
美 [ˈtʃæn(ə)l]英 ['tʃæn(ə)l]
  • n.电视台;频道;波段;途径
  • v.为…引资;引导;贯注;提供帮助
  • 网络通道;信道;渠道

复数:channels 过去式:channelled 过去式:channeled 现在分词:channelling 现在分词:channeling



n. v.

电视;无线电on television/radio

1.[c]电视台a television station

2.[c]频道;波段a band of radio waves used for broadcasting television or radio programmes

交流for communicating

3.[c]途径;渠道;系统a method or system that people use to get information, to communicate, or to send sth somewhere

思想感情for ideas/feelings

4.[c](表达的)方式,方法,手段a way of expressing ideas and feelings


5.[c]水渠;沟渠;河槽a passage that water can flow along, especially in the ground, on the bottom of a river, etc.

7.[c]海峡a passage of water that connects two areas of water, especially two seas

8.[sing]英吉利海峡the area of sea between England and France, also known asthe English Channel


通道频宽是由通道(Channel)本身决定的,与所载信号无关。例如,假设某通道能够以适当不失真传输一个其频率成份从0Hz(即 …


频道Channel)与连接(Connect)那一章的测试代码,在IDE上编译都通过了,然后使用ide直接连接qnx调试代码也通过 …


计算机专业英语词汇_百度文库 ... CD-R 可记录压缩光盘 Channel 信道 Chat group 谈话群组 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... change n. 改变,变化;零钱 channel n. 海峡;渠道;频道 chapter n. 章,回,篇 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... change n. 改变,变化;零钱 channel n. 海峡;渠道;频道 chapter n. 章,回,篇 ...


管道Channel):这里所指的是人类实相与看不见的光之力量(例如指导灵)与天使之间能加速讯息交换的连结。另指那将自 …


所谓通路channel)系指介於生产者及消费者间的中介单位所构成之体系,因此通路的运作即克服各类障碍,以便顺利的将产 …


英语词汇的奥秘 ... tunnel 隧道,坑道 channel 航道,海峡 chancel 圣坛 ...

