
美 [taɪm]英 [taɪm]
  • n.时间;时候;次;时代
  • v.计时;为…安排时间;选择…的时机;测定…所需的时间
  • 网络时代周刊(Timemagazine);时代杂志;时光

复数:times 现在分词:timing 过去式:timed

same time,free time,hard time,difficult time,proper time
take time,spend time,spare time,waste time,time come


n. v.

分钟、小时、年等minutes/hours/years, etc.

1.[u](以分钟、小时、天等计量的)时间what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc.

2.[u](钟表所显示的)时间,钟点,时刻the time shown on a clock in minutes and hours

3.[u](世界某一地区所计量的)时,时间the time measured in a particular part of the world

4.[u][c](某事发生或应该发生的)时间,时候the time when sth happens or when sth should happen


5.[u]~ (to do sth)一段时间;(可用于工作、休息等的)一段时间an amount of time; the amount of time available to work, rest, etc.

6.[sing](或长或短的)一段时间a period of time, either long or short, during which you do sth or sth happens

7.[u][pl]时期;时代;年代;世道a period of history connected with particular events or experiences in people's lives


8.[c]次;回an occasion when you do sth or when sth happens

9.[c](以某种方式经历的)事件,时刻an event or occasion that you experience in a particular way

赛跑for race

10.[c][u](完成赛跑或竞赛项目的)所用时间how long sb takes to run a race or complete an event

音乐in music

11.[u]拍子;节拍the number of beats in a bar/measure of music

12.[u](乐曲正确的)速度,节奏the correct speed and rhythm of a piece of music


(and) about time (too)|(and) not before time

早该发生;早该如此used to say that sth should have happened before now

against time

争分夺秒;抢时间if you do sthagainst time , you do it as fast as you can because you do not have much time

ahead of/behind time

提前;拖后earlier/later than was expected

ahead of your time

超越时代的;有超前意识的;具有前瞻性的having advanced or new ideas that other people use or copy later

all the time|the whole time

(在某段时间内)一直,始终during the whole of a particular period of time

at all times


at the best of times

即使在最好的情况下even when the circumstances are very good

at the same time

同时;一起at one time; together

at a time

每次;逐一;依次separately or in groups of two, three, etc. on each occasion

at my, your, his, etc. time of life

在…这样的年纪(尤指不年轻时)at the age you are (especially when you are not young)

at times


before my, your, his, etc. time

在…出生(或记事、在世、工作等)之前happening before you were born or can remember or before you lived, worked, etc. somewhere

behind the times

(思想、方法等)落伍,过时,陈旧old-fashioned in your ideas, methods, etc.

do time

坐牢;蹲监狱to spend time in prison

every time

无论何时;一有机会whenever there is a choice

for the time being

暂时;眼下for a short period of time but not permanently

from time to time

不时;有时;偶尔;间或occasionally but not regularly

have a lot of time for sb/sth

喜欢;对…感兴趣;愿意为…花时间to like and be interested in sb/sth

have no time for sb/sth|not have much time for sb/sth

不喜欢;讨厌;不愿为…花时间to dislike sb/sth

have the time of your life

过得很快乐;玩得痛快to enjoy yourself very much

have time on your hands|have time to kill

无所事事;没事可干;闲着to have nothing to do or not be busy

in good time

及早;有足够的时间early; with enough time so that you are not in a hurry

(all) in good time

会按时做(或出现);不消多久used to say that sth will be done or will happen at the appropriate time and not before

in (less than/next to) no time

短暂(或快)得令人吃惊;立刻;马上;一会儿so soon or so quickly that it is surprising

in time

经过一段时间之后;迟早;最后;终于after a period of time when a situation has changed

in time (for sth/to do sth)

