
美 [treɪl]英 [treɪl]
  • v.跟踪;追踪;(被)拖;磨蹭
  • n.小径;路径;踪迹;足迹
  • 网络痕迹;轨迹;小路

第三人称单数:trails 现在分词:trailing 过去式:trailed

leave trail,follow trail,hit trail


n. v.

1.(长串的)痕迹,踪迹,足迹a long line or series of marks that is left by sb/sth

2.(尤指打猎时跟踪的)踪迹,足迹,臭迹a track, sign or smell that is left behind and that can be followed, especially in hunting

3.(乡间的)小路,小径a path through the countryside

4.(特定)路线,路径a route that is followed for a particular purpose


【免费下载】考研英语词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... case n. 情况 trail n. 踪迹,痕迹 milestone n. 里程碑 ...


【免费下载】考研英语词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... case n. 情况 trail n. 踪迹,痕迹 milestone n. 里程碑 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... street( 街道,马路); trail小径); track( 轨道,踪迹); ...


AE菜单英文翻译_百度文库 ... 2.12 T_PseudoColour (变色) 2.13 T_Trail轨迹) 2.14 T_Bars (彩条) ...


高中英语(1—3册)单词速记及句型精练 doc--预览 ... rail 铁轨' trail 小路;小径; detail 细节' ...


专业四级语法词汇练习 - 翻译硕士 考研论坛 ... trace 意为“痕迹,遗迹”; trail 意为“踪迹;臭迹;足迹”; touch 意为“接触”。 ...


托福听力真题词汇 历史(17)_教育城外语网 ... 28.treacherous 危险地 29.trail 小道 1.continue 继续 ...


新视野大学英语单词表_百度文库 ... crack 爆裂声,使 破裂 trail 无精打采的走,跟踪 overcome 克服,战胜 ...

