when a man

when a manwhen a man

when a man

When a man is living with, always is to think of the end of life, as it is rather bleeding without tears. 当男人被生活戏弄后,总会想到的是让生命结束,好像真的是宁愿流血也不流泪。
Look, a woman knows when a man looks into her eyes and sees someone else. 女人看到男人的眼神会知道,里面还有别人。
When a man has quietly made up his mind that there is nothing he cannot endure, his fears leave him. --Grove Patterson . 当一个在心里决定没有什么东西是他不能忍受的时候,他的恐惧就会自动消逝。
When a man makes up his mind to become a rascal, he should examine himself closely and see if he isn't better constructed for a fool. 假使有人决心要当流氓,就应当好好的自我检讨一下,看看自己是否更适宜于当蠢才。
When a man needs to pull away and a woman needs to talk, his trying to listen only makes matters worse. 若男人要抽离、女人要讲话时,他勉强倾听只会使事情更糟。
When a man feels admired, he feels secure enough to devote himself to his woman and adore her. 如果男人能受到赞美,他会很安心向她献出忠诚与宠爱她。
When a man in Macon, Ga. , came upon a wild dog attacking a young boy, he quickly grabbed the animal and throttled it with his two hands. 一位男子在乔治亚州的麦根城遇到一条狗在袭击一个男孩。他敏捷地用两手卡住了狗的脖子并掐死了它。
When a man's temper gets the best of him, it reveals the worst of him. 当一个人被他的情绪所控制时,就暴露出了他性格中最糟糕的一面。
The average length of a flaccid one is about 3 inches, but some of these penises grow to be much larger when a man becomes sexually aroused. 软JJ的的平均尺寸大约是3英寸,但是在性兴奋状态下男人的阴茎会变大。
When a man and a woman go in or out of a room together, a man should also help the woman take off or put on her coat. 当他们同时进门或出门的时候,男士别忘了接女士脱下来的风衣或帮她拿外套。
When a man says, " Get out of my house! What do you want with my wife? " - there 's no answer to be made . 当一个汉子说:“从我家里滚出去吧!你想把我老婆怎么样?”——此际,实无言以对。
When an inhibition bites a man, it's a fine novel. When a man up and bites an inhibition, it's only a detective story. 当一种抑制影响到人时,那就是一部好小说。当人占据上风,影响到抑制时,那就只是一篇侦探故事了。
"When a man becomes grumpy or irritable, it's easy to blame work or simply the effects of aging, " says Petty. 佩蒂说:“当男人变得暴躁或易怒时,我们往往把原因归咎于工作或仅仅是年龄大了。”
Middle age is the time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he will feel as good as ever. 人到中年老在想着:再过一、两个星期就会跟以往一样健康。
When a Man Woman foreseeable that he would lose; Men foreseen when his wife, he would confuse. 当男人预见女人,他会迷失;当男人预见老婆,他会迷惑。
Women link many feelings of sexuality, love, and trust with the sensations that are aroused in them when a man puts his hands on her. 女人们将性爱和爱很多的感觉联系起来而且当男人们将手指放在他们身上的时候她们相信体内被唤醒的那种感觉。
"We live in very dangerous times, " he said, "and it grieves me when a man of your standing panders to these notions. " “我们生活在一个非常危险的时代,”他说,“象你这样地位的人这种念头,很叫我痛心。”
When a man gets up to speak, people listen, then look. When a woman gets up, people look; then, if they like what they see, they listen. 当一个男人站起来说话的时候,人们听着,然后抬头去看。当一个女人站起来说话的时候,人们先抬头去看,然后,如果他们觉得还不赖,就继续听下去。
You see, I think there comes a time when a man has to ask himself whether he wants a life of happiness or a life of meaning. 你知道,我认为人们终有一刻会问自己,要过怎样的人生:快乐的人生,还是有意义的人生。
When a man is trying to win the heart of a woman, he studies her. He learns her likes, dislikes, habits and hobbies. 男人要想赢得女人的芳心,他会研究她,了解她的喜恶、习惯和嗜好。
When a man is no longer young, they call him nothing but an old bird, old beast! 一个好好的人,年纪大了,他们便叫你做老冬瓜,老畜生!
The phrase is often used when a man cannot get the support he seeks. 在一个人得不到他所寻求的支持时常常使用这个成语。
When a man's hand touches the hand of a woman they both touch the heart of eternity. 当一个男人的手触摸到一个女人的手时,他们双双触摸到了永恒之心。
When a man fancies a woman, he also cares about her soul, lying to himself that he has fallen in love with her soul. 男人憧憬着一个女人的身体的时候,就关心到她的灵魂,自己骗自己说是爱上了她的灵魂。
When a man loves a woman deep down in his soul, she can bring him such misery. 当男人在灵魂深处爱上女人,她会为他带来痛苦。
But a recent study found just the opposite is true when a man is close enough to smell a woman's tears. 但最近一项研究发现当男人离太近闻到女人眼泪的味道时,他们的反应恰恰相反。
In addition to that, it used to be that when a man got married, it was literally another mouth to feed as the wife rarely sought employment. 除此之外,过去认为当男人结婚后,妻子基本就不找工作了,所以就多了另一张嘴要养。
When a man swindles the public out of a certain amount he begins to get scared and wants to return parts of it. 当一个人从大伙身上诈骗了相当可观的数目时,他就不免有点胆怯,总想吐出一部分。
Cuz when a man loves a woman it is all In his touch. 因为当男人爱上女人他的感受就是全部。
"When a man is hit by lightning, " Tyler says, "his head burns down to a smoldering baseball and his zipper welds itself shut. " “当人被闪电击中,”泰勒说,“他的大脑会被闷烧成一个小棒球,他身上的拉链都会被焊接起来。”