来得及;及时not late; with enough time to be able to do sth

in your own (good) time

在准备停当时when you are ready and not sooner

in your own time

在业余时间;在空闲时in your free time and not when you usually work or study

its about/high time

差不多╱现在是…的时候了used to say that you think sb should do sth soon

keep up/move with the times

跟上时代;跟着潮流to change and develop your ideas, way of working, etc. so that you do what is modern and what is expected

make good, etc. time

在路上花的时间很短to complete a journey quickly

many a time|manys the time (that)…

多次;常常;屡屡many times; frequently

nine times out of ten|ninety-nine times out of a hundred

十有八九;几乎总是used to say that sth is usually true or almost always happens

(and) not before time

not give sb the time of day

对某人厌弃不睬to refuse to speak to sb because you do not like or respect them

(there is) no time like the present

现在是做…的最佳时机;现在不做更待何时now is the best time to do sth, not in the future

of all time

自古以来;有史以来;从未有过that has ever existed

take your time (over sth)|take your time to do sth/doing sth

从容不迫;慢慢来to use as much time as you need without hurrying

take time out

抽出时间(暂停工作或活动);忙里偷闲to spend some time away from your usual work or activity in order to rest or do sth else instead

time after time|time and (time) again

一次又一次;一再;屡屡;总是often; on many or all occasions

time and a half

通常工资的一倍半one and a half times the usual rate of pay

time flies

时间过得真快;光阴似箭;时光飞逝time seems to pass very quickly

time is money

时间就是金钱;一寸光阴一寸金time is valuable, and should not be wasted

time is on your side

有的是时间(等待某事发生或做某事)used to say that sb can wait for sth to happen or can wait before doing sth

(the) next, first, second, etc. time round

同样的事情下次(或第一次等)发生时on the next, first, etc. occasion that the same thing happens

time was (when)…

曾经有那么个时候…;那年头…used to say that sth used to happen in the past

time (alone) will tell|only time will tell

(只有)时间会证明used to say that you will have to wait for some time to find out the result of a situation

the whole time


CSS参考手册v4.0.1_web前端开发参考手册系列 ... 角度( Angle) 时间( Time) 频率( Frequency) ...


时代华纳集团不仅拥有时代Time)、财富(Fortune)、人物(People)等杂志,更拥有华纳旗下的电影、唱片公司;默多克 …


美国时代周刊(Time)评出的20世纪对世界影响最大的100位名人 其中的20位英雄&偶像(Heroes & Icons)和20位艺术家&娱乐明 …


时代杂志的中国经验 前一期的时代杂志 (Time) 做了这一个世纪前十年重要新间的回顾,以及我们应该学到的教训。 它选的中 …

人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... twice adv. 两次 time n. ,次数 surf v. 在…冲浪 ...


字典中 光 字的解释 ... (6) 荣耀;昭著[ honor;glory] (8) 光阴,时光[ time] (10) 景色[ scenery] ...


英语单词音标(小学) ... this afternoon 今天下午 time 时候 what time? 什么时候? ...

