take a break

  • v.休息一会儿
  • 网络休息一下;休息了一会儿;轻松一刻

take a breaktake a break

take a break


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... break down 分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服 take a break 休息一下 break out v. 爆发;突发 ...


英语400句 ... I'm worm out! 我太累了。 Take a break 休息了一会儿 Take a nap. 小睡一会儿。 ...


求take词组 短语 句型_百度知道 ... Take position 坐盘;抢占位置;抢位 take a break 休息一会儿 take a chance on 冒险 ...


剑桥雅思高分进阶教程/Jakeman,... ... Answer key 答案解析 Unit 1 Take a break 轻松一刻 Unit 2 What's on the Menu? 漫话美 …


「红色空间规划有限公司」表示,台湾馆主题「休息中」(Take a Break)反思现代人过度追求效率、忽视内涵的生命观,要 …


2010年高考英语练习:语法题之名词与冠词... ... have/take a break 休息一下,为固定短语。 a。heart disease 心脏病,前面不 …

General manager looking run panting, he said: "please take a break, you see Tom do. " 总经理望着跑得气喘吁吁的他说:“请休息一会儿吧,你看看汤姆是怎么做的。”
'It's best now to take a break, get out of this deal and run the company as an independent company, ' Mr. Steiner said. 斯坦纳说,现在最好能停一停,把这个交易放一放,仍旧把纽约泛欧当成独立的公司来运营。
He might have thought the place was Da Temple where we were supposed to take a break and have lunch. 原来他以为到了我们计划休息吃中餐的大殿了。
By the time it reaches a deep red, the makers reckon, it might be wise for an online trader to take a break and cool down. 当它变成深红色的时候,发明者认为,对一个在线投资者而言,明智的选择就是,休息一下,将头脑冷静下来。
He felt content, as if his daughter were already off living somewhere on her own, in comfort and joy, and he could afford to take a break. 他感到心满意足了,好像他的女儿自己离开,安逸而快乐地到某个地方去生活了似的,他能够休息一会儿了。
Just as I was about to smile and ask for a kiss, he said, "Maybe we should take a break" and left. 我正要笑笑去吻他,他说:我们该歇歇了。然后就走了。
Whatever you have to do, take a break at least three or four times a day, even for just a few minutes and go outside and get some fresh air. 无论你有什么必须做的事,每天至少休息三四次,即使只有几分钟到外面走走,呼吸一点新鲜空气。
If you've been working hard, don't be afraid to take a break and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back or to reflect on your goals. 如果你一直在努力工作着,不要害怕停下歇会,给自己找个靠背享受一下你应得的小憩或者静下来反思一下自己的目标。
Wait until all the partners came to the destination, we take a break for a while we started a real BBQ. 等到全部伙伴来到了目的地之后,我们休息了一会儿我们便开始真正的BBQ了。
"I sat down with the nurses to take a break after this long day, and I asked them if they were scared, " wrote Zeng. 经过长长的一天,我坐下来休息一会,我问旁边的护士,他们怕不怕。
After his next projects, he said he planned to take a break. 他说拍完下几部电影后计划休息一段时间。
hold this, come on lets take a break, t's not as bad as you think. 持有这种,来让我们休息一会儿,并不像你想的那么糟。
Yeah. It would be nice to take a break from all that stress and pollution of the big city. 没错。暂时离开大都市的一切压力和污染会很不错的。
He's going to take a break from the game but, as long as he still wants it, he's got a bright future ahead of him. 他回去休一段时间的假,但是他一直想当经理。他很清楚自己的未来。
At least Jane had a foot in the door. Now she could take a break. Now she could float along and see where the company would take her. Right? 至少珍妮的一只脚已经踏进来了。现在她可以休息一下了。她可以随波逐流,看公司能把她带向何方。不是吗?
I am really enjoying the long, slow lovemaking that never really ends; we just take a break and start again the next day. 我享受着永不结束的漫长又缓慢的性交,我们今天结束了明天又开始了。
'If he says "Let's take a break on this, " that's cool. It's been a great joy to share together. 如果他说“咱们休息吧”.能一起分享才是最大的快乐。
It's also parental negligence, since they should've told him to at least take a break and move around. 这也是父母的疏忽,应该至少让他休息下。
Isn't this fun, PC? I sure am glad we decided to take a break from our little disagreements and just do something fun together, you know? 这不是很有趣吗,PC?我非常高兴我们决定把我们的小小不一致暂时抛到一边去并一起做一些有趣的事,知道吗?
I let him take a break for food and relieving himself and a little bit of sleep here and there. 我会时不时地让他休息一会儿,放松自己,吃点东西或者小睡一会儿什么的。
I have a good sense of time management and a strong team around me that I can trust whenever I take a break. 我有非常好的时间管理理念,而且无论何时我休息时,我都有我可以信任的一个强大的团队在我周围。
You know you've been working too hard when your company actually encourages or sometimes even forces you to take a break. 当公司在鼓励你、有时候甚至强迫你休假的时候,你就知道自己工作太卖力了。
If your art is not flowing or enjoyable then take a break away from the easel and look to other things for a while. 如果创造思维不流畅、令人不满意,不妨离开画架一会儿,看看别的什么东西。
Hey, all I wanted was to take a break from the party for a minute. 嗨,我就是想离开晚会清静一会儿。
Clearly marking the beginning and end of a break will help you take a break in the first place. 清楚地开始和结束休息能让你得到真正休息。
They spend almost every night in the library and had never been able to just take a break and have fun. 他们几乎每天晚上都在图书馆学习,从来没能够休息去玩一下。
We would stop walking, take a break with a soda or ice cream cone and talk about what we had seen and what we had to see. 这时候我们会停下来休息一会,来点苏打汁或蛋卷冰淇淋,聊聊看到的和要去看的。
Since when can you take a break from a lecture for a bong rip and a quick nap with your cuddly cat? 从什么时候起你可以在一堂课后抱着你心爱的小猫睡上一会了?
Mercury retrograde encourages everyone to take a break for a few short weeks and to meditate on the highlighted area of life. 水逆鼓励每个人都休息个几周并去沉思下过去的人生。
Even if you take a break from the gym for a while, your muscles will retain a memory of their former fitness. 就算你一段时间没去健身,肌肉也能记住之前的健康状态。