绕 quilt n. 被褥;被子 ...


深圳小学英语单词表(英文1-7册)_百度文库 ... Sure 确定,肯定 100. Wrap 包装 111. Over 超过, 112. ...

PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... would 愿,想,要;总是,便会 wrap 裹,缠,,包 wrist 腕,腕关节 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... would aux.v. 将;愿;总是 wrap vt. 裹,包,捆 n.披肩 wreath n. 花环,花圈,花冠 ...

A charcoal silk cape looked as if it was made of bubble wrap. 一种竹炭丝斗篷看起来像是用泡沫做的似的。
All business logic should be in classes, and if you absolutely had to have code in your JSP page, you would wrap it up in a custom tag. 所有的商业逻辑都应该在类中,如果你确实需要在你的JSP页面中包含代码,你应该用自定义标签来包装它。
eg. Seeing Sticht was keeping him from his golf game, and he hoped they could wrap it up quickly. 去看望斯蒂克特让他打不成高尔夫球,他希望他们能赶快看完走人。
If I'm not especially interested in a candidate, I'm looking for opportunities to wrap the interview up -- not drawing it out. 如果我对某个应试者不是特别感兴趣,那么我会寻找机会结束面试--不会拖时间。
Pick the dandruff out of your eyes . . . and take that damned adagio and wrap it in a pair of flannel pants! 弄出你眼睛里的头皮屑……把那个见鬼的慢板裹在一条法兰绒裤子里!
It's very, very difficult to wrap up -- to speak at the end of a conference like this. 我知道作总结非常,非常难——特别是在这样一个会议的结尾。
Following a bubble bath you've prepared for her, wrap her in a towel that you've warmed up in the dryer. 和她一起洗完你准备的泡沫浴后,用烘干机加热好的毛巾来给她裹身子。
I love in a very quiet very quiet night, turned off the light and let silence wrap me, but afraid of the dark . . . 我喜欢在很静很静的深夜,关了灯让寂静把我包裹,却又害怕黑夜…
The innovative competences of the company also led to the early decision to invest in stretch-wrap film for agricultural applications. 对还导致尽早作出决定,投资拉伸农业应用的包装薄膜,该公司创新的权限。
We deal with the latest film types to produce the best fit and contour for your product and can wrap up to a maximum 12 " width. " 我们处理最新的薄膜,为您产品制造最适合的轮廓,最大可达12英寸宽度。
The next step is to wrap the database with a set of PHP classes that build the business logic for the application. 下一步,使用为应用程序构建逻辑的PHP类集打包数据库。
Now, I'll give "wrap" as the name for the ID to identify a control layer in the top-most layer, as shown in Listing 6. 现在,我将使用“wrap”作为ID的名称,用以识别最高的层上的控制层,如清单6所示。
Then he ordered his servants to bring costly coverings and wrap him in them, that the gnats might no longer be able to reach him. 然后,他命令他的仆人,使昂贵的覆盖,敷在他们他,蚊蚋可能不再能够找到他。
The curtains that wrap around the interior, and stop just a few inches above the beds, only give the perception of privacy. 玻璃房内部的窗帘只比床高出几英寸,只是象征性的保护隐私罢了。
He looked at him in silence, feeling Duo's invisible wings wrap over him. 他安静的看着对方,感觉到迪奥似乎有双看不见的翅膀正拥抱着他。
If I need 39 layers of bubble wrap, how much total would that be? 如果我需要包裹39层汽泡纸,那这些纸加起来得有多少呢?
Next we rinse the salmon under running cold water and then place it, skin down, on a sheet or two of plastic wrap. 然后,我们用冷水将马哈鱼冲干净,随后将其外皮朝下放在一层或两层塑料薄膜上。
Mr Budanov ordered his soldiers to wrap her in a blanket, put her in his armoured personal carrier and take her to his quarters. 布达诺夫命令他的手下将她用毯子包起来,装进他的私人装甲车中,然后带回他的处所。
The attempt to wrap up into "a" single "mistake" was a sour note in the genuine apology of a man who clearly knew he'd screwed up badly. 试图将其仅仅分装成“一个过错”——这个男人很清楚他的所作所为有多么恶劣——在他诚挚的道歉中,这听起来未免太过刺耳。
The girl stared at her legs, then screamed and ran away. Since that day, pants could no longer wrap her secrets inside. 从此,再长再漂亮的裤子也不能够把她的秘密藏住了。
This allows you to wrap and reuse any web page as a composable bit of functionality, in any other web page, which is a useful feature. 凭借这一点,开发者可以将任何Web页面包装起来并作为一个可重用的组合单元插入到其他页面中,该特性非常棒。
But, when you're trying to wrap cables a bit larger, like a USB or AC cable, you probably need something more sturdy. 但是,当你打算装更长一点的线时,如USB线或者AC线,这时你可能就需要其它更结实的装备了。
The result can wrap itself around an object with a movement that strikingly resembles that of the original. 实验结果表明,人造触手能将一个物体包裹起来,其运动方式与真章鱼有着惊人的相似之处。
A recent report by WRAP and WWF examined how much water is wasted in the UK when food is thrown away. 英国废物与资源行动计划(WRAP)和世界自然基金会(WWF)的报告检测了在英国当食品被丢弃时有多少水被浪费。
Easy to identify: transparent plastic wrap easy to see inside your food, easy to identify, convenient pick up. 便于辨别:透明保鲜膜便于你查看器内食物,易辨别,方便拿取。
Sounds like another ridiculous fad to me. I suppose you've got to wrap yourself in cellophane and sit in a sauna! 又是一个荒谬的时髦。我觉得你应该把自己包在玻璃纸里,然后去蒸桑拿!
You could wrap that object, presumably in some of this material. The light would bend around it, and the object would seem to disappear. 比方说你可以将一个物体包裹在某种弹性材料里,光线经过时便会转弯,看起来就像物体消失了一样。
It's easy to apply the cuff to your arm without any assistance -- simply wrap the cuff around your arm and press start. 很容易把你的手臂袖口无任何援助--你干脆裹袖左右手臂和新闻界开始。
Hold one end of the Measuring Tape over the plug, then wrap around the ball's circumference until the ends meet. 将测量带的一头覆盖住塞子,然后用另一头绕球一圈直至两头相接。
Notepad also has the facility to wrap your HTML text over to the next line, making it easy to read and edit. 记事本还可以贴切的启动换行您HTML文本在下一行对齐,使它容易读和编辑。