In just a few weeks, members will be back out on the campaign trail, emphasizing the differences between the two parties. 在仅仅几个星期内,议员们将退出竞选跟踪活动,不再着重于两党的差别。
The night brought snow and we woke up the next day to see a caravan of yaks and Tibetan pilgrims passing by on the snow dusted trail. 那晚下雪了,我们第二天早上醒来,就看见了牦牛大篷车和西藏朝圣者穿过雪地的痕迹。
By that we mean that we want to see a clear paper trail, supported by original documents, showing where the money originated from. 这意味着我们需要查看清楚的相关记录,并要提供原始文件,显示资金的原始来源。
But the next day, Kathleen brought Mark to the bottom of a hill, where there was a trail they could follow all the way up. 但是隔天,凯萨琳带著马克来到山坡下,那里有一条小径直达山坡上。
He trusted that it would serve as a marked trail for Hem to follow through the Maze, if he chose to leave Cheese Station C. 他相信如果哼哼决定离开奶酪C站的话,这就是留给哼哼的路标,能帮助哼哼穿过迷宫。
With that he put it back into the clear water, and the flounder disappeared to the bottom, leaving a long trail of blood behind him. 说着,他就把比目鱼放回清澈的水里。比目鱼立刻就游走了,身后留下一条长长的血痕。
At times, boosted by hopes, she appeared to be on the right trail with a sense of disgust, but her hopes were dashed at the final moment. 有时,尽管感到有些厌烦,由于希望的驱使,她还是加入到搜寻线索的行列,但她的希望都在最后时刻破灭了。
"Kevin and I will have a chat in coming days, and I would welcome him on the campaign trail, " she said. “我和克文将在未来几天内好好谈谈,我会欢迎他加入竞选活动,”她表示。
There was a thin ribbon of a trail that led through the forest here, or I wouldn't risk wandering on my own like this. 一条窄窄的羊肠小道穿过密林延伸到这里,否则我不会冒着让自己迷路的风险走到这里来。
Silver wings in a fiery sky Show the trail of my love and I Sing to you, Love is what I bring to you. 炽热天空中翱翔的银色飞翼拖曳着我爱你的轨迹我为你而唱那份爱正是我要带来给你的。
There was a man, however, who watched her every night as she walked home on a small trail through the shallow forest. 然而,却有这么个男人,总是天天晚上看着她从树林中的小路走回家。
You won't stop, I know, as long as you can trail round in a white gown with your hair down, and wear gold-paper jewelry. 你不会停止的,我知道,只要你能够披下头发,戴上金纸做的珠宝,身披白长裙摇曳而行,你就不会的。
When your correspondent stumbled across him on the campaign trail, voters behaved as if they were in the presence of a pop star. 当你的记者偶然发现他在竞选,选民表现的好象一个流行明星的粉丝。
In those cases we need to see a paper trail history of original documents showing the origins of that money. 在这些情况下,我们需要看到证明存款来源的原始存根记录。
The gamblers and risk-takers turned south on the California Trail over the Sierra Nevada, ready to strike it big or not at all. 而赌徒和冒险家却在岔路口拐向南方走上了加州小道,翻越内华达山脉,准备好要么发大财要么一无所有。
It was an improvement on the embarrassing 37 he had rolled during a stop on the presidential campaign trail a year ago. 这与一年前他在总统竞选期间只得到37分的糟糕成绩相比可谓进步不小。
The dog that had laid this trail, if dog it was, would have to be a wild and hungry one to be out in such a rain. 留下这些足迹的野狗(如果它是狗的话),既然会冒这么大的雨出来,想必是只饥饿而野性十足的狗。
Dana Bash take us out on the campaign trail that look like a money trail, to see how much being spent, and where's all coming from. DanaBash带我们详细看一下竞选的费用问题,看一下总共需要花费多少,以及这些资金来自何处。
Well, he finally went his way, down the hill and up the deer trail. 它终于走了,走下山坡,沿着那条小径走上去。
Haw knew he had left a trail for Hem and that he could find his way, if he could just read The Handwriting On The Wall. 唧唧知道自己已经给哼哼留下了足够的标记,只要他能够迈出第一步,读到墙上的字迹,他就会找到出路。
No matter what animal passes, it leaves behind it a trail of clues, which only the most experienced tribe man can read. 不管什么样的动物走过,都会留下一串线索,这些线索只有最有经验的部落人员才能读懂。
Rather, the leader is at the front of the pack, forging ahead of the rest and blazing a trail. 相反地,领导者走在队伍的前方,迅速领先其他人,成为开路先锋。
They soon found walking sticks. I laughed as I watched Wes lurching along the trail ahead of me struggling with all his gear. 韦斯带着他的全部装备在我前面费劲地沿山道蹒跚而行,看见此景我笑了起来。
Whether it's being able to get to the superstore in under five minutes, or seeing if I can run the length of the local cycle trail. 看看是我能否在5分钟内赶到超市,或能否跑完当地的自行车道。
The Pentagon has said an aircraft, not a missile, was the probable cause of a condensation trail off the coast of California on Monday. 五角大楼报道:星期一,可能是一个飞行器――不是导弹――在加利福尼亚近海岸引起了一道凝结尾迹。
The polonium itself, with its rarity and trail of irradiated locations (see article) ought to be a telling clue. 由于钋本身稀有且所过之处留下的放射可被追踪(另见他文),应该能成为发掘信息的线索。
The cynics will tell you that she is back on the campaign trail with an eye on her legacy and maybe even her political future. 批评人士会对你说,希拉里还是处于竞选的状态,也许希望留下政治遗产,也有可能着眼于未来。
Stories about grievances have been told since the beginning of mankind. Like K D Lang's celebrated song Trail of Broken Hearts. 自从有了人类,就有了抱怨的故事,就像KDLang的著名歌曲“心碎的痕迹”表达的那样。
'You are going to see a lot more of her on the campaign trail, ' he said in an interview on ITV PLC. “你会在竞选活动中更多地看到她,”卡梅隆在接受ITVPLC的采访时表示。
With the only strength left in her, she managed to get up and shuffled feebly to the end point with drops of blood along her trail. 她用身上仅剩的力气,挣扎着站起来,一步步走向终点,路上是一滴滴的鲜血。