the star

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the starthe star

the star


塔罗牌_互动百科 ... 17、星星 the Star XVII. The Star 星星,代表希望。 18、月亮 the Moon ...


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胡因梦_互动百科 ... 1977年 强渡关山 The Brave Ones 1976年 星语 The Star 1976年 温暖在秋天 Warmth in the Autumn ...


洛阳师范学院图书馆 ... The Sydney Morning( 悉尼晨报 ) The Star马来西亚星报) The Washington Post( 华盛顿邮报) ...


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I slowly said to her a phrase from my English text-book, "Climb high. Climb far. There is the sky ahead. There is the star above. " 我用英文课文中的话慢慢地读给她听:“爬的高,看的远,前面是天空,前面是星际。”
His disbanding the Order of the Star in the East, especially founded for him, in 1929 came as a blow to the Theosophical Movement. 在1929年,他解散了特别为他而成立的世界明星社,这对见神论运动是一个打击。
"You are mad to say so, " cried the Star-Child angrily. "I am not your son, for you are a beggar, and ugly, and in rags. Get out! " 星子生气地大叫道:『你疯了才会这幺说。我不是你的儿子,因为你是个衣衫褴褛的丑乞丐。出去!』
In the run-up to the Christmas season, Thompson decided to do some research into what the Star of Bethlehem could have been. 在圣诞季的前夕,汤普森决定对伯利恒之星的起源进行一些研究。
The star used to be like the sun, a "main sequence" star that burns hydrogen by nuclear fusion, producing helium. 这颗恒星曾和太阳一样,是颗“主序星”(“mainsequence”)。它通过核聚变燃烧氢,从而产生氦。
Planets orbiting stars beyond the sun are labelled merely with the name of the star and a suffix letter. 属于太阳以外恒星的行星们仅仅得到该恒星的名称,外加一个后缀字母。
It may look as if Grant is now as devoted to pro-celebrity golf as he is to acting, but the star is still misdirecting the crowd. 格兰特现在似乎像热爱演戏一样热衷于职业明星高尔夫球赛,但他还是在误导大众。
For others, no doubt, brought up in the Star Wars age, it is yet another nostalgic return to England-land. 对其他人——当然,他们在《星球大战》时代长大——来说,这倒意味着另一种对“英格兰”土地的怀旧复归。
They went down to the Christmas tree, and soon the sun was creeping up to where the star had been. 我们一下楼来到圣诞树下,不久太阳就爬到那颗星星所在的位置上了。
But the star was inseparable from her real- life antics , as she bounced from film to film, husband to husband, crisis to crisis . 但身为明星的泰勒与她跌宕起伏的私生活不可分割,她演了一部又一部电影,换了一个又一个丈夫,度过了一次又一次危机。
The Star Ferry makes its way across the harbor , leaving nothing but wonder in its wake. 你的翻译是“星星渡船横过海港,留下的只有它醒来的奇迹”。
And when the scarf was taken off his eyes, the Star-Child found himself in a dungeon, that was lit by a lantern of horn. 当头巾被取下来时,星孩发现自己已经处在一个地牢里,一盏小灯笼在角落里发出微弱的光芒。
They are tired of him now, but the race could do with some of the star power he used to have. 现在,虽然选民们对他早已厌倦,但是竞选多少还需要一些他曾有过的名人效应。
Nemesis Prime wielded the Dark Saber, a twisted clone of the Star Saber, and had a Mini-Con partner named Run-Over. 黑暗擎天柱手持黑暗之剑,这是星辰剑的畸形克隆品。同时,他还有一个迷你金刚搭档:载过。
As an artifact of the dark side, the Star Forge corrupted those who used it, feeding its desire for death. 作为一件阴暗面造物,星际锻炉会腐蚀使用它的人,以满足它对死亡的渴求。
This was quite a feat as the intense light from the star normally obscures the subtle visual details necessary to distinguish a planet. 这可以算得上是个相当壮举,因为恒星发出得强烈光芒掩盖了区分行星所需得视觉细节。
Nick: She tricked me. She and her brother Dean. They wanted me out of the way. Dean is the next in line to be the star player. 尼克:她耍了我,她还有她的兄弟迪安。他们想把我整下去。下一个就该轮到迪安成为明星队员了。
Gossip less, or to write essays, to prove how brilliant to see the head of the Star: with a big stick , playing hard in the head! 闲话少说,还是要写作文,现在来论证怎么能够看见头上灿烂的星空:拿一大棒子,狠狠的打在头上!
The desire to show that you are a match for the star trader next door, or the bank in the next town, will do. 那种想与隔壁startrader玩者、想与邻镇的银行成为对手的欲望就已足够。
The star Merope is in the Pleiades star cluster and is veiled by gas from at least one cloud that the cluster is passing through. Merope星是昴宿星团而隐藏于气体中,至少星团正通过一片云。
Like an ice skater pulling in her arms, the star spins faster as it shrinks, Horowitz explained. 就像滑冰选手将手臂缩进,星球在缩小的时候旋转的速度越来越快。
Besides on the top of the tree, there is often a star which represents the star in the east that guided the three Wisemen to Jesus. 还有在树的顶端,常常有一颗星代表的东方的星星,指引三位智者去寻找耶稣。
And I fought and strove and perished countless times upon the star, as if through a glass and darkly the age old strife I see. 无数次我战斗,反抗,死亡。星光下,如同透过一面镜子,我隐约看到那场古老的战争。
Ethan Ward is the star athlete at the high school. He seems like, a really fun loving, you know, like. . . outgoing, but down to Earth guy. (伊森·瓦德)在这所高中是个运动明星。如你所知,他看起来很爱玩,比如…外向活泼,但他实际上是很踏实的一个家伙。
She gave a lot of help for the only two day journey to me and took me to see "Huangpu River" and the "Star of eastern" ! 在自己短短两天的上海之行中,昭君姐姐给了我很大的帮助,并且带我去看了看黄浦江和东方明珠。
But beyond purely business considerations, the star issue is often a question of public face. 但是,在纯商业考虑之外,星的多少则常常是个面子问题。
We finished the "Star Sign Guide To Your Legs" by 4 a. m. Downtown was an empty set. I felt like a New York copywriter now as I drove home. 到凌晨4点,我们终于完成《美腿星座指南》的稿子。回家的路上空荡荡的,我开着车,感觉自己就像是一个纽约撰稿人,感觉很好!
Model Cindy Crawford was one of the star attraction at a celebrity golf tournament at the ritzy resort of Montana, Switzerland. 在瑞士优美的风景胜地蒙塔拿举行的高尔夫球名人赛中,模特辛迪·克劳福特是引人注目的明星之一。
We came out into a room in the shape of a star. I felt frightened because I knew this was the Star Room where the Star Council met. 我们出了电梯,来到一个星状的房间。我觉得有些害怕,因为我知道这是星际理事会开会的星际室。
The Star Ferry makes its way across the harbour, leaving nothing but wonder in its wake. So much to see. So much to do. 星星渡船横过海港,留下的只有它醒来的奇迹。有如此多可以观看,如此多可以去做。