take out

  • na.取出;带出(散步等);除去(污点等);取得(专卖权等)
  • 网络拿出;去掉;拿出来

第三人称单数:takes out 现在分词:taking out 过去式:took out 过去分词:taken out

take outtake out

take out


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 440 do the dishes 洗餐具 443 take out 取出 448 work on 从事...,忙于... ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... take oneself off 走开,离去 take out 拿出;去掉;扣除 take out loans 借贷 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... take oneself off 走开,离去 take out 拿出;去掉;扣除 take out loans 借贷 ...


高中英语常用短语 - 豆丁网 ... take on 开始雇佣,呈现,露出,承担 take out 带某人去,取得,褪色 take over 接受,接任,接 …


小学四年级英语寒假作业_百度知道 ... 逃跑 run away 拿出来 take out 摆桌子 to set the table ...


英文翻译_百度知道 ... order 点(菜) take out 外卖 order 订单 ...


灵通少儿英语(第一册)_学习园地_一一幼教网 ... take off 拿掉 251 take out 带…出去 252 tape teip 磁带 253 ...


请告诉我以下英文短语的意思_百度知道 ... get on 上车 take out 取出; 除去; 扣除; 带...出去 take away 带走,拿走 ...

I hate to say it, but I think we need a new car, and I think we'll have to take out a car loan. 我不愿意说,但是,我想,我们需要一辆新车,我想,我们不得不提出汽车贷款了。
Being able to take out a chunk of the enemy quickly before Yuriko's life becomes threatened. 你可以在百合子的生命受到威胁前就干掉大批的敌人。
In great chain restaurant companies like McDonald's, you can get fast food at the counter ready "to go " , or "to take out" . 许多大型的连锁餐馆比如麦当劳专营快餐,这种食品在柜台上能即食或打包。
e. g. : Do you know how much they'll let me take out of the country? 你知道他们要我从这个国家带走多少钱吗?
How much tax do they take out of your pay? 他们从你的工资收入中扣出多少所得税?
By refinancing, he said, we could take out the money we needed and lower our monthly payments! 他说,通过再融资,我们可以得到我们需要的资金并减少月供。
But that's when I take out his letters and I read them, and the paper that touched his hand is in mine, and I feel connected to him. 可是已经太迟了。但每当我拿出并细阅他的信我感到与他紧密相连,因为他触摸过的那张信纸就在我手中。
An Insurance Agent was trying to induce a Hard Man to Deal With to take out a policy on his house. 保险代理人是试图促使一个穷人拿出他的房子以应对政策。
Since you have them grouped, it's easy to order them to take out any enemy infantry that might pop up in the course of the battle. 由于你把他们编队了,这就很容易命令他们干掉任何可能在战斗中突然出现的敌人步兵。
Take out the chicken into a bowl, just ready to enjoy it well. 把鸡肉取出来放到碗里,就准备好好享受吧。
If you point to a distant object, perhaps he is short-sighted, and has to take out his glass to look at it. 如果你指出了远处的一个景物,他也可能正好是近视眼,要拿出眼镜才能看到。
Be careful with your finger while trying to take out the battery pack. 当试图取出电池,小心你的手指。
Now that you're more familiar with the local economy, the next step is to take out a map and get your bearings. 现在,你更加熟悉当地经济,下一步就是拿出一张地图知道您的方位。
'Take out a dollar bill in the remotest place in world and people will recognize it, ' he said. 他说,即使是在世界最偏远的地区拿出一张美元纸币,人们也能认得它。
Father is always very busy, seldom take out time to come out to be like to sit down to discuss heart now. 爸爸一向很忙,难得抽时间出来像现在坐下来谈谈心。
Said the magic will see scattered, take out a qi white Dan medicine to pass to him and promptly hesitated or take a swallowed up. 说着那散魔就看到斯琪拿出一颗白色的丹药向他递来,当即犹豫了一下还是收下一口吞了。
The ability to head shot lets you take out most classes in only a few shots and pairs well with your ability to see enemy health. 它所具有的头部爆击伤害搭配你看透敌方生命值的能力,能够让你在几发射击之内射杀多数兵种。
And then take out a special account, the rest of the account answer all used to ask questions. 然后拿出一个账号专门回答,其余的账号全部用来提问。
By at least the late 1990s, he began to take out huge loans to support himself and pay debts. 至少,从上世纪90年代末开始,他便开始借入巨额贷款来维生并且还债。
Employees, that want to take out of their things, should have out-going item of private baggage, or not to be out. 员工携带自己的物品出厂,必须持有私人行李放行条,否则不予放行。
If I take out an old tooth and replace it with a false one, I won't charge you for the tooth-pull. 如果你要求拔掉一颗原先的牙并换上一颗假牙,我不会收取拔牙的费用。
That would make it harder for you to take out a loan or borrow money to expand a business. 那将让你们更难借出贷款或者借钱来扩大生意。
After a series of popular TV adverts, the company have decided to take out a $1 million Lloyd's of London policy on the locks. 在拍摄了一系列电视广告后,公司拿出100万美元为他的头发买了保险。
He said that he wants to provide each of his daughters proper Indian weddings, and will take out loans to pay for the others. 他说他希望为每个女儿都筹办这样标准的印度婚礼,但估计到时候需要借债了。
If his house rises in value over the next five years, he will have to take out a further mortgage to pay back other creditors. 未来5年,如果他的房子价格升值,他还需要办理一个抵押贷款去还其他债主的钱。
If you think the price of the car is going to be 5% higher next year, it makes sense to take out the loan and buy it now. 如果你认为车价在明年会涨5%,那么取出贷款现在便去购买就理所当然了。
"The herding is also . . . . . . " at his kiss in, she struggles and arrives his chest, own lips from he the lips take out to leave. “牧也……”在他的吻里,她挣扎起来,抵住他的胸膛,将自己的唇从他唇间抽离。
The country is in the sort of unhappy and scratchy mood that voters in mid-terms habitually take out on the president's party. 整个国家都处在某种烦闷和抓狂的心态中,而选民习惯性地把这种心态归咎于总统所属的政党。
B That wouldn't be a problem. How much would you take out? 没有问题,你想提多少钱呢?
How much time did that "few more minutes" take out of her day? “再多等一会儿”占去她每天多长时间呢?