
美 [ˈtræfɪk]英 ['træfɪk]
  • n.路上行驶的车辆;交通;(沿固定路线的)航行;运输
  • v.traffic的现在分词形式;以…作交易;出卖(名誉等);买卖

第三人称单数:traffics 现在分词:trafficking 过去式:trafficked

heavy traffic,through traffic,busy traffic,local traffic,fast traffic
reduce traffic,stop traffic,carry traffic,block traffic,direct traffic


n. v.

1.路上行驶的车辆;交通the vehicles that are on a road at a particular time

2.(沿固定路线的)航行,行驶,飞行the movement of ships, trains, aircraft, etc. along a particular route

3.运输;人流;货流the movement of people or goods from one place to another

4.信息流量;通信(量)the movement of messages and signals through an electronic communication system

5.~ (in sth)(非法的)交易,买卖illegal trade in sth

Perhaps somewhere there will be opportunity to start over, but traffic is often no such luck. 或许在某个地方还会有重新来过的机会,然而交通事故往往没有这样的好运。
Somebody would try to get a little bit ahead, then somebody else would see that and get angry, and pretty soon, you're back to LA traffic. 有些人想方设法在更前面,其他人看到了就会生气,不一会儿,又会回到洛杉矶交通的状态。
The driver pulled up to the curb and the traffic cop told him that he had been doing ninety-eight-a really breakneck speed. 司机将车驶上路缘,交通警察告诉他刚才行车车速达九十八公里猁猁一个极危险的车速。
Trolley cars, telegraph poles, sidewalks, lamp-posts, and any other structures capable of blocking traffic would become obsolete. 有轨电车、电线杆、人行道、路灯柱、以及其他妨碍交通的结构都将成为过去式。
It also found that such fires produce as much carbon dioxide in a few weeks as California's motor vehicle traffic does in a year. 这项研究还发现,这样的森林大火,几个星期产生的二氧化炭,相当加州交通运输工具一年的排放量。大家来修改。
Traffic slowed a bit, then the post made it to the bottom of Delicious Popular after three hours. 流量的增长有点慢,接着三个小时以后这篇文章进入了到热门美味书签页面的底部。
Also, a train strike had been paralyzing traffic for about a week, with only few trains in service here and there. 而且,火车员工的罢工也导致交通瘫痪一周,只有很少几辆运行。
Olympic contingency measures, but the newspaper said the traffic plan had been completed. 北京官方未公布奥运紧急预案,但这份报纸说,交通计划已经完成。
Once you are ready to take on more traffic or need fault tolerance, you can graduate your application to the main Heroku platform. 当准备好处理更大的通信量或者需要容错能力时,可以把应用程序转移到主Heroku平台。
It's depressing when you can't get out of a traffic jam. Especially when it happens on your only way home. 被困在车阵中动弹不得真让人不爽。尤其那是你回家唯一的路的时候。
Luci Johnson liked to race ahead of agents in her car, trying to lose them in traffic. 露西·约翰逊喜欢开着自己的车跑在特工前头,试图在车流中甩开他们。
However, in January Bagle reappeared out of nowhere, and one variant of this worm was the most widespread malicious program in mail traffic. 但是,1月份Bagle没有再出现,它的一个变种在邮件传输中是传播最广泛的恶意程序。
Rather than concentrating on the actual product he was trying to sell, he thought of a way to pull in traffic through a different window. 而非专注于他的实际产品推销、他想起了一个办法,通过不同的交通抠窗口。
It must be textured for traction, embedded with heating elements for melting away ice and snow, and able to survive years of traffic. 该玻璃必须具有浮凸结构以产生附着摩擦力,内嵌加热元件以融化冰雪,而且可以承载数年的交通量。
Apply that to the jerk-in-traffic example, and it's easy to see how you can start rewriting the scenario to a happier outcome. 把这应用在路上的白痴这个例子上,很容易就能看到你怎么开始将这个故事重写成一个更快乐的情节。
i need 10, 000 traffic per month. tell me how much you will charge for that. 我需要每月10,000流量。告诉我你有多么会收取的。
Heavy traffic on the turnpike; stopped oncoming traffic to let the children cross. 收费高速公路上交通繁忙;中断迎面而来的车流让孩子们过街。
If the site was not the tens of thousands of traffic, then the webmaster is best not to put such vulgar pop with the kind of advertisement! 如果站点得流量不是成千上万,那么站长最好是不要投放像是弹窗跟低俗这类广告!
Key phrases and sentences So the traffic situation in London is a little better than in Beijing? 重要的短语和句子这么说伦敦的交通状况要比北京好一些了?
In a bus stop, road traffic flow is often delayed by bus. 公交站点的运行往往影响道路交通流畅通与否。
said in a telephone interview that the traffic got a little better once he finally made it off the highway. 龙杰说,当他最终把车开出高速路之后,交通状况就好一点了。
The company is situated next to Wando deep highway, traffic convenience, we are with you ideal for the best! 公司地处莞深公路旁,交通方便,是我们与您联系最好的理想之地!!!
A traffic sign marks the beginning of a hard shoulder and a thick solid white line marks the edge. 路肩的起点有交通标志说明,路肩边缘同时髹有粗白。
To a visitor, the signs that say, in large block letters, OBEY TRAFFIC RULES come across as a bit of black humor . 对游客来说,偶然碰见的那些牌子用大写字母标明“OBEYTRAFFICRULES(遵守交通规则)”有点像是黑色幽默。
but I have to call you to help me, since I am blocking the traffic in a major intersection. I am making a traffic jam now. 没有,我不得不给你打电话是因为我堵住了一个主要路口的交通,我正在引起一个交通阻塞。
Fred exclaimed as he and my husband, Tom, realized what had been causing traffic to creep down the busy five-lane road. 弗烈德高声呐喊著,当时他和我先生汤姆正在交通繁忙的五线车道上,目睹导致该处交通瘫痪的原因。
In a report to Congress on Wednesday, the U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission expressed concern over the traffic rerouting. 周三,在给国会的报告中,美中经济与安全审查委员会表示了对流量重定向事件的关注。
Oblivious to the traffic, or to me as I overtook them, for encouragement she sang him classic melody. 就在四周流动的车辆还有我忽略他们时,她为了给自己的丈夫加油打气,哼起了一段经典的旋律。
He kept turning his head to look at me when the headlights from oncoming traffic lit the cab's interior. 我从眼缝中瞄了他一眼,对面车辆的车前灯照亮驾驶室时,他还在扭头看着我。
A few days ago, there was a heavy snow. I believe that most people's memory must be full of the bad traffic condition. 前些日子的一场大雪,大多数人的记忆中一定是糟糕的交通状况。