the lover

  • 网络情人;恋人;爱人

the loverthe lover

the lover


同问情人(The Lover )法国电影:上半集 2011-04-06 13:50 匿名 | 分类:电影 提问者采纳 2011-04-19 20:49热心网友 分享到: …


朴新阳 -《恋人》(the Lover)192kbps 专辑+MV [MP3!]Rag Fair 拉格菲尔 -《I Rag You》1st Mini Album[MP3!] 小松未歩 -《小 …


.... Butterfly)、品特(Pinter)的《爱人》(The Lover),布莱希特(Brecht)的疏离史诗剧场《四川的好女人》(The Good …


...ler)、退缩者(The Withdrawer)及爱人者The Lover);在第九章「与不适合的对象交往时,如何结束这段感情关系?」 …


格里格 西贝柳斯:... ... 9:欢庆的行板( arr. for orchestra) 11:情侣( The Lover) 12:情侣之途( The Way of the Lovers) ...


精华区文章阅读 ... (The Pillow Book, 英国,1996) (The Lover, 法国,1992) (Henry and June 亨利和琼,美国,1991) ...


《上古卷轴IV:湮灭》系统详解+角色创建指南 -... ... 领主星座 The Lord 情人星座 The Lover 法师星座 The Mage ...


电影大师集锦【珍藏】(转载) - 饮水思源 ... 1999:《御法度》 Gohatto 1958:《情人们The Lover 1959:《私生活》 A Ver…

You told me that life is not the slave of the mind but the lover of the heart. 你说生活不是理智的奴役,而是心性之所爱。
When you've been loved, when you know it holds such bliss, then the lover that you kissed will comfort you when there's no hope in sight. 只要你曾经爱过,你知道它所包含的天堂之乐,那么你所亲吻过的爱人将会在你失去希望的时候安慰你。
Some thought the lover was a soul mate, but for one reason or another did not leave their husband and did not feel torn between the two. 有些女性认为她们的情人是她们的灵魂伴侣,但出于这样或那样的原因,她们并没有离开她们的丈夫,但她们也没有觉得被两者撕扯成两半。
Now, in the shade of this cool, green bush, he looked about him with the fancy of the lover. 现在,在凉爽的绿树荫里,他用情人的想象力打量着四周。
The beloved fears and hates the lover, and with the best of reasons, For the lover is forever trying to strip bare his beloved. 被爱者即害怕又恨着爱人的人,原因是,爱人的人永远都在试图剥去被爱者的面具。
The lover, tells if my , my do not know love , lets you be changed into a frozen mitten to my love from fervency . 爱人,告诉我,我是否不懂爱,让你对我的爱由热情变冷淡。
Dare not face in front of his wife's information, have to reply in toilet, the reason more than hiding in toilet to the lover text messages. 不敢当着老婆面回复情人的信息,只好以上卫生间里的理由,躲在卫生间里给情人发短信。
When you find love when you know that it exists then the lover that you miss will come to you on those cold, cold nights. 当你发现了爱情,当你知道了它的存在,你思念的爱人,会在那冰冷的夜晚占据你的心。
To feel the warmth with the lover, the returning of heart will be beyond the plain material like this. 与爱人一同感悟家的温暖,精神的归属就这样超越物质的平淡。
And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. 然后是情人,像炉灶一样叹着气,写了一首悲哀的歌篇咏着他恋人的眉毛。
Nevertheless the lover of life, male or female, finding himself or herself in sympathetic accord with such a nature, is APT to gain much. 然而热爱生活的人,不论男女,一旦和这样的人意气相投起来,就容易大有所得。
Hurting the beloved may be the last alarm bell that warns of the lover's difficulties; it is an extreme measure signaling urgency. 伤害所爱的人可能是警告爱人的烦恼的最后警钟;这是一个发出紧急信号的极端方法。
All residents should at least come to the Lover River once for a feast of coffee and music. 所有的市民朋友都应该至少来爱河畔享受一次「听音乐、喝咖啡」的经验。
Even between husband and wife, between the lover can express the secret of the heart. 甚至是夫妻之间、情人之间都无法表达的心里的秘密。
As well can the lover forgive the ravisher of his mistress, as the continent forgive the murders of Britain. 既然情人不会宽恕强奸他情妇的人,北美大陆也就不能宽恕英国的那些杀人凶手。
An at try very hard to make the oneself happy, a push the happiness to leave constantly again, push the lover toward abyss. 一面在拼命让自己幸福,一面又不断地把幸福推离,把爱人推向深渊。
Hurting the beloved may be one resort, usually the last one, which the lover takes to bring this dependency to its appropriate proportion. 伤害爱人可能是一种解决办法,通常也是最后一直办法,它可以平衡这种过多或过少的依赖感。
For the lover is forever trying to strip bare his beloved. 因为,施爱者总是在试图不断地使被爱者尊严无存。
It covered itself with its shell-as the saint in his piety, as the sage in his wisdom, as the lover in his hope. 它钻在自己的躯壳里,就象圣徒在虔诚礼拜,智者在钻研知识,情人在冀望幸福。
Peek previously one schoolgirl writes a composition, the coldest is: If the nurse is become after me, I can treat a patient like the lover. 以前偷看一女生作文,最寒的是:假如我以后当护士,我会像情人一样对待病人。
Explained in detail: Only rents to a female student, the multi-people or the lover or the male student please do not disturb. 只租给一个女生,多人或者情侣或者男生请勿打扰。
Now I always live in the past, in the memory, some time I met the lover but I did not catch untill I feel tire in the hard working. 如今,本人一直活在过去的记忆之中。有时分,本人会遇到情投意合的人,但是忙碌的工作,让本人霎时消除了这些念头。
In this posting, I would like to focus upon the issue of the ideal age of the lover. 在这篇文章里,我想要关注的是寻找情人的完美年龄。
One look at love and you may see it weaves a web over mystery, all raveled threads can rend apart for hope has a place in the lover's heart. 双眼凝视着爱情,你会看到它编织了一张神秘的网,纠缠的情丝都能够分开,因为希望永远留存在爱人的心中,希望永远留存在爱人的心中。
And it was during this period that Madeleine truly understood how the lover's discourse was of an extreme solitude. 正是在这段时间里,玛德琳真正明白了恋人的言辞是怎样带上了极端孤独的性质。
Love is so Stern grand that the lover is willingly to be Deprived noble title, property, dignity and life. 爱恋是如此威严的权杖,纵然被所爱剥夺了爵位、财产、尊严和生命也心甘情愿。
If the relationship is strong enough, as the lover wishes it to be, it should sustain this measure. 如果关系想恋人希望的哪样足够坚固,这种措施就会被保留。
Almost everyone wants to BE the lover. And the curt truth is that, in a deep secret way, the state of BEing BEloved is intolerable to many. 几乎每个人都想成为一个施爱者。大概来说,有一点奇怪的是,大多数人难以承受被爱的状态。
because we do not believe the other side, we do not believe the lover at all. 就是因为我们不相信对方,我们根本不相信情人。
I would like to be the bird which without toes, just for the relations, for the lover, for the friends, for the careers. 对待亲人,对待爱人,对待朋友,对待事业,我愿意做那只没有脚爪的鸟。