the move

  • 网络此举;搬家;移动

the movethe move

the move


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1997年起,他开始将重心转移至电影,在拍完短片《搬家》(The Move)后与哥哥汤姆成立公司,汤姆也自此成为丹尼斯德古 …


1970年,“移动”(The Move)乐队演变成“电光管弦乐团”(ELO),在音乐中加入了小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、双簧管和法国 …


百变小樱库洛牌_百度知道 ... 「灯」牌「 THE GLOW」 「移」牌THE MOVE」 「斗」牌「 THE FIGHT」 ...


BBC新闻词汇 第114期:Calorie counting... ... implement n. 工具,器具,手段 the move 行动,移动 a track record 记录 ...


请帮忙翻译下面一段... ... PROLONGED COLD SPELL = 寒冷季节(期)的延长 THE MOVE = 此动议 (政治用语) BIENNIA…

As he jumped out of his car a second time, he saw that the Mercedes-Benz was on the move once again, coming back at them. 就在他第二次跳下自己的商务时,他猛然看到奔驰车自己又动了起来,在他们后面向他们走来。
Reflecting the often circular nature of the markets, swoons in stocks around the globe only reinforced the move into yen. 全球股市跌势加剧了资金流向日圆,这体现了市场循环的本质。
The move to the positive-sum economy transformed all this fundamentally, albeit far more slowly than it might have done. 向正和经济的转变,从根本上改变了所有这一切,尽管速度远比可能有的更为缓慢。
However, one industry executive said the move did not indicate a "dramatic shift" in China's commitment to electrification. 然而,产业执行部门指出,这一行动并不意味着中国电气化战略的“重大转变”。
While Mr. Mantega said the main intent of the bond purchases is to win a bigger voice at the IMF, the move is a diversification away from U. 尽管曼特加说购买债券的主要用意是在IMF内赢得更大的话语权,但此举也是在美元资产之外的多元化投资。
He did not know that Wenger made up his mind on the move just before the session. 他并不知道温格在这次晨训之前已经作出了决定。
Most mobile phones allow you to check email on the move, but it's best to check with your service provider before giving it a go. 大多数手机都能查收电子邮件,但在使用手机收发电子邮件之前最好先咨询下你的服务提供商。
Mr. Buffett: I called him and he was on the move so I didn't hear back from him for a while. 巴菲特:我给他打电话的时候,他外出了,所以有一段时间没有他的回音。
"In the long-run, the move will help TV dramas develop in a scientific and healthy manner, " said the unidentified spokesman. “从长远看,这一转变将帮助电视剧在一个科学和健康的方式上发展,”身份不明的发言人说。
Economist George Johns from Barclays Capital says the move has not come as a surprise to those in London's financial district. 巴克莱资本公司的经济学家约翰斯说,对于伦敦金融区的人来说,这个举动并不是一个意外。
The English lawyer who turns to read Holmes is made to see that what he had taken to be settled and stable is really always on the move . 初读霍姆斯的英国法律人会发现,他过去所确信的东西实际上一直处于变动中。
In a posting on a defense ministry website, Chinese naval official said the move is to "fulfill our international commitments. " 在一处国防部网站上公布,中国海军官员说,此举是为了“履行我们的国际承诺。”
Magistrate said the defendent had never disclosed who was the mastermind behind the move. 裁判官表示,被告始至终都没有透露背后是否有人指使。
We got him on the move, where he could slice in or post up. It gives him opportunities to handle the ball a little bit. It's easier. 我们让他跑起来,可以切入,也可以单打,也有机会处理球,这样打更简单。
The move will help give Palin a large audience for her views as she mulls whether to run for president in 2012. 据悉,佩林正在考虑是否角逐2012年总统大选,此举可以帮助她向大批观众阐释自己的政治观点。
He said the move marks a further step in Britain's involvement in Libya's conflict - a step that he said is necessary. 道尔顿说,这一行动标志着英国更深一步地卷入利比亚冲突。他认为这一步是必要的。
Because China does not recognize dual nationalities, the move requires her to forsake her Chinese citizenship. 因为中国不承认双重国籍,她的这个决定需要其放弃中国公民身份。
The move essentially reduces the amount of money available for loans, and is an attempt to cool down the economy. 此举实际上削减了可用来贷款的资金数额,目的在于给经济降温。
He said, however, that the move was 'not likely to have material impact' on BYD's business, though he declined to elaborate. 但他同时说,处罚不太可能对比亚迪的业务造成实质性影响,此外拒绝透露更多。
white house cyber security coordinator howard schmidt said the move does not mean that anonymity will be compromised. 白宫网络安全协调员霍华德?施密特说该举措并不意味着网民的匿名性会受到影响。
The move will follow the Wall Street bank's admission last week that it had lost almost $8bn in its mortgage-backed securities business. 此前,这家华尔街投资银行上周承认,其抵押贷款证券相关业务损失近80亿美元。
The company did not offer a low-priced netbook, as some had expected, but analysts cheered the move. 正如一些人所期望的,公司没有提供低价位的上网笔记本,但是分析家们为这项动作叫好。
As I said at the beginning of my speech, China is on the move. 正如我在演讲开头所说,中国正不断前进。
The move aims at ensuring millionaires pay a minimum rate of tax that at least matches that of middle-class families. 这项行动的目的在于确保百万富翁所缴的最低税率不低于中产阶级家庭。
KKR founders Henry Kravis and George Roberts described the move as 'part of a strategic build out of our asset management platform. ' KKR创始人克拉维斯(HenryKravis)和罗伯茨(GeorgeRoberts)将这一举措说成是“对我们资产管理平台的战略构建之一。”
The company said the move was made to "expedite obtaining an essential regulatory license. " 公司解释,该变动主要是为了“加快获得监管部门许可证的步伐。”
It's the move up in yields on the 10- year bond and down on the two - year note that signals worries about inflation . 年期债券收益率上升,而两年期票据收益率下降,这正反映了市场对通胀的担忧。
She starred in the first series to "draw the Rainbow, " but she did not Fledglings astonishing performance in the move. 她出演的第一部电视剧是《画出彩虹》,但初出茅庐的她并无表现中惊人之举。
He said the move was part of a deal to swap prisoners in Russia for the accused spies arrested in the U. S. 他说此举是俄罗斯用囚犯交换在美国被捕特工协议的一部分。
U. S. officials said the move culminates months of growing diplomatic engagement between the U. S. and Syria. 美国官员说,此举将数月来美国和叙利亚之间不断增加的外交接触推向了高潮。