
美 [titʃ]英 [tiːtʃ]
  • v.教;教导;教授;教育
  • 网络教书;讲授;教学

过去式:taught 第三人称单数:teaches 现在分词:teaching

teach language,teach writing,teach philosophy,teach student,teach art



1.[i][t]教(课程);讲授;教授to give lessons to students in a school, college, university, etc.; to help sb learn sth by giving information about it

2.[t]教;训练to show sb how to do sth so that they will be able to do it themselves

3.[t]教育;教导;使懂得(情理)to make sb feel or think in a different way

4.[t][nopass](informal)使引以为戒;惩戒to persuade sb not to do sth again by making them suffer so much that they are afraid to do it

人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... international 国际的 teach skill 技能 ...


字典中 相 字的解释 ... (6) 辅佐,扶助[ assist] (8) 教导[ teach] (9) 治,治理[ administer] ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 648 postcard n 明信片 649 teach v 教,教书 650 dinner n 正餐,晚餐 ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Christmas——Xmas 圣诞节 Teach 讲授 Inventor 发明家 ...


三石斋风筝 ... 教学风筝 TEACHING KITE 教学 TEACH 定制 CUSTOM ...


英语常用动词_百度文库 ... touch n. 触, 触觉, 接触, 联系, 轻触 teach v. 讲授, 教授 tell vt. 告诉, 说, 吩咐, n.投, 掷 ...


字典中 字 字的解释 ... (8) 爱[ love] (10) 教育;教课;传授知识[ teach] (11) 治理[ govern] ...


“传”的繁体字写法_爱问知识人 ... 传递;传送[ transfer;deliver] 传授[ teach;impart to] 让位;传代[ abdicate] ...

So, World, I wish you would sort of take him by his young hand and teach him the things he will have to know. 所以,世界,我希望你握住他稚嫩的手,教他必须知道的一些事情。
Wait a moment, I 'll be with you in an instant. Ll, ready to teach him a lesson. 他怒视着比尔,准备教训他一顿。的。支付不起。车。
"You know? " Rabbit prompted, running his fingers through his unruly red hair. "Revenge? Teach him a lesson? " “你知道吗?”兔子怂恿着,他的手插进了他不听话的红头发里。“就是复仇啊。给他一点教训。”
We have assembled over 550 easy-to-understand lessons that will teach you, step-by-step, EVERYTHING you need! 我们有超过550易于理解的经验教训,将教你,一步一步的组装,所有你需要的!
got out to that part where the limb of the tree was weaker, "Ha, " says he to us, "now you see me teach the bear dance" . 等到熊爬到树枝比较软和的地方,“哈,”他向我们说,“现在,你看我教给熊跳舞。”
I'm sorry. Miss Jia. I got another teacher. But I think you can teach me in the company. 对不起,贾小姐。我又有了一个汉语老师,但我觉得你可以在公司教我。
I was just beginning to learn to work on computer myself, so when I tried to teach my son to do it, he said, "the blind leading the blind. " 我自己刚刚开始学习操作电脑,所以我在试图教儿子学习电脑时,他说,“瞎子在给瞎子引路。”
For one or two days he sat down with me, and I tried to teach hom. 他和我一起坐了一两天,我试着去教他。
Lolo promptly produced a pair of boxing gloves, as he prepared to teach Berry that he had to be strong to survive in a tough world. Lolo很快为他做了一副拳击手套,他要教育Berry,想要在这个严酷的世界里生存就一定要强壮。
Now I know some of you have already heard of me, but for the benefit of those who are unfamiliar, let me explain how I teach. 我知道你们有些人已经听说过我,但为了那些对我不熟悉的学生,我还是要解释一下我如何教学。
As all planes in which she had such a preoccupation were integrated in full, she began to teach upon the physical plane. 当所有她专注于教导的层面被充分整合,她开始在物质层上教学。
He said he wants to teach her to be brave and to defend her country. 他说他要教她要勇敢,捍卫她的国家。
To reach his goal to be a teacher, he began to teach himself. 为了达到成为一名教师的目标,他开始自学。
Be patient. Do you remember how much time I spent to teach you these things? 耐心一点,你记得我花了多少时间教你这些事吗?
This article is not meant as a substitute for a security analyst or to teach hardcore security skills. 本文不旨在成为安全分析师的替代,也不讲授核心安全技能。
The most important thing is not how much freedom [from censorship] to give Chinese writers but how to teach them a three-act storyline. 她说,最重要的不是给予中国编剧多少[免于审查的]自由,而是如何教他们写三幕剧剧本。
A tall boy came into my class, sat down, folded his arms, and looked at me as if to say: "all right, damn you, teach me something. " 一个高个子男生来到我的课堂,坐了下来,两臂交叉往胸前一放,看了我一眼,好象在说:“好吧,你这该死的,教我点东西吧。”
We have to teach them a new structure, and along with that goes a different logic and a new way of looking at information. 我们不得不教会他们一种新的结构,并教他们利用一种不同的逻辑和全新的方法来看待问题。
For a few years I was blessed with the opportunity to teach pre-school handicapped students one afternoon a week. 对于我是有机会教导学前残疾学生每周的一个下午祝福几年。
Haha, what does not, I can teach you ah, my English is not up to ask you to you, ok? 哈哈,有什么不会的我可以教你啊,我英语不会了就问你啦,好吗?
Then you teach me to follow my heart, This is what I believe in, why can't you see that? 你不是教我要用心去爱?我相信我的选择,你为什么不了解?
But give it a try, because Hemingway can teach you more about masculinity than Wikipedia ever will. 但最起码试一试吧。如何做一个真正的男子汉这个问题,海明威能教你的比Wiki百科全书多得多。
It is. Well, come take a look over here. We try to make it as fun as possible. To get students involved. We paly games. We teach you. . . 的确。过来看看这儿。我们尽可能使它有趣。把学生们调动起来,我们玩游戏,我们教你…
It isn't easy to please each person but teasing the teacher won't please the teacher needs to be free to teach as he pleases. 想令每个人愉悦谈何容易,但是戏弄老师会使老师反感,每位老师都需要按他喜欢的方式去自由地授课。
Bosses wanted me to teach grammar, but I knew that grammar study did not help. So I ignored my bosses. 老板想要我教语法,但我知道学习语法作用不大,所以我不理会我的老板。
Study of knowledge for our opening the door, reading can teach us the truth in life reading can help us get a lot of knowledge. 读书能为我们开启知识的大门,读书能教给我们做人的道理,读书还能帮助我们获得许多的知识。
Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statutes, And I shall keep it to the end. 耶和华啊,求你将你的律例指教我,我必遵守到底!
I had to keep telling myself that she means no harm, she's only trying to help, and if I actually let her help me, it would teach me a lot. 我得不停的告诉自己她没有恶意,她只是想帮我,而只有她真正的帮助我才可以学到很多。
Unexpectedly, Master had no intention of testing him. He began to teach him Nine-Yin and Real-Jin. 没想到孤独九剑理也不理,又开始传授难度加大一倍的“九阴真经”
When devotion has brought you to that moment of recognition, that moment will be the sign that the time for you to teach has come. 当你的恭敬心让你认知到这项事实时,就是你开始传法的时刻了。