the help

  • na.女仆
  • 网络帮助;相助;姊妹

the helpthe help

the help


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《等待... ... 共犯惊杀大阴谋 女同谋 同谋 The Conspirator 相助姊妹 写出友共呜 The Help 激情之罪欲望罪行 Crimenes de Lujuri…


...美国首位黑人女性众议员芭芭拉·乔丹(上图) 凭仗《帮忙》(The Help)获得奥斯卡最好女配角提名的维奥拉·戴维斯(Viol…

He took me out for a nice dinner in return for all of the help I gave him. 他带我出去吃一顿可口的晚餐以回报我所给予他的帮助。
On the help page, I found the reason. It turned out to be that the videos were hosted by a site with a different domain name. 在帮助页面里,我找到了原因,那是因为视频是由一个不同域名的站点提供的。
You and your like are trying to make a war with the help of people who just aren't interested. 你和你的同伴想要打一场战斗,可是给你们帮助的人对此却毫无兴趣。
What he saw, meanwhile, with the help of the lamp, was the faded shadowy charm of a room unlike any room he had known. 同时,他借助灯光发现这屋子自有一种幽冥淡雅的魅力,与他熟悉的任何房间都不相同。
Askydiver goes high up in the air on a plane. Then he jumps off the plane and floats in the air with the help of a parachute. 一个空中潜水者通过飞机到达高空,然后他跳飞机和浮在空中的降落伞。
With the help of doctor and nurses , the patient recovered quickly and in a few weeks was able to stand as his feet once again. 在医生和护士们的帮助下,那位病人恢复的很快,几星期后便再一次的站了起来。
With the help of friends, he began to distribute candy and small gifts to the underprivileged. 在朋友的帮助下,他开始将糖果和小礼物分发给下层社会的的人们。
If it had not been for the help of our teacher, we should not have made so much progress. 如果不是老师的帮助,我们就不会取得这么大的进步。
With the use of just a few simple props, it's easy to sooth the tense knots on your own, without the help of a profession or even a partner. 无需专业指导,也不用麻烦同伴,只用一些简单的小道具,就能自己舒展开来。
With the help of the authors, sales personnel should be able to answer each of these questions correctly: Will this prospect buy anything? 在作者的协助下,销售人员应当能正确回答以下问题:这位潜在客户会不会买任何东西?
My students in El Cerrito -- with my help, of course, and with the help of a very beat up oscilloscope, measured the speed of light. 我在ElCerrito的学生通过我的帮忙和一个非常陈旧的示波器的帮忙,来测量光速。
I did not know anyone locally and sought out the help of the Chongqing Police department. 我不认识周围的人,所以想到求助于重庆的警察。
Thnks for the help i got rid of the dam icon just trying to get rid off the web site when i log on to the internet . 为帮助我摆脱了大坝图标只是试图摆脱过网站当我向互联网入网。
With the help of the doctors and nurses, the patient was able to stand on his feet once more and soon resumed working. 在医生和护士的帮助下,病人再一次站起来,不久便重新开始工作。
Meanwhile, Coca-Cola is trying to get hipper without the help of any celebrities. 同时,可口可乐正在尝试不借助名人的效应赶上时代。
You are a very special person. I can discuss my problems with you and respect the help and the answer that you give. 你是一位非常特殊的人,我可以跟你讨论我的问题,并期望得到你的帮助和答复。
In a recently posted Youtube video, a father puts his daughter's hair into a ponytail with the help of a vacuum cleaner. 近期发布的一个Youtube视频中,这位老爸用吸尘器帮女儿扎了个马尾辫。
You are fortunate to have had the help and guidance of such a man. 有这样的一个人给你帮助和指点,你真幸运。
With the help of such a precision instrument, the operator can know at once the exact spot where the trouble is in the making. 借助于此项精密仪器,操作者能立即确切知道毛病正在何处形成。
Glancing at the examples section in the help is usually more than sufficient to understand how to use a command. 浏览帮助中的示例部分通常就足可以了解如何使用命令。
Instead, consider it a goal to accomplish, a goal within reach if you use the help this book can give you. 实际上要把它看成是要完成的目标,如果能够很好的利用这本书所带来的帮助,这些目标就可以实现。
EU rules require such a mission to be sent to a country asking for financial aid, to establish the details of the help needed. 欧盟规则规定,向需要经济救助的国家派遣调查团,从而确定需求细节。
With the help of media sponsors, it will be easy for you to promote your exhibition and enhance the recognition of your advertisement. 借助于媒体赞助商,你可以轻松地宣传你的展会,增加你的广告知名度。
With the help of his wife Gloria, who handled the books, Tom developed an excellent reputation. 他妻子格罗丽娅是个书商,在她的帮助下,汤姆赢得了极好的声誉。
The child lost his way at the cinema and with the help of the policeman he found his way to go home. 这个小孩儿在电影院迷路了,在警察的帮助下他找到了回家的路。
The new is often comprehended with the help of the old. 新的东西往往要借助旧的东西才能被人理解。
With the help of a few supporters, he seized the town of Nacogdoches. He declared Texas to be an independent republic. 在一些支持者的帮助下,他占领了纳科多奇斯镇,他宣布德克萨斯为独立的共和国,他把德克萨斯称之为“佛瑞杜尼亚”。
I shall ponder the matter carefully, my friends, and with the heLP of prayer, I may yet arrive at some solution of our difficulties. 朋友们,我要仔细考虑这件事,也许祈祷会有助于我们找出解决困难的办法。
Buyers looking for stellar wines that are ready to drink now might need to enlist the help of some well-placed contacts as well. 但如果想要买到马上就能喝的好年份的名贵葡萄酒,可能需要有很好的网络关系才能如愿以偿。
Wish the help of my classmates, he made a great process in every aspects. 在同学的帮助下,他几乎在各个方面都取得了很大的进步