take on

  • na.担任(工作等);较量;装(某种样子);呈现(形势)
  • 网络承担;雇用;雇佣

第三人称单数:takes on 现在分词:taking on 过去式:took on 过去分词:taken on

take ontake on

take on


大学英语四级常用词组 ... take off 拿走;脱下(衣帽等) take on 呈现(面貌);装出 take oneself off 走开,离去 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... take office 就职 take on ① 呈现、显现 ②雇佣 ③承担(工作) take one's attention 吸引某人注意 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... bring on 使……发展 take on 雇用,呈现(新面貌等) try on 试穿 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... take office 就职 take on ① 呈现、显现 ②雇佣 ③承担(工作) take one's attention 吸引某人注意 ...


求take词组 短语 句型_百度知道 ... take part in 参加,参与 take on 承担;呈现;具有;流行;接纳;雇用;穿上 take up 拿起…


动词和动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... take off 起飞;匆匆离去;脱下 take on 呈现;采纳;承担,从事 take one’s time 不要着急,慢慢 …


介词短语_百度百科 ... take off 拿走,脱下;起飞 take on 呈现;接纳,承担,从事 take over 接管,接办 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... take for 认为,以为;误认为 take on 接受;包含;领会 take into account 把…考虑进去 ...

Then, while politicians elsewhere were squaring up to their banks, Mr Rudd decided to go one better, and take on the miners. 于是,在其它国家的政客们准备对付国内银行之际,陆克文决定胜人一筹,对矿商开征资源暴利税。
How do you think the Lakers performed? Was it a good sign to see Kobe back in the lineup? What's your take on the progress of Andrew Bynum? 你是怎么看待湖人的变现的?科比回来是一个好兆头?你怎么看待拜纳姆的进步?
How much luggage can one take on the plane? 一个人可以带多少行李上飞机?
Is she ready to take on her country's culture of political violence? 但她真的准备承担该国的政治暴力文化之过吗?
I was ready to take on my dream and make it a reality! 我已经准备好踏上我的梦想之旅,并且使它成为现实!
The Da Vinci Code is a middling adventure game take on Dan Brown's mega-selling novel, but it does do at least a few things reasonably well. TheDaVinciCode是一款披着丹·布朗百万级销量小说外衣的中等品质冒险游戏,不过它至少有少数东西还是做的相当不错的。
Sarah: Oh, yes. With my experience, I definitely feel ready to take on the new challenges of the adult classes. 莎拉:喔,当然。以我的经历,我很有自信面对成人课程的全新挑战。
Ballmer has repeatedly said he would like to combine the two search businesses to take on market leader Google. Ballmer也曾反复说他希望将两公司的搜索业务合并以对抗市场的领导者Google。
Getting people motivated to take on responsibility is not a question of organizational structure so much as organizational attitude. 激发人们的责任感与其说是组织结构问题,不如说是组织态度问题。
After earning a bachelor's degree -- and logging a few years on the job -- you're ready to move up, to take on new challenges, and to grow. 后入学士学位-并记录在工作数年-你已准备好起来,迎接新的挑战,以及发展。
This has got to be the first step you take on the path to freedom. That will help you turn the shakiness into strength. 这是你在通往自由之路上所要走的第一步,它能帮助你将软弱变为坚强。
He said it was "possible" that the Fed could take on some sort of systemic risk duties. 他表示,美联储“可能”可以担当拟议中的某些系统风险控制职能。
if i dont meet people with different ideologies, my whole take on being tolerant becomes worthless. thats why. . . not for any other reason. 如果我没有遇到和我有不同观点的人,我的宽容就显得没有意义。这就是原因…不是别的!
So Mr. Summers favors tighter rules on how much debt financial firms can take on. 因此,在金融公司能够承担的债务额度这一问题上,萨默斯赞成制定更严苛的规则。
After years of denial and delay by its predecessor, the Obama administration is signaling that it's ready to take on climate change. 在其前任多年拒绝和拖延之后,奥巴马政府表现出准备应对气候变化的态度。
Ministers knew it made sense to crack down on junk foods but did not have the political appetite to take on such a huge industry. 官员知道,打击垃圾食品讲得通,但是没有政治欲望去承担如此巨大的产业。
Trying to take on a huge project or task can be overwhelming and daunting and intimidating for anyone, even the best of us. 每个人都害怕和畏惧去做一个巨大的工程或承担重要任务,即使最出色的人都如此。
Once you are ready to take on more traffic or need fault tolerance, you can graduate your application to the main Heroku platform. 当准备好处理更大的通信量或者需要容错能力时,可以把应用程序转移到主Heroku平台。
Certainly the bank had the power to call in the debt and at the time there wasn't anyone ready to take on that debt. 当然,银行有权利要求偿还债务,而在那个时候,没有人愿意替利物浦还债。
Well factories on eastern China coast may rise, there seems to be a never ending pull of labor ready to take on more factory work. 在中国东海岸的工厂数量将上升,这像是永无止境的劳动力的拉动作用,准备好了不再有任何工厂工作。
Third, what gushes forth can take on a life of its own, even if it's not true. 第三,捅出来的信息有自己的生命力,即使信息不是真实的。
Snap the front panels back down after a crash and you are ready to take on the next challenge . 撞毁对方的表板后返回并准备应付下一次挑战。
They had to take on more salary (and a bigger luxury tax burden) to do it, so credit Cavs owner Dan Gilbert for busting out his checkbook. 他们需要付出更多的薪金(和更大的奢侈税),所以骑士老板吉尔伯特需要看看自己的钱包了。
There are 4 different control types, allowing you to select the most appropriate for your needs as you take on the 8 end-of-level bosses. 有4种不同类型的控制,使您可以选择最适合您的需要为您在8月底的一级老板认为。
He had an objective take on the subject showing different points of view and I'm looking forward to watch the second episode of his show. 对同志议题采取客观态度,同时也展现出不同的观点,我很期待看到第二集的节目内容。
Going on the "To Do" List: Take on the next new project that comes across my desk, even if it seems like a challenge. “需做”清单:把接下来的新任务交给我,即使它看起来很有挑战性。
How much Karma you take on is normally approved by you, so regardless of how you perceive your life it has been your choice in that respect. 你携带了多少【业力】通常由你(的行为)决定的,所以无关于你如何理解自己的生活,在那个方面它已经是你的选择了。
Executives can reasonably question how much debt they should take on. 高管们能合理地质问他们应该承担多少债务。
Urban traffic info cards are available at the Front Desk, you can put down the plate number of the taxi you take on the card. 酒店总服务台上放有市区路线提醒卡,您在选择出租车,可以将车号记录在提醒卡上。
And also any other things you can share with us about how the United States military is preparing to take on whatever in the next few days? 你还能跟我们说说,美国军队在接下来的几天准备做什么吗?