worry about

  • v.发愁;担忧;为…发愁;替…担忧
  • 网络担心;烦恼;为……担心

worry aboutworry about

worry about


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... work out 算出,解决 worry about 担心,烦恼 wrap up 包好, 伪装 ...


初中英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... think about 考虑…… 18) worry about 担忧…… 19) look after 照料 20) ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... work out 算出,解决 worry about 担心,烦恼 wrap up 包好, 伪装 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... hear about 听说 worry about 为……担心 2.动词+ away throw away 扔掉 ...


初中英语短语归纳_在线英语词典 ... work on 致力于··· worry about 担心,焦虑 write down 写下 ...


初三英语短语归纳 - 豆丁网 ... medical research 医疗研究 6. worry about 为…而担心 7. get nervous 变得紧张 8. ...


ZH-EN no romanization flashcards | Quizlet ... 透不过气 suffocate 发愁 worry about sth 拼命 to risk one's life ...


(牛津译林版)初一英语7B Unit 6 Pets ... feed on … 以…为食 worry about 为…担忧 worried adj. be worried about 为…担忧 ...

Well, if one good thing came out of the play, it's that I don't have to worry about the "Bubby" nickname anymore. 唔,要是说这次演出出了什么好事情,那就是我再也不用担心那个“波波”的外号。
I told her not to worry about her father. We would take good care of him. 我叫她不要为她父亲担心,我们会很好地照顾他。
As near as a foreigner like me can understand it, the basis of face seems to be worry about other peoples' opinions. 几乎像我这样的外国人都能理解,面子观念的基础就是过于在意别人的看法。
Don't worry about looking handsome, Or being strong and brave. Just as you love me unconditionally, I love you just the same. 不要担心自己是否英俊,是否强壮,是否勇敢,我将无条件地爱你,就象你无条件地爱我一样。
However, with the remote debugging technique you don't have to worry about any of that -- you have the power of full source-level debugging. 然而,有了远程调试技术,您就不必为之担忧了—您拥有完全源代码级调试的能力。
I made it a lot simpler because you no longer have to worry about faxing broken coffee machines. 我使它变得更简单,因为你不用担心,怎么去维修坏咖啡机了。
Video game near the city's businesses seem to worry about something, do not want to say. 电玩城附近的商户似乎顾虑些什么,不愿意多说。
There is no need for you to worry about him. 你没有必要为他担忧。
Indecision is often related to lack of self confidence and a tendency to worry about potential problems. 优柔寡断通常和缺乏自信和担心潜在问题有关。
It allows you to sync up to 200 messages per 24 hours, so you don't have to worry about losing any of your messages ever again. 它允许你在24小时内同步多达200条短信,所以你从此不用担心丢失短信了。
One thing for sure: I knew that I would not need to worry about arranging wake-up calls during the rest of that visit. 有一点可以肯定:我不用再费心安排剩下几天的叫醒服务了。
Don't worry about the (lack of) sense of what you write, for you can chose to keep or toss out these ideas when the activity is over. 别担心你写下来的东西没有(或者欠缺)理性,因为头脑风暴活动结束后,你可以选择保留还是抛弃哪些概念。
Don't worry about trying to find a place to meet women because you probably already know of a good place, you just have to use your head. 不要担忧去哪找一个地方能遇见女人,因为也许你已经知道了一个好地方,你只需要动动脑子。
In the end I decided to say nothing to Agnes about Uriah's plan, as she already had enough to worry about. 最终我决定不把尤赖亚的阴谋告诉给阿格尼斯,因为她已经够烦心的了。
Maven automatically compiles classes that have changed before packaging the artifacts, so you do not have to worry about this. Maven自动编译打包构件前曾经更改过的类,因此您不必担心这一点。
When I mentioned it, he said this was just the way he talked and was normal usage and I shouldn't worry about it. 当我指出这些问题时,他表示这只是他的语言方式,是正常用法,我不应为此担忧。
James showed up and read his lines with an American accent and I told him: "Don't worry about the accent, be yourself. " 这时候James出现了,他念台词的时候还故意用了美国口音,我对他说:“别担心口音,做你自己就行。”
Office programs do not start new sessions when you open another file, so you don't have to worry about your computer running out of memory. 当打开另一个文件时,Office程序不会启动新会话,因此您不必担心计算机内存会被耗尽。
He began to worry about the necessity of a new connection and to see impending serious financial straits unless something turned up. 他开始为必须再找寻新的关系而发愁,并且开始意识到,除非出现什么转机,否则严重的经济困难已经迫在眉睫。
"Don't worry about this; salt is a common product, " he said. “各位不用担心,食盐只是一种非常普通的商品,”他表示。
One of the children said to his father, "I will have an operation tomorrow. You do not need to worry about me. " 其中一名儿童跟他的父亲说:“我明天将做手术。你不用担心我。”
Now that oil is no longer selling at $150 a barrel, manufacturers are going back to what they used to worry about. 现在石油的售价不再是150美元每桶。制造商们正回到他们过去所担心的问题上。
Paul said he had done this before and that there was nothing to worry about. 保罗说他以前就这么做过,没什么好怕的。
He took a powder and left his mother to worry about his debts. 他匆匆出走,而让他的母亲为他的债务发愁。
May: Don't worry about that. He said I can do that at spare time. Anyway, it's just a part-time job. 阿美:这个倒不用担心。他说我可以用空余时间做。不管怎样,只是个兼职啊。
Don't worry about what you should have done last week or what you might be able to do tomorrow. 不要为你上一周做了什么或者明天可能会做什么而焦虑。
How much should you worry about that? 你应该对此有多担心?
This seven month old pup is exactly the kind of dog we worry about most as he is likely to mature into an unpredictable fear biter. 这条七月大的幼犬正是我们所担忧的那种类型:它很可能成长成为一条无法预测,胆小畏缩型的咬人狗。
If America's leaders had not been too busy to look, they would have found much more to worry about there. 如果美国领导人还没有忙到无暇顾及的话,他们就会发现还有更多的事情需要担忧。
It is only a question of very, very low activities so it is nothing for people to worry about. 它只是一个非常非常低活性的问题所以大家不必杞人忧天。