the rock

美 [rɑk]英 [rɒk]
  • 网络勇闯夺命岛;绝地任务;石破天惊

the rockthe rock

the rock


原自勇闯夺命岛THE ROCK)中台词自由之树必须以爱国者和暴君的血灌溉既开花-汤玛士 杰佛逊爱国主义是邪恶的美德-王 …


他的绝地任务 ( The Rock ) 早已塑立他在电影配乐史上的动作片典范,我想抽离他的音乐后,绝地任务是否还能让人津津热道…


好看的外国大片_爱问知识人 ... # Con Air 空中监狱◆◆◆ # The Rock 石破天惊◆ # Leaving Las Vegas 逃离拉斯维加斯◆◆◆◆…


洛克The rock)生日快乐!" target='_blank'>洛克(The rock)生日快乐!


巨石强森(THE rock) 刺青图腾 [ 欧美艺人 ] 美国人的名子...巨石强森.... 目前没有资料 我要评论 请问桃园市区哪里有在卖专辑或 …


岩石The Rock),1972年5月2日生于美国加州的海沃德,是他们家第3代摔角手,父亲是著名摔角健将洛奇·约翰逊,外公彼 …


球员绰号... ... “Pinturicchi”(“ 平图里齐奥”)②“金童”③ “The Rock”(“ 磐石”)②“野兽”③“黑珍珠” “The Little Soldier”(“ 小战 …

There is the rock of a rock of charcoal gray and gray by the side of that tree, the rock has three florets of reds behind. 在那棵树旁有一棵深灰色的石头与灰色的石头,石头后面有三朵红色的小花。
Almost 20 percent of his offense came off of the pick and roll and he made pretty good decisions with the rock in those situations. 他的进攻几乎20%是以挡拆战术完成的,而且这种情形下他通常都能作出不错的决定。
Still, his throat felt as if he'd swallowed the rock in his hand. Because the whisper came again, low, personal, and husked with menace. 尽管这样想,鲍比还是感觉喉咙发紧,仿佛吞下了手中的岩石。因为低语声再次传来,低沉,有目的性并且带着威胁。
Close cal: The cameraman is just a few dozen feet from fiery lava pouring out of the rock. 不能再近了:摄影师离开岩石倾泻出的炽热岩浆只有几十英尺。
He put his head down on the rock and looked at the sky. 他低头看了看大石头,又抬头看着天空。
Even how we were on the rock he said nothing, nor so much as relaxed the frowning look upon his face. 甚至登上了这块岩头,他照旧闭紧了嘴,连愁眉不展的脸色也没有消除。
The cave narrowed after a while, but we were able to continue through a narrow gap by crawling into a water-filled fissure in the rock. 爬了不久,山洞变得越来越窄,爬过一条满是水的岩石裂缝,穿过狭窄的山口,我们得以继续前行。
Last summer I had reached the end of the rock garden and found a tiny little plant that I could not immediately identify. 去年夏天,我在接近石头花园边缘处发现一株我不能马上辨认出的细小的植物。
After the experiment it's easy to let the rock dry so you can use it again. 实验后,岩石很容易晾干,因此可以再次使用它。
He let go of the rock and went up into the air. He saw that the sun was low. 他放开了石头,浮上水面。他看见太阳已经低了,
she was crazy about him; gaga over the rock group's new album; he was infatuated with her. 她对他很着迷;狂热于摇滚组合的新唱片;他迷恋着她。
Stress builds up in the rock on both sides of the fault and causes the rock to break and shift in an earthquake. 压力在断层两侧的岩石中产生,并且引起岩石在地震中破裂和滑动。
The rock not made by human hands was formed by God himself in Mary's womb during the time of Rome's empire. 有一个非人手凿出来的石头是神在罗马帝国时期,亲自于马利亚腹中造成的。
We scaled the rock face up to the watchtower and discovered that quite a few people had taken refuge inside. 我们登上了石阶,发现只有很少几个人在烽火台里面休息。
Suddenly, a piece of concrete the size of a quarter jumps free and plummets down the shaft as the rock-hammer pushes through. 突然,随着那把石锤的探出,一块混凝土迸出并坠落井下。
For the next four days he tried to break or shift the rock as he waited for help. 这四天他试图打破或转移你的磐石,他等待着帮助。
Six of the crew, of whom I was one, having let down the boat into the sea, made a shift to get clear of the ship, and the rock. 六个船员,连我在内,把汽艇放下海去,想尽办法脱离大船和礁石。
George stood out in fair sight, on the top of the rock, as he made this declaration of independence. 乔治发表这篇独立宣言时,站在岩石之巅,轮廓清晰。
Only the hilt and a few centimeters of the blade protrude from the rock in the shape of a Cross. 这把剑只有剑柄和几厘米的剑身露在岩石的外面,露出的部分形成一个十字架形。
The noise of the falling of the rock awaked me as it were, rousing me from the stupefied condition I was in, and filled me with horror. 那山石崩裂的声音却把我惊醒了,把我从我那呆若木鸡的境况中唤醒,使我满心恐怖。
and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away. 安放在自己的新坟墓里,就是他凿在盘石里的。他又把大石头辊到墓口,就去了。
Who lasting endurance with the rock layers and gradually ground into a fine powder, Diaozao out in his mind the image to be? 是谁用持久的耐力,把岩石一层层地逐渐磨成细粉,雕凿出他心中所要的形象?
If you had asked George why he'd begun walking towards the rock, he wouldn't have been able to tell you. 你若是问起乔治为何走向礁石,他兴许也说不上来。
One of them noticed a leaf-like impression in the rock and called to me to come down and take a look because I was interested in geology. 其中一个人注意到一块石头上有叶子形状的印记,就让我下来看看,因为我对地质学感兴趣。
The key word here is alone - no-one is ever allowed to go up on the rock with him, not even his best friends. 这里的关键词是独处——就是不允许任何人攀爬到他的石头上,即使最好的朋友也不行。
They put up a lean-to against the rock. The snow "s pretty well covered it now, but I could still make it out. " 他们背靠着大石头,虽然雪几乎把营地整个盖住,但我还是分辨得出来。
An appointment was made for us, by an old Delaware to meet at the rock near the foot of this lake. 一位年长的特拉华人安排我们在湖边的一块岩石旁会面。
Metallica, as you know, has been selected to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 正如你所知道的,已经被正式选入进入摇滚名人堂。
The rock is widely corroded, especially the second-rate hornblende is all over the rock. 岩石蚀变普遍,特别是次闪石化遍及整个岩体。
The rock was large enough to fit two Lionel's in. It was a sparkly red with scattered white lines all over. 那块石头弄容得下两个莱昂内尔,它鲜红鲜红的表面上散布者白色的条文。