a channel

  • 网络A通道;A频道;一个通道

a channela channel

a channel


通讯词典 ... a.优先(用户)b.普通c.立即 Prior OrdinaryImmediate A通道 A channel B通道顺序号 B channel sequence number BS…


动漫作品分类索引 - 路游动漫图片壁纸网 ... 奥特曼系列 - Ultraman Series A频道 - A Channel 阿兹漫画大王 - Azumanga Daioh ...


W1 作业 @ 我要毕业了 ::... ... 3. 一个讯息( a message) 4. 一个通道( a channel) 5. 可能的干扰、噪音( potential noise) ...


居然有小透 (A Channel) 太好了回复 收起回复 A__Butcher mio哪儿去了阿ΤΑΤ… 回复 收起回复 Fade々渎光 这和萌战有出入…

...皇女);村西社长(偶像宣言);一条明(月华剑士);(A Channel);高仓晶马(回转企鹅罐);一条拓麻(吸血鬼骑士)


...这麽可爱) 13位 松前绪花(花开物语) 14位 小伦A Channel) 15位 千石抚子(化物语) 16位 东云名乃(日常) 17位 博 …

"Before, university was a channel to help you to ruling class. Now the ruling class just promote themselves. " “过去,上大学时进入统治阶层的一个通道。现在统治阶层只提拔他们自己。”
Creates a channel of a specified type to a specified endpoint address and transport address to which messages are sent. 创建指定类型的通道,该通道通向消息要发送到的指定终结点地址和传输地址。
God created every mind by communicating His Mind to it, thus establishing it forever as a channel for the reception of His Mind and Will. 每颗心灵都是因为与上主天心的交流而被创造出来,它因而永远成为承接天心与天意的管道。
It is relatively easy to set up a "channel" for your organization, post videos and incorporate them into your website. 相对而言,创建一个组织“频道”,发布视频并且和你的网页链接是比较容易的。
Authentication is delegated to the operating system for bindings mode connections or to a channel security exit for remote connections. 身份验证被委托给操作系统(对于绑定模式的连接)或委托给通道安全出口(对于远程连接)。
The waveguide may be formed by into*ching two 3D photonic crystal regions, with at least one of the regions having a channel formed therein. 可以通过以下方法来所述波导:令两个光子晶体的区域对接,而其中至少一个区域具有形成在其中的通道。
The transmitter converts the message into a set of signals that are sent over a channel to a receiver. 传者把信息转化为一系列的符号,然后通过信道传给受者。
He bent it around his blood-red , leaking cock, pressing it against the shaft with his hands as he created a channel to thrust into. 他把枕头裹在血红欲漏的家伙上面,用手向玉茎压紧,弄出一个管道来插入。
The right-hand expression of a range clause must be an array, slice, string or map, or a pointer to an array; or it may be a channel. range语句右边的表达式必须是array,slice,string或者map,或是指向array的指针,也可以是channel。
The insulation of his heart by reserve during these many years, without a channel of any kind for disposable emotion. 多年来,他的心由于自我克制而与世隔绝,没有任何渲泄激情的通道。
Or watching a film in Mandarin Chinese two-channel, which you wish to shield a channel just to Mandarin, do not know how to do? 或者看电影时有国语粤语两个声道,你想屏蔽其中一个声道,只听国语,不知该怎么办?
As the body attunes itself, it may be a channel where there may be instant healing with the laying on of hands. 当身体调谐自身,它会是一个通道,将手放在患处,会即刻获得治愈。
The design of such a channel is a complex matter , involving currency exchange and capital control issues , but it is not impossible . 要建立这个渠道并不容易,因为涉及货币兑换及资金管制等事宜,但并非不可能做到。
The interior of the double-layer composite board is also provided with a channel for a power line and a control line. 双层复合板的内部还设置有电源线和控制线的通道。
Second, the structure as a layered, easy to use as a channel of central China. 第二,布局为层状,易于作为通道质料搁置洋国洋部。
In his work, he found a channel for all his energy. 他在工作中找到了释放自己精力的渠道。
The configuration of the diffuser should be designed as a channel to allow the main flow pass through a shock train. 扩压段的形状应设计成能使主气流通过-系列斜激波串减速的通道。
My reasoning is that MQIPT does not queue any data to disk so in the event of a channel failure, there is no data piling up in the DMZ. 理由就是MQIPT不会将任何数据排队到磁盘中,因而在出现通道故障时,DMZ中不会出现数据堆积的现象。
Second, the structure as a layered, easy to use as a channel. 第二,结构为层状,易于作为通道材料使用。
It is known that as the length of a channel delay dispersion increases, longer filter lengths are required. 已知当信道延迟离散的长度增加时,需要更长的滤波器长度。
The revelations come in a week when the Corporation announced swinging cuts that will leave BBC2 a channel of repeats. 这在公司宣布大幅度削减开支时被披露,这将会使BBC2频道的节目重播。
Accepts a channel of a specified type for communication with a client within a specified interval of time. 接受具有指定类型的通道以便与客户端进行通信。
After a subscription to a channel, the connection between the client and the server is kept open, for a defined amount of time. 在订阅了某个频道后,客户端和服务器间的连接会保持打开状态,并保持一段事先定义好的时间。
In this technique a channel is dredged along the line of the tunnel, in other words, silt is pumped out of the waterbed. 在这种技术的一个渠道是疏浚线沿线的隧道,换言之,是淤泥抽出的水床。
After the establishment of a session, the initiator asks to start a channel for the particular profile or set of profiles it wishes to use. 会话建立后,发起者为它希望使用的特殊配置文件或配置文件集请求启动一个通道。
Although any number of templates can be declared , only one formatter sink can be in a channel sink call chain . 尽管可声明任意数量的模板,但在一个信道接收器调用链中只能存在一个格式化程序接收器。
Maehara their speech, behavior, has represented not just themselves, it is the collective voice of these young group of a channel. 前原们的言论、行为,已经不仅仅代表着他们自己,更是这些少壮派集体发声的一个通道。
They often set the system to a specific environment to expand the story, and it opened up the outside world as a channel. 他们常常会设制一个特定的环境来展开故事,并将其视为打通外部世界的通道。
From the start, God meant to pour his blessings not into a private pool but into a channel that would become a mighty river. 神一开始便定意,要把祂的福通过一个巨大的管道(不是一个细小的水池)倾流出来,流成浩瀚的江河。
The delta, and the existence of a channel etched into the crater wall, suggest that a river once flowed into a standing body of water. 三角洲以及在陨坑壁有过河道存在的迹象都表明有一条河流曾经流入该陨坑。