The family is one of the first channel of access to information, parents often grow up to a great influence on children. 家庭是一个人获得信息的第一渠道,父母的行为往往对孩子的成长影响很大。
See for yourself: Tune an old analog TV to an empty channel. Much of that "snow" is from the cosmic microwave background. 自己看看:打开老式模拟电视,切换到一个空台,许多“雪花”就是宇宙微波背景辐射。
Gets the destination of the service to which messages are sent out on the output channel. 获取在输出通道上发出的消息将要到达的服务的目标。
No. We had no idea. It was a Disney Channel movie, you know? And now, we're on the big screen. -Mm-hmm. 不。我们不知道。这是迪斯尼频道的电影,你知道?现在,我们上了大银幕。-嗯嗯。
Procedures in a multi-channel and multi-task system, the system is in place within the same state of the process may have several. 操作系统课程设计处理机调度的模拟程序。在多道程序和多任务系统中,系统内同时处于就绪状态的进程可能有若干个。
Ma said the dialogue was an important channel for the two governments to strengthen strategic communication. 中日战略对话是两国政府加强战略沟通的重要渠道。
Authentication is delegated to the operating system for bindings mode connections or to a channel security exit for remote connections. 身份验证被委托给操作系统(对于绑定模式的连接)或委托给通道安全出口(对于远程连接)。
A motor shaft gap used for a sealing plate for a seal air channel is left between the belt pulley and the end cover of the motor shell. 在皮带轮同电机机壳端盖之间保留供密封风道用的密封板穿过的电机轴空隙位。
Have almost 10 years of store sales experience, as a large supermarket, suppliers, the company has a stable sales and marketing channel. 有近10年的卖场销售经验,作为供应商,公司拥有稳定的销售量和销售渠道。
As you can see, the Channel class is nothing more than a straightforward JavaBean that describes information contained in the stanza. 如上所示,Channel类无非是一个直观的JavaBean,它描述包含在节中的信息。
When they had picked up the food, he caught them and made them return through a different channel, which also led to the nest. 当它们获取食物后,就把它们捉住,让它们通过另一条通往蚁巢的沟返回。
From this point of view, calcium channel antagonists seem to be necessary for the treatment of hypertension. 从这个角度看,钙通道拮抗剂似乎是必要的,用于治疗高血压。
The protector is locatable over the structural member so that at least a portion of that member is received within the channel. 保护器可设置在结构构件上,从而构件的至少一部分被接收在通道中。
This is often due to the narrow financing channel and the financing way improper selection and credit system is incomplete, cause. 这往往是由于企业融资渠道狭窄,融资方式选择不当和信贷体制不完善造成的。
Think of it like any other marketing channel -- if it's not part of a larger holistic strategy, it's likely to fail. 其实只需要把它看作是众多销售渠道之一,好好考虑就对了--一旦它被认定为不能成就全局战略,它便有可能失败。
Under such a contract, we model the decision-making of a supply channel with one manufacturer and one retailer as a Stackelberg game. 在此寄售与营收分享合约机制下,我们面对一个制造商和一位零售商的通路结构,采用Stackelberg之供应通路的决策制定模型。
Massimo Oddo is with the Azzurri Italian national team, but he took time out to give a telephone interview on Milan Channel. 奥多已经和意大利国家队在一起了,但是他还是挤出接受了米兰频道的电话采访。
The vent valve comprises an air vent screw, a spring and a valve ball which leans against the channel under the acting force of the spring. 所述排气阀包括一排气螺钉、一弹簧、一钢球,阀球在弹簧作用力下抵靠通道上。
After channel surfing for an hour, Bobby decided to surf the Internet for a while. 在看了一个小时的电视节目后,鲍比决定上一会儿网。
It seems to me that we ought to find ways to develop back channel or front channel discussions with this individual. 在我看来,我们应当通过各种渠道,来跟这位最高领导人沟通。
But all that she may wish to have, all that she may wish to do, must come through a single channel and a single choice. 然而她可望得到的,可望从事的,都只有一次性选择,摆在她面前的只有一条通道。
The conference finally gave the green light to a new climate fund that aims to channel up to $100bn a year to poor countries. 德班会谈最终批准了一只新的气候基金,目标是每年向贫穷国家输送1000亿美元。
Later on I took him to Dover to see our heavy batteries glaring across the Channel at the coast of France-for us Germany. 后来,我带他到多佛去视察我们的重型炮台,这些炮台雄视着英吉利海峡那边的法国海岸--对我们来说是德国海岸。
But, in an unusual twist, Burberry is trying to create new celebrities via its YouTube channel. 但是,巴宝莉通过一个极不寻常的举动,设法通过YouTube视频网来打造出与以往不同的名人。
we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. 当我们横渡英吉利海峡时,简把写有她姓名和住址的一张纸条装进了一只瓶子。
And because so much of that content is not available in record stores, the risk of channel conflict is greatly diminished. 而由于上述的大部分内容在传统的音乐零售店根本找不到,也就不大会出现“渠道冲突”的风险了。
It's too late telling you at the end, isn't it? Oh well, um. . . yeah. You reminded me, to tell you why I deleted my vlog channel. 最终告诉你这些是不是显得太迟了呢?喔,恩…是的。你们曾提醒我要告诉你们为什么我把我上传的频道删掉了。
We spent a week following a launch of a satellite for a Japanese cartoon channel. 我们花了一星期时间,跟踪了一颗为日本卡通频道发射的卫星。
Sure, you could probably play and spam the channel every once in a while but it's really not the cleanest approach. 当然,你也许可以发挥和垃圾的通道每一次的同时,但它确实不干净的办法。
Although Disney programmes are shown on Chinese television, the company has not been able to launch its own channel. 虽然迪士尼的节目已经在中国电视上播出,但该公司没能成立自己的播放频道。