fresh start

  • 网络新的开始;重新开始;以重新开始

fresh startfresh start

fresh start


Avatar 阿凡达 看电影学英语 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... -Norm:About 520 hours. 大约520个小时。 fresh start: 新的开始 pay: 工资 ...


  如果说重新开始fresh start)[13]是消费者破产理论的核心,那么“绝对优先原则” (absolute priority rule)就是企业破产理论 …


  在个人破产免责制度下,债务人是直接的受益者:允许个人破产能够给债务人以重新开始(fresh start)的机会。通过个人破产程 …


F ... ... fragmentation( 分段) fresh start全新启动) fully qualified domain name( 全限定域名) ...


两者均表示崭新的开端fresh start)。这正是宪政主义者对制宪权噤若寒蝉的原因。


fresh weight - ... fresh fruit n 新鲜水果 n fresh start n 重新开始,全新开始 n (a new idea ) 比喻 ...

The beginning of a year is the perfect place for a fresh start. 每年的年初都是重新开始的好时候。
Let me get back to the pass, to take a fresh start and love her once more. 让我可以回到以前,重新开始,再爱她一次…
All this voting gives Haitians the chance of a fresh start, but it has also diverted resources from other priorities. 所有这些选举让海地人迎来了重新开始的机会,但它也转移了其它优先事务上的资源。
Daniel Agger has dropped a heavy hint he is ready to quit Liverpool, with Juventus ready to offer him the fresh start he feels he may need. 丹尼尔·阿格扔下了一枚重磅炸弹,基于尤文图斯能提供给他所需要的首发位置,他考虑离开利物浦加盟斑马军团。
Stoke boss Pulis is ready to move for the Brazil international and offer him a fresh start at the Britannia Stadium. 斯托克城教练帕利斯着手于挖到这位巴西国脚,希望他能够在不列颠尼亚球场获得新生。
I feel like it's a fresh start for me, and I thank these guys for giving me a chance to get back on tract with my basketball career. 我觉得这对我来说,是一个崭新的开始,还有,我要感谢那些帮助我,并给我重返我的篮球生涯机会的人们。
High-level executive changes could offer the company a chance at a fresh start with customers and regulators, analysts said. 分析人士说,高层行政人员变动也许能给沃尔玛提供一个与顾客和监管者重新打交道的机会。
Tomorrow's new moon could bring a fresh start to one of those relationships or help you to attract a new partner. 明天的新月将是那些关系的新起点或帮助你吸引到新的合作伙伴。
You are being given a fresh start, but it's up to you to follow your dream. 您正在给一个新的开始,但就看你跟随你的梦想。
Once or twice he fell to Tom's promises of amendment and gave him considerable sums in order that he might make a fresh start. 有一两次,他轻信了汤姆表示悔改的许诺,给了他数量相当可观的钱,让他弃旧图新。
The party's chairman, Michael Steele, said at the end of campaigning Republicans are hoping for a "fresh start with the American people. " 共和党全国委员会的主席斯蒂尔在竞选结束的时候表示,共和党人希望“与美国人民有一个新的开始”。
For young men and women who grew up in a small town or village, making a fresh start often seems easy. 对于在小城镇或农村长大的年轻男女而言,白手起家通常似乎相对容易。
He picked it all to pieces and turned the ruin over and over under his glass; and then he fixed it, and gave it a fresh start. 他把表拆得四分五裂,把坏掉的部分放在眼镜下一遍遍地翻动;然后他修好了表,给了它一个全新的开始。
Asked about how Anthony was paying for her fresh start, Mason replied that many volunteers have offered their help. 当被问及如何安东尼被她重新开始支付,梅森回答说,很多志愿者们提供了他们的帮助。
But experiencing failure can be a learning experience and an opportunity for a fresh start. 但经历失败也可以是一次学习的经历和一次重新开始的机会。
Atom (see my recent article on the topic) was an attempt at a fresh start for RSS, but in practice it just adds another option. Atom(请参阅我最近撰写的相关文章)本来希望给RSS一个全新的面貌,但实际上仅仅增加了一种选择。
You may make a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down. 你可以选择某个时刻从头开始,因为我们所说的“失败”不是倒下,而是屈身蹲下。
The election of Barack Obama and his administration's focus on Afghanistan and Pakistan has led to another attempt at making a fresh start. 奥巴马当选和新政府重新将重心放在阿富汗和巴基斯坦的定位开始了一次全新的尝试。
You know, Albert was released from prison yesterday. He had been there for 10 years. Maybe he'll reform himself and make a fresh start. 你知道吗,爱伯特昨天从监狱被释放出来了。他被关了10年,也许他会改过自新,重新做人。
"The 1000th picture is that of a smiling baby, signifying a fresh start of our activity, " Hou says. “第1000张照片,来自于一个微笑的婴儿,标志着我们活动一个新的开始,”侯海洋说。
The market lived up to the hopes of many analysts that it would have a fresh start in the new year after a horrific 2008. 糟糕的08年过去后的股市表现达到了许多认为新年新开始的分析员们的期望值。
The humanity returned to the sky-blue Earth finally, has made a fresh start the happy life. 人类终于回到了蔚蓝色的地球,重新开始了美好的生活。
This energy will bring a fresh start and ideas that have to do with publishing, higher learning, the legal system, or internationalism . 产生的能量将给你带来全新的开始,以及带来与出版、高等教育、法律系统或国际主义的想法。
So join me. Clean off your desk, and you'll feel ready to face 2012 with a fresh start. 大家跟我一起来吧。清理你的办公桌。以崭新的面貌迎接2012年吧。
After Tommy transferred to a new school, he was able to make a fresh start. 在汤米转到新学校了,他才能够有一个全新的开始。
He lost a loved his people, and you do not lose one person you love, but get a fresh start in life, to love the opportunity. 他失去的是一个爱他的人,而你失去了一个不爱你的人,却得到了一个重新生活,重新去爱的机会。
As I readied for a fresh start in upstate New York it was hard to contain my excitement. 当时我正准备到纽约上州上大学迎接全新的开始,真是很难抑制自己的兴奋心情。
When it comes to losing weight, the New Year is a time to get a fresh start, a "do-over" for our past dieting mistakes. 说到减肥,新年是重新开始的好时机,一个更正我们过去饮食错误的时机。
Novruz means "new day" and is the start of the New Year in the Iranian calendar, welcoming spring, new life and a fresh start. Novruz意指『新的一天』,在伊朗历中是新年的开始,欢庆春天、新生命和新开始的到来。
Adu failed to impress the staff in Portugal, but now has the chance of a fresh start in the French principality . 阿杜没能打动葡萄牙的教练,但是现在在法国有了一个重新开始的机会。