
美 [ˈθʌrə]英 ['θʌrə]
  • adj.彻底的;完全的;深入的;细致的
  • n.【英史】(如英王查理一世实行的)专横政策
  • prep.〈古〉同“through”
  • 网络详尽的;周全;周密

thorough investigation,thorough analysis,thorough examination,thorough search,thorough check


1.彻底的;完全的;深入的;细致的done completely; with great attention to detail

2.[nubn]仔细周到;工作缜密doing things very carefully and with great attention to detail

3.(informal)十足的;彻头彻尾的;完完全全的used to emphasize how bad or annoying sb/sth is


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... this a.& pron. 这,这个 thorough a. 彻底的 though conj. 虽然,可是 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... thorn 刺 thorough 完全的 those 那些 ...


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热烈庆祝舟山订房网成立四周年 - 舟山订房网 ... Comfort 舒适 Thorough 周全 Reliable 可靠 ...


真题网 - 考研英语高频词汇 ... tempt vt.. 吸引;引诱,诱惑 thorough a. 彻底的,完全的;精心的 thrive vi. 兴旺,繁荣 ...


周字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 周龄〖 yearling〗 周密thorough;careful;mediculous〗 周末〖 weekend〗 ...


金昌疯狂英语_新浪博客 ... 珍爱 cherish,treasure 全面的,彻底的 thorough 解释 account for ...

It will take at least a year for it to do a thorough, therapeutic job. 要彻底调查、修复裂痕至少需要一年的时间。
A thorough manual on the basics of film production, Shot by Shot is often listed on many a film class's syllabus. 一个由电影制作手册铅球彻底的基本知识,往往是上市铅球许多电影类的课程。
The third chapter of a sound social theory through the thorough research, trying to excavate the root of social theory ideas sound. 第四章经过对健全社会理论的深入研究,试图挖掘健全社会理论构想的根源。
At this point, all the hardest work of a paper is behind a writer. The research. The writing. The thorough and formal citation. 在此刻,论文作者已经完成了所有最困难的步骤。研究已完成、论文已写好、引用资料也按照规定格式加注。
On account of the richness of a poetics, a complete and thorough investigation would be too ideal to be true. 鉴于诗学本身含义丰富,要进行精确而全面的研究无疑不切实际。
Yes, I 'd rather you keep it a few days and give it a thorough overhaul . 是的,这宁可把它在你这儿放几天,给它彻底检修一下。
Keep neatness in the office. Clean the desktop and floor once a day. Make a thorough clearing once a week. 保持办公室内整洁。每天打扫一次办公桌面、地面,每周彻底清扫一次卫生。
More questions would be added to make this a more thorough evaluation, but this is enough to let me get to the point. 要进行全面的评估,可能还需要添加更多的问题,但这已经足够了解基本的情况。
Don't be eager to judge whether a person is beautiful or not without a thorough understanding of him. 是不是热切判断没有详尽的理解对他,是否人美丽。
I leave you all to think If such a little chink Could to a rabbit give protection thorough. 你完全想象得到,那样的小洞根本不可能保护兔子。
To sum it up: The Citroen C5 is an elegantly designed mid-range car that impresses with its appearance and thorough workmanship. 总体说来,雪铁龙C5以优雅的外观和精湛的工艺给我留下了很深的印象。
The more tangible benefits have been a deeper insight into architecture and working of microprocessors and thorough C-programming skills. 我深入探讨了微处理器的结构、工作方式,以及C语言编程技术,因此对微处理器有了更直观的了解。
If the boss forwards your resume, a hiring manager is likely to give it a more thorough read than the 10 seconds HR may spend on it. 假如是老板转发的你的简历,那么招聘经理在看简历时,肯定会比人力资源部的十秒扫过式仔细认真得多。
Armed with that information, regulators might be able to do a more thorough postmortem next time the Dow takes a plunge. 与该信息匹配,监管机构或许可以在下一次道指暴跌后做一个更彻底的检讨。
Beginning with the commodity, the simplest element of capitalism, he made a thorough study of the economic structure of capitalist society. 他从资本主义最单纯的因素——商品开始,周密地研究了资本主义社会的经济结构。
While these reports are helpful, I don't feel they are nearly thorough enough to be solely relied upon to make a decision to close or not. 虽然这些报告是非常有用,我感觉他们并不全面到足以单靠这个报告而做出交易决定。
Brisbane, who entered upon office in 1821, was a fine old soldier, a thorough gentleman, honourable and upright in all his ways. 1821年上任的布里斯班曾是一名优秀的老兵,一个十足的绅士,在所有方面都正直诚实。
Careful, slow and thorough about all that you do, at times you are also willful and stubborn when others try to alter your course. 小心,缓慢,彻底所有的,你这样做,有时你也故意和顽固,当别人想改变你的方向。
The company was undertaking a thorough review of its service and believed it had addressed most of the problems, it said. 谷歌表示,该公司正在全面重审自己提供的服务,并认为已经解决了多数问题。
When she told me what I do not love you, I really feel like a monkey, like to be thorough from start to finish to tell her. 当她说出我不爱你了的时候,我真的感觉自己好象一只猴一样,从头到尾彻彻底底被她给耍了。
I feel a thorough, But let me the most sad thing, just a few days, you do not-for-you girlfriend. 我是如此的彻底,但是让我伤心的是就在几天前,你有了新的女友。
The book uses Visual C++ programming, program examples of rich, thorough explanation, source code comments clear, easy to understand. 全书使用VisualC++编程,程序实例丰富,讲解透彻,源代码注释清晰,容易理解。
If you want to be thorough, do this for a week, and calculate the percentage of your total time that you spent on each type of activity. 假如想把这事做彻底,可以持续做上一周,再计算你在每类活动中耗费的时间占总时间的百分比。
Mo likened censorship to the thorough security procedures he had to go through at the airport on his way to Stockholm. 莫言把审查比作在去斯德哥尔摩的途中他不得不通过的机场全面的安全程序。
A man woke up one morning feeling under the weather. He decided to go see his doctor. The doctor gave him a thorough examination. 一天早上,一位男士醒来时感觉不舒服。于是他决定区看医生。医生给他做了一次彻底的检查。
Note: If you're interested in a thorough guide of how I built this blog and business to allow me to quit my job, please let me know. 注:如果你对如何建立博客的详细指导或者使我能够大胆辞职的事业有兴趣,请告知我。如果有足够多的人感兴趣的话,我将考虑写一本关于这个的电子书。
She said the suspension would allow for a thorough examination of the safety standards of the county's 17 nuclear power plants. 她说,这一搁置计划将使得德国能够对该国17家核电站的安全标准进行彻底检查。
A more thorough consideration of the nature of cause would have shown that Jacobi did not by this means gain what he intended. 因此,只需要对原因的性质进行透彻的考察,就可以看出,他这种办法没有达到他的意图。
He is not to put too fine a point on it, a thorough scoundrel. 说得不客气一点,他是个彻头彻尾的无赖。
A person may have a thorough knowledge of his subject, and yet unable to get it over to an audience. 一个人或许对他的专业了解得很彻底,可他却不能对别人解释清楚。