my place

  • na.舍间
  • 网络我的位置;我的住所;我窝故我在

my placemy place

my place


 以《我的位置》(My Place)小说创造了全球五十万本销售量,被誉为澳洲原住民文学开山作家的莎莉.摩根,一九五一年生 …


Planet Earth ... ... With all my hear,I love you. 用我的全心,爱你 lanet Earth,my home,my place 行星地球,我的家,我的住所 ...


梦想 (豆瓣) ... 书的迷恋 Hunting For Books 我窝故我在 My Place 音乐事情 Something about Music ...


我的地盘 怎么翻译!!!_百度知道 ... my territory 我的领地 my place 我的地方 my zone 我的区域 ...


Reveng... ... 我今晚会跟你解释的 I'll explain it to you tonight. 我家 My place, 我不会去的 Yeah,well,uh,I won't be there. ...


「你想不想顺道来我的地方(my place)?」它是一个属於我的地方,我的空间,我的世界,我的『窝』。请参赛者就自己作为一 …


关于英文经典歌曲的翻译问题?_百度知道 ... Everything I do,I do it for you 都只因为你 my place 我的地盘(呵呵,周董滴) ...


古老遗迹图片 Ancient ruins - 图蛙 ... 地下图片 Underground 4 我的地方图片 my place 1 艺术板图片 art board 1 ...

Thank you. You know, I tried to find my place in the world. 谢谢,我试着找属于我的地方
It was a peaceful moment, a time to pause and reflect on the beauty of landscape, and my place in life. 在这一个宁静的时刻,可以驻足欣赏景观之美,可以思考我在人生中的位置。
I had no outlook, but an up look rathe. My place in society was at the bottom. 我没有人生观,却是有“向上爬观”。我在社会上处于底层职位地方。
Monica: OK, I tell you what, how about if I cook dinner at my place? I'll make it just like Mom. 好吧,我跟你说,在我那做顿大餐怎么样?我会做得跟妈妈的味道一样。
Aged actor: Surely no actor is older than I, I h*e earned my place out of the sun. 老年演员:我肯定是年龄最老的演员,我是在幕后赢得我的位置。
He usually dro in at my place on his way home. 他常常在回家的路习惯英语上顺便来看看我。
He often drops in at my place on his way home. 他在回家的路上,通常顺便来我这里看看。
I have to find my place, but it isn't here. my place is out there. I may not know exactly where or how far, but I got to go. 我必须找到我自己的位置,它不在这里,我可能不知道到底在哪里,有多远,但是我要走了!
It seems to me that the man in blue was going to take my place at the police station. 在我看来,穿蓝衣服的那个男人将替代我在警局的位置。
I've got a million things to do tomorrow. My Old Pair are coming to town for a few days and I've got to get my place in order. 我明天还有一大堆事儿要做呢。我的老爹老妈要来城里住些日子,我得把我家里弄利落了。
I looked down at my book as soon as his eyes released me, trying to find my place. 他的眼睛刚放开我,我立刻低下头看着我的课本,试图找到老师正在讲的地方。
I couldn't escape one simple thought, I hated my place in the word, I had so much to say and no one to listen. 我不能逃避这简单的想法,我恨我所扮演的角色,我有许多话要说但却没有人听。
Just call me Bob. John, we're having a small get-together at my place tomorrow evening. You think you can join us? 叫我鲍勃就好了。约翰,明天晚上在我住的地方我们有个小小的聚会,你想你能参加吗?
I had no outlook, but an uplook rather. My place in society was at the bottom. 我没有世界观,但我有向上观.我生活在社会的底层。
I wonder if it is convenient for you to come over to my place and tell me about the get-together on Saturday night. 我想知道你是否可以在星期六晚上来我家告诉我有关聚会的情况。
He is always puffing about the expensive wines he brings over to my place, and is then sniffy about the offerings I take round to his. 他总是吹嘘自己带到我家来的名贵红酒,而对我带到他家去的酒总是嗤之以鼻。
I also could speak like you, if you were in my place; I could make fine speeches against you and shake my head at you. 我也能说你们那样的话;你们若处在我的境遇,我也会联络言语攻击你们,又能向你们摇头。
What Totti did can happen, it's not my place to criticise but he lost his head, " Mourinho added. " I did not like how the game started. 托蒂所做的随时都可能发生,他当时可能失去了理智,但这不是我该评论的,”穆里尼奥接着说,“我不喜欢这场比赛的方式。
"So would you two like to come to a small get-together at my place some time? " Ella asked as they strolled deeper in the garden together . “那么你们俩愿意挑个时间在我的地方小聚吗?”当她们散步到花园深处的时候Ella问。
I rented to a retired nurse whose previous landlord followed her to my place. He told me the old lady was a convicted forger and con artist. 我还曾把房子租给一名退休护士。她的前房东一路跟着她来到我这儿,他告诉我这个老太太是犯有伪造罪的行骗老手。
I'd had to earn my place in that lane by swimming 400 meters in less than five minutes. Now all Angela had to do was jump in. 我曾经以五分钟不到的时间游完四百米才赢得使用此道的权利,而现在安吉拉所要做的仅仅是纵身一跳。
Your place or mine? Tell you what? I'll flip a coin. Head at my place, tail at yours. 去你家还是我家?要不这样吧,掷硬币决定,人头我家,字面你家。
We'll have to see how that unfolds. My main concern will be making sure I keep my place in the team. 让我们一起来看看局势如何发展,当然我所要考虑的是保持竞技状态,保证自己在队中的位置。
Me, too! Do you want to come over and watch the next game at my place? I'm planning on having a few people over to watch it together. 我也是!你愿不愿意下次比赛时到我家来跟我一起看?我打算多请几个朋友,大家一起看。
Monica: Ok, I'll tell you what. How about I cook dinner at my place? I'll make it just like Mom's. 好吧,我跟你说,我在我家做饭怎么样?我会尽量做得跟妈妈做的一样的。
So you'll pick me up at a quarter to one at my place and I'll make sure that I've got the presents. 你一点差一刻来我家接我,我肯定已经买好礼物了。
I was a kid back then, eager to please, eager to find my place in a world that seemed familiar but different. The game was my refuge . 而我只是个希望讨别人喜欢的孩子,希望在一个陌生的世界里找到点立足之地。
If you come up to my place you have to close your eyes and count toone thousand. 如果你要去我家的话,你得先闭上眼睛然后数到一千。
I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from my place by the beach to her lakeside mountain home. 我是想去,但从拉瓜纳开车到细头湖要两个小时。
But whatever you say, nothing can keep me from my home, my place of rest, out there in the open air, with a gravestone at my head! 无论你怎么说,什么也别想阻止我回家,我安息的地方,在外面的旷野里,头顶上立着一块墓碑!