
美 [ɔ]英 [ɔː]
  • n.敬畏;畏惧;惊叹;惊惧
  • v.〈正式〉使敬畏;使惊奇
  • 网络ANSYS Workbench Environment

第三人称单数:awes 现在分词:awing 过去式:awed



n. v.

1.[u]敬畏;惊叹feelings of respect and slight fear; feelings of being very impressed by sth/sb


be/stand in awe of sb/sth

对…敬畏;对…望而生畏to admire sb/sth and be slightly frightened of them/it


新东方GRE词汇 - 豆丁网 ... awash ? adj. 浸满水的 awe ? n. 敬畏 awkward ? adj. 笨拙的 ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... aware a. 意识到的 awe n. 畏惧 v.使敬畏 bachelor n. 单身男子;学士 ...


NK-words1 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... auxiliary 辅助的,支援的 awe 敬畏,惊惧 bacon 咸猪肉,熏猪肉 ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... aware a. 意识到的 awe n. 畏惧 v.使敬畏 bachelor n. 单身男子;学士 ...

ANSYS Workbench Environment

...02年ANSYS在7.0版本发布的时候 正式推出了ANSYS Workbench Environment (AWE)"ANSYS下一代前后处理 和软件集成环 …


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(三) - 豆丁网 ... strengthen vt. 加强,强化 awe n. 敬畏,惊叹 recognition n. 认同;认出;承认 ...

He is slightly retarded and completely in awe of his brother, who in turn is very protective of him. 安东尼有点轻微弱智,完全畏惧哥哥,当然,哥哥对弟弟的照顾也无微不至。
For the fat crystal emitted by the authority of natural energy, to enhance their decision on the matter of fruit, can engender awe. 对于发晶所自然散发出的权威能量,能够加强本身对事情的果决,可以使人产生敬畏之心。
The SMS Galaxy is an awe-inspiring, easy to use, innovative multimedia platform that's as cool and funky as it is fun! SMSGalaxy是一个让人震憾,使用简单,创新的多媒体平台,炫酷,胆战心惊充满乐趣。
Counter in System Monitor to determine how much memory is allocated by the instance of SQL Server running in AWE mode. 计数器可以确定在AWE模式下运行的SQLServer实例分配的内存量。
I'm really trying to be a great computer programmer, and so in awe of the people who seem to do it naturally. 我在努力尝试成为一个伟大的计算机程序员,因此对那些似乎很有天赋的人保持敬畏。
We watch the events in wonder and awe and applaud all who believe that change can take place in a peaceful and determined manner. 我们以好奇的,敬畏的和称赞的心意观察着这些事件,所有人都相信这个改变能够在一个和平和坚决的方式中发生。
As he felt the *booth, curving sharpness of the metal tips, the girl stood quite still, gazing up into his face with an expression of awe. 当他感受指甲的光滑,弯曲,锋利的时候,小姑娘静静站立着,抬头凝视着他的脸,露出敬畏的神色。
More than one Chinese blogger expressed to me, with a sense of awe, that Google did what they could not. 不止一个中国博主向我表达了他们的敬佩——谷歌做了他们所不能做的事情。
Remember how much in awe you were of teenagers when you were in the third grade? Exactly. 还记得自己在小学三年纪的时候,对那些高年纪的学生有多敬畏吧!
I, Pencil, simple though I appear to be, merit your wonder and awe, a claim I shall attempt to prove. 我,铅笔,尽管看起来平平凡凡,但是也值得你探索和敬畏,我会证明给你看的。
Only when I saw him sigh in awe and his hands move delicately over the sample booklet did I realize what You had truly given me. 当看到他手抚样书许久叹息时,我才明白您给予我的是什么。
Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. 愿全地都敬畏耶和华。愿世上的居民,都惧怕他。
One of my students once told me, "it's exciting to be a bit in awe of a guy. " 我的一个学生曾经跟我说,“有点怕男人是挺刺激的。”
I should behold with awe the magnificent panorama of light with which the sun awakens the sleeping earth. 我将怀着敬畏之心,仰望壮丽的曙光全景,与此同时,太阳唤醒了沉睡的大地。
For the first two years I was in the Antarctic I was in awe of many explorers but then I began to have the authority to challenge them. 我在南极的头两年时间里,对许多探险队员都很敬畏,可是后来我开始有资格向他们进行挑战。
It's got to help you - an atmosphere like that, fans like that. I just sat there in awe on Sunday. 那种球场的气氛和球迷的状态会帮助到你,周日的比赛我是带着敬畏的心情坐上看台的。
Mr. Hartlaub: Yeah. He was "in-one-take Charlie" . They're all in awe of him. He's like a rock star when he walks into LeapFrog. 哈特劳布:是呀,他号称“一遍定音小查理”。那些制作人都对他佩服得不行。他走进跳蛙玩具公司时,整个一副摇滚巨星的姿态。
Some were in awe of the beautiful woman in the photos and could not believe that She was the one providing them with the gifts. 有些人非常惊讶,难以置信相片中的美人就是赠送他们礼物之人。
In general, you will know these 'Shock and Awe' events are what we have been mentioning to you for a while, as there will be no doubt. 一般来说,那时你就会知道这些活动就是我们提及的【冲击和敬畏】事件,勿庸置疑了。
It would serve me well over the next two and a half years, as I worked for the President, who remained for me an object of awe and mystery. 在以后我为始终敬畏的总统服务的两年半时间里,这种锻炼对我很有用处。
Pausing in her lamentations, she surveyed him with a glance of awe and horror, then burst forth anew. 她不再哀哭,用一种惧怕的眼光打量他,跟着又重新哭起来。
Sixty years of the Endeavor, was like a sleeping dragon, dream wake up, stand in the east of Britain. Let the world in awe. 六十年的奋进,中国犹如沉睡中的巨龙,如梦苏醒,屹立在东方之颠。让世人敬畏。
The others present watched in awe as the prince closed his eyes and slowly began to chant. 其他的在场者敬畏的看着王子闭上了眼睛,缓缓地开始吟唱。
It was like the revival of an old melodrama that I had seen long ago with childish awe. 那是老式情节剧的重现,很久以前,我曾怀着孩童的那种敬畏观看过。
There's no need for you to be in awe of the boss. There's nothing special about him - he inherited the position. 你没必要因为他是老板就敬而远之,他没什么特别之处,只是继承了这个位置。
They learned to play their instruments and the songs in the space of a week, and I can't help but be in awe of them for that. 在一周的时间里,他们学会了演奏乐器和演唱歌曲,对此,我感到由衷的敬畏。
The same mixture of fear and awe is often evident in people's views of the US, and, indeed, of the Jews. 这种害怕与敬畏交织的心情,同样也常常在人们对美国(实际上是犹太人)的看法中非常明显地体现出来。
He noticed that they were all whispering together, looking towards him with something like awe and even obsequious deference. 他发现,大家在窃窃私语,用目光向他表示,有如目光中流露出恐惧,甚至是奴颜婢膝的样子。
He was still so young at that point (21) that I even think he might have been a little awe-struck at everything. 他当时还是非常年轻的(21岁),我甚至认为他所做到的事情领你肃然起敬。
"Even those who dislike him are still in awe of him, " says a local commentator. "Don't count him out yet. " “甚至那些不喜欢他的人依然对他心存敬畏”当地一位评论员说,“所以先别把他拨到一边。”