
美 [moʊld]英 [məʊld]
  • n.结晶器;霉;模型;霉菌
  • v.铸;形成;【建筑】用线条(或雕刻)装饰;(使)发霉
  • 网络模具;模子;铸模

复数:moulds 现在分词:moulding 过去分词:moulded

mould character


n. v.

1.[c]模具;铸模a container that you pour a liquid or soft substance into, which then becomes solid in the same shape as the container, for example when it is cooled or cooked

2.[c][ususing](独特)类型,个性,风格a particular style showing the characteristics, attitudes or behaviour that are typical of sb/sth

3.[u][c]霉;霉菌a fine soft green, grey or black substance like fur that grows on old food or on objects that are left in warm wet air


break the mould (of sth)

改变…的模式;打破…的模式to change what people expect from a situation, especially by acting in a dramatic and original way


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生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 铝箔 aluminum foil 模子 mould 坛子 jar ...


高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... tailor n. 裁缝 mould n. 霉;霉菌;气质 risky adj. 危险的;冒险的 ...


进出口行业词汇英语翻译(M) ... mould tool 模具 mould 铸模 mould-material tester 制模材料试验机 ...


高分子材料专业英语 - 豆丁网 ... pack 包,捆,堆,垫圈 26. mould 模型 27. hose 软管,皮带管 28. ...


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Look, these neatly lined terra cotta warriors seem to be made with a single mould. 你看,这么多兵马俑都站得整整齐齐的,像是一个模子刻出来的。
Casting by mould has been used for thousands of years. 人为采用范铸工艺已有数千年的历史。
In engineering field, the engraving of Chinese characters, letters or other figures on workpiece or mould is often encountered. 在工程界,经常需要在工件或模具上雕刻汉字、符号或其他图案。
When the clay was in place, it had to slowly dry for a few days to get firm enough to keep its shape when I took it out of the mould. 当粘土放好之后,需要好些天去等它慢慢干掉,从而当我把它从模具里拿出来的时候能够足够的坚固,并保持着它的形状。
Once the five days is up, the mixture is popped out of the mould, dried, and can then be used for any purpose. 一旦过了五天,这种混合物就鼓出模子,晒干,然后就能用于所有用途。
the prepared mould can be used for preparing the micro needles by a centrifuge method and a suction method. 制备的模具可用于离心法和抽滤法制备微针。
I hate the way you're always trying to mould me into something you want me to be. 我讨厌你总想把我变成你希望我成为的那种人。
He made an attempt to break the mould of British politics. 他对打破英国政坛一成不变的局面做出了一次尝试。
He looked at it closely, and saw that microbes around the mould had been killed. 仔细观察后他发现,霉菌周边的微生物都被杀死了。
Especially mould opening with automatic system , and mould stroke get bigger , easy to take the products and gate . 独特的自动开模系统,节省人力,开模行程大,有得于取成品及料头。
In the function of injection pressure, the mould which has core will produce a little core offset and cause plastics deformation. 具有型芯的模具,在注射压力的作用下,将使型芯产生一定偏移,引起塑件变形。
Extensive drill, training and battle have helped mould these men into soldiers, capable of dealing with the enemy on equal terms. 大量的操练、培训以及实战已将这些人打磨成了真正的战士,能与同级别的敌人相抗。
Established in 2007 Red Maple is one of the largest wind turbine blade mould manufacturer worldwide, producing over 40 mould sets a year. 2007年成立的红枫是世界上最大的风电叶片模具制造商之一,年产量超过40套,地处中国太仓。
As part of that, I spent time in a burns unit where they use all these amazing splinting textiles that mould around the body. 因而,我花了一些时间在烧伤部,那里他们用神奇的夹板疗法纺织物给身体塑形。
One above the other, the protruding cages of the toilets make a sort of tower: toilets with mould-soft walls, marshy at the bottom. 一个接着一个的,盥洗室外延伸出的鸟笼堆叠的有点像塔楼,有着湿软青苔的盥洗室,位于底端。
He named the chemical found in the mould 'penicillin' and tried to make it pure to be a medicine, but was unable to do that. 他将霉里发现的这种化学物质叫做“青霉素”,而且试图将其提纯为一种药物,但未能如愿。
The shell frame is manufactured by the inner mould transfer printing method, and the appearance of the shell frame has no seam. 本发明壳体框件使用所述模内转印方法制成,其外观不具有接缝。
It is often necessary to balance the gates of a multi-impression mould to ensure that the impressions fill simultaneously. 在多模腔模具中通过浇口的平衡来确保型腔同时充满是必须的。
Of course, you're depending on the fact that your boss's boss isn't cast in the same mould as your boss (like tends to hire like). 当然,你依赖的是这样一个事实:你老板的老板和直接老板不是一路人(同类人往往会雇用同类人)。
And it tried to turn Symbian, its own operating system for smartphones, into a platform in the mould of the i Phone and Android. 它也在设法将自有的智能手机操作系统Symbian,转变为一个如同iPhone和Android模样的平台。
the up and down the die and mould clamping appears spacing, integers, and easy to clean the broken product. 所加工的模具出现上下模具合模间距不均,整型易擦碎产品。
Michael's efforts mould a mind into a centralized throne for the Word of God, while the dragon turns a mind into a cloud without a center. 迈克尔的努力集中到神道的心型宝座上,而龙的努力转为天下,没有中心。
A bit of mould is a pleiad of flowers; a nebula is an ant-hill of stars. 一粒霉菌是一簇美不胜收的花朵,一撮星云是无数天体的蚁聚。
For some time there was no noise but the grating sound of the spades discharging their freight of mould and gravel. 有一段时间,只能听到他们一锹一锹抛泥土和石子所发出的嚓嚓声响。
Molten steel leakage by binding is often related to the properties of mould powder. 粘结漏钢往往与所使用的结晶器保护渣性能有关。
Now, a few tons to dozens of tons of mould has become so common, so requires the worktable must be able to withstand the big weight. 现在,几吨到几十吨的模具已经非常普遍,所以就要求机床工作台面必须能承受大重量。
Shaoxing mould tofu is one of the 'six mould products of Shaoxing' and is as famous as the Shaoxing aged rice wine. 前言:绍兴霉豆腐系“绍兴六霉”之一,与绍兴老酒齐名。
They forged a sense of commonality in their collective effort to eke out a living and to mould a feeling of community and identity. 但是,他们有一个共同的认识——努力求存和建立社区精神及认同感。
and a sand collection groove is designed at the joint of the sand core and the boss of the bottom half mould. 同时在砂芯与下型凸台的结合部位设计有集砂槽。
Methods By drawing design, mould making and test, an air inlet valve to meet the requirements was manufactured successfully. 方法通过图纸设计、制模、反复多次试验,研制出满足设计要求的充气阀。