fortune 500

fortune 500fortune 500

fortune 500

Profits were up and, thanks to its sales, the company once again climbed to the top of the Fortune 500. 利润增加,而且由于销售额增长,该公司再次攀升至《财富》500强的冠军。
As a Fortune 500 company with over 120 years of history, PPG regards its responsibility to society as one of its key company values. 作为拥有120多年历史的企业,PPG始终积极承担其企业社会责任,并把企业社会责任作为公司的价值观之一。
It had been put together by lawyers and executives who supervised investigations at Fortune 500 companies. 这本册子是由监督财富500强企业进行内部调查的律师和高管编撰而成。
The Fortune 500 doesn't merely have lots of money, it concentrates lots of money where it's relatively easy to get at. 财富500强企业并非只有很多钱,集中了很多钱的地方比较容易得到的。
In her last post, Joyce suggested that you examine where the heads of Fortune 500 companies completed their undergraduate studies. 在上一篇文章中,Joyce建议大家看一看财富500强的公司老大们的本科都是在哪里读的。
In the nineteen-eighties , companies moved in and out of the Fortune 500 twice as fast as they had in the fifties and sixties . 在二十世纪八十年代,公司进出财富五百强企业排名的变化频率是五六十年代时的两倍。
This would be a significant turn of events -- Fannie and Freddie lost more money than any other Fortune 500 company in 2009. 这将是一个重大的事件转折点——2009年房利美和房地美的亏损额超过了《财富》美国500强中的其他任何公司。
Linda was an elegant powerbroker in Silicon Valley helping finance many high tech startups, most who became part of the Fortune 500. 琳达在硅谷是一位端庄的超级经纪人,帮助许多高科技的小公司寻找资金。这些当年的小公司现在很多都上了财富500强的名单。
IT'S the kind of job a business major might dream about: marketing executive for a Fortune 500 medical supplies company. 这也许是商学专业学生梦寐以求的工作:担任一家财富500强医疗用品公司的销售主管。
The cutbacks come as Harley (HOG, Fortune 500) scales back in the face of a sharply shrinking market. 哈雷公司此次裁员和减薪行为,正是为了应对市场的急剧缩水。
That attitude resulted in a company that looks entirely different to almost any other modern Fortune 500 company. 这种观点导致了一个公司,其看起来和其他几乎所有的现代世界500强公司完全不同。
Th, sets up the word fortune good faith enterprise 500 strong appraisal committees. 二十八、设立世界财富诚信企业500强评审委员会。
Its share of the joint ventures with GM and VW was enough to place it in the Fortune 500 back in 2004. 放在2004年,仅凭在与通用和大众的合资中所占份额,它就足以进入《财富》500强。
"Fortune" 500 more than half of the company's application competent quality model for human resource development. 《财富》500强已有超过半数的公司应用胜任素质模型进行人力资源开发。
You may not be able to build a $50 billion fortune, but there are plenty of ways you can be your own Warren Buffett. 你也许无法积累500亿美元的财富,但有许多方法可以让你成为自己的沃伦•巴菲特。
Mr. Feng used to be the Project Director, Industrial Director, and General Man-ager in several Fortune 500 companies. 授课咨询师在多家财富500强企业中担任过项目总监、工业总监、总经理。
If you're unwilling to completely leave the field of IT, you could step down from that fortune 500 position and join a much smaller company. 如果你不愿意完全离开IT领域的话,你可以辞去在世界五百强公司的职位,然后加入一个小很多的公司。
Our clients include Fortune 500 companies and multinationals who seek us out for our extensive experience and hospitality expertise. 我们创新和打造品牌的丰富的专业经验备受一些世界500强公司和跨国公司在内的客户认可。
Still, shares of Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) rose 4% after hours, as the company performed roughly in-line with expectations. 然而,因为公司收入基本和预期持平,微软的股票在几个小时之后上升了4%。
Back in January, Amazon (AMZN, Fortune 500) reported that its own e-book sales topped paperbacks. 在一月份,亚马逊(世界500强)报道它的电子图书销售额已经超越了平装版书籍。
Situated in the prime commercial area of Pudong's Jinqiao Export Processing Zone with Fortune 500 companies around the surrounding area. 坐落于上海最重要的商贸区之一的浦东金桥出口加工区,周边有众多全球500强企业。
Chinese language skills would be a benefit but are not essential as target audience is primarily fortune 500 companies. 中文语言能力是个加分,但不是最主要的因为目标受众是《财富》杂志的500强公司。
Akamai tried to reinvent itself as an Internet services supplier to the Fortune 500 - big, stable companies that pay their bills. Akamai尝试将自己重塑成网络服务提供者,为财富五百强名单上那些稳定的大公司服务。
For instance: 88 of the companies on the Fortune Global 100 list update their Twitter accounts at least daily. 例如:《财富》杂志(Fortune)全球500强中前100位的公司,有88家至少每天都在更新其Twitter账户。
If you're applying to a Fortune 500 company, the process as a whole may take longer than at a small business. 如果你申请的是一家财富500强公司,那么整个过程也许比一家小企业要长。
On a recent afternoon he allowed his flatbed Ford (F, Fortune 500) to creep near the edge of a cliff. 最近的一个下午,他开着自己的福特小卡(F,财富500型)在悬崖绝壁旁蹒跚而行。
cn MICHELIN Group, one of the top Fortune 500 companies, is the world leader in tire technology and innovation. 米其林是世界500强企业之一,全球轮胎业的领导者。
As an additional service to customers, Infegy rates a number of Fortune 500 companies and top brands across the web. 作为附加服务,Infegy对很多世界五百强企业和顶级网络公司进行评价。
Earlier this year, Motorola's consumer products business split from its public safety business, Motorola Solutions (MSI, Fortune 500). 之前其一直叫摩托罗拉,今年早些时候,摩托罗拉个人消费产品事务从其公共安全事务——摩托罗拉解决方案分离出来。
At that size, if the iPad were a stand-alone company, it would rank within the top third of the Fortune 500. 要是iPad是一个独立的公司的话,这个销售额会使它跻身世界500强的前三名。