They stood there, for a long, long time, watching how the breezes carried the boat around the pond. 他们站在那里,站了很长一段时间,看着那只小船乘着轻风在池塘中绕行。
For Keith, no one else could know how much acceptance he was capable of or how time would affect his process. 对Keith来说,只有他自己能明白最终可以接受到什么样的地步,或者时间将会如何影响这个接受的过程。
He said at the time he wanted to revisit the issue, but Cantor accused Obama of flip-flopping on his own tax deal. 那时他称,希望重新考虑此问题,但Cantor批评奥巴马在自己的税赋协议上都经常改变立场。
Every time she tried to argue with her husband she ended up crying her eyes out. 每当她尽力与其丈夫争辩时,她都以哭红了眼来结束争辩。
Speaking of his own creation of this style of the time, Miyake life, said: "It is an experiment, as well as a risk. " 在谈到他自己创立的这种风格的时候,三宅一生说:“那是个实验,也是个冒险。”
Doomsayers warn that it is only a matter of time before excess capacity leads to a wave of bankruptcies and sour loans. 唱衰者警告称,产能过剩将会导致企业破产及坏账飙升,这只不过是时间问题。
At the time art was no longer as dependent on politics as that of 1949 to 1976, but had its own truly independent life. 应该说,艺术发展在这个阶段硕果累累,因为艺术不再像1949至1976年那样依附于政治,而是拥有了自己真正的独立生命。
He said there were no concrete plans at this time but the ministry would consider such a project if Mongolia were interested. 他表示说,目前尚没有具体方案,但如果蒙古感兴趣,日本??产业省会考虑这一计划。
The cost of a full-time MBA programme, especially from those schools at the top end of the rankings, remains significant. 全日制MBA课程,特别是在顶级商学院,花费依然很高。
There was no documentation and much of the developers' time was spent answering questions. 没有任何文件和开发人员的大部分时间是花在回答问题。
That means getting your heart rate up three times a week for at least a half hour each time. 这也就是说每周让心跳加速三次,每次至少半小时。
We can't see in the dark yet, so we're going to leave for home before the sun goes down. See you next time. 由于不能夜视,所以我们要起赶在日落之前回家了。下次再见!
I'm sorry. I'm very tired. I'm going to bed early. I didn't have a good time and I don't really want to see you again. 很抱歉,我累了,我要早点上床休息,我和你在一起玩得不开心也不照相再见到你了。
The company is so far away from my dorm that I had to spend much time on the way. 公司离我的宿舍太远,我不得不花很多时间在路上。
The former Apple employee, who worked in an Apple store, also notes that this happens every time Apple releases a hot new product. 这位苹果前雇员还告诉我,每一次有新的热门产品发售,这种情况都会发生。
This milestone comes at a time when both governments recognise that relations between the two countries have never been better, nor closer. 这是一个里程碑式的伟大时刻,两国政府一致认为英中两国之间的联系日益密切,达到了前所未有的良好局面。
When their time was up to leave, William responded. "I'm having fun, I could stay here all day. This is brilliant. " 此次访问即将结束时,威廉说,他觉得很开心,他甚至可以在那儿待上一整天,因为感觉很棒。
At the time it was the only big energy project in Russia that did not involve a local partner. 当时,在俄罗斯这是唯一的大型能源项目,这并不涉及当地的合作伙伴。
As you know Joyce had a hard time with this sinthome. 你们知道,乔埃斯跟这个病徵奋斗很长一段时间。
He is full time, far from his only, run around, drinking alcohol, but this spread to his beloved wife of the Lie ears. 正在他全情投入的时候,远方传来了他只是在,跑来跑去、喝喝酒而已,这话传到了他爱妻李群的耳里。
It's a beautiful thing to have if it's always connected and had fast speed as well. -Internet, everywhere, all the time. 如果总能联网也有很快的速度,是该拥有的漂亮的东西。-互联网,无论何时何地。
Also in the home to deal with a lot of things, not the photos in time, causing you to wait for the matter. 另外在家里很多事情要处理一下,没及时发照片,害大家为此事等待。
It may be only a question of time until GM crops dramatically decrease yield and become extinct. 它可能只是一个时间的问题,直到转基因作物的产量大幅减少,并最终灭绝。
It would be good to spend time at the beginning making sure we both understand what the design of the different parts might be. 这将是很好的花费在确保我们双方都知道什么样的不同部分的设计可能会开始时间。
Her works stand up to the test of the time, and turn out to be the classics in modern American fiction. 华顿的作品经受了时间的考验,已成为现代美国小说中的经典。
It was the first time since the Great Depression that the Fed had made a loan like this to an entity other than a bank. 自大萧条以来,这还是美联储第一次像这样借钱给一家公司而不是银行。
Sevilla want to keep him for the time being, but let us just wait and see whether there is a chance of a January return to Italy. 塞维利亚希望留住他,但我们会等待一段时间,看看他是否有机会在一月份回到意大利。
But there's never been a time when so much of the new stuff I look at is so very far from being ready for mass consumption. 但是没有那个时代是像今天这样,在我观察中,很多新产品离大众消费的距离太过遥远。
Called, coincidentally enough, TigerText, it allows users to set a time limit for a sent text to hang around after it has been read. 很巧合的是,这款程序称为泰格短信(TigerText),它允许用户设置短信被对方读取后的一段时间间隔。
The first time the Orc put his hands up like a megaphone and said, "My life for the Horde" , and the second time something else. 第一次兽人会伸出双手,拢成喇叭状并高呼“为部落献身”,第二次就会做其他动作。