
美 [ˈlɪt(ə)l]英 ['lɪt(ə)l]
  • n.小;一点点;利特尔
  • adv.一点;一些;少量;少许
  • adj.小的;比较小的
  • 网络少的;很少;几乎没有

比较级:less 最高级:least 比较级:littler 最高级:littlest

little girl,little boy,little thing,little piece,little guy
little bite


1.小的;比较小的not big; small; smaller than others

2.(用在形容词的后面表示喜爱或厌恶,尤指屈尊俯就地)可爱的,可怜的,讨厌的used after an adjective to show affection or dislike, especially in a patronizing way(= one that suggests that you think you are better than sb)



5.微不足道的;不严重的not important; not serious


a little bird told me

(不想说出是谁告诉的)有人告诉我的,不告诉你我是怎么知道的used to say that sb told you sth but you do not want to say who it was


小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... talk to 和..交谈 little 小的,年幼的 play with 玩,摆弄 ...


堇字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 堇色 jǐnsè 假借为“仅”。少的〖 few;little〗 堇 jǐn ...


小学英语反义词大全 ... stop 停止 little 很少 messy 凌乱的 ...


... a lot of 许多 little 几乎没有 most 大部分 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... draw v. 画 little pron. 少许;少量 a little 少许;少量 ...


小学英语词汇汇总(带音标) ... dance 跳舞,舞蹈 little 少许,一点点 each 每个各自的 ...

I published the book last summer, Pedagogy of the Bible it's called, Pedagogy of the Bible, and I'll set that in a little bit of context. 我去年夏天出版的这本书,叫做,我会联系一点上下文。
I've always been just a little baffled at the whole concept of app-phone cases. 一直以来,关于橡胶手机套的整个主意总令我有些困惑不解。
He was only a little taller than Lucy herself and carried over his head an umbrella, white with snow. 他只比露西高一点点,头顶上打着一把伞,白色的雪覆盖着。
That Ruth had little faith in his power as a writer, did not alter her nor diminish her in Martin's eyes. 虽然露丝对马丁当作家的本领缺乏信心,她在马丁眼中却并无变化,也没有被他小看。
Apparently, the woman spent most of her time trying to impress people, and very little actually living her life. 似乎她大部分的时间都是在争取给人留下深刻的印象而没有真正的活出自己。
Start small, with something that isn't really a big deal, but might help you do something just a little bit better than you do it today. 从一些不是很重要的事情开始,但是有可能能帮你在做事情时一点点地进步。
Little children seem to have an innate sense of the idea of fairness even apart from opposite conditioning experiences. 小孩子似乎有一种关于公平的天然感觉,即使社会经历相反。
I felt the game was a little faster than when I got to play it a while back at around the 50% complete mark. 我觉得比赛是快一点比我发挥了它在50%左右完成标志着在回来。
"Ah, if it were but a little pussy-cat! " said she; but the rose tree, with its beautiful rose came to view. “我希望那里面是一只小猫!”她说。可是看见的却是一朵美丽的玫瑰花。
I thought about it day and night. My master liked to go fishing in a little boat, and he al-ways took me with him. 我日夜思考着逃跑的事。我的主人喜欢乘小船去钓鱼,而且总是带上我。
And forgetting his own sorrow he ran back to the place, and saw there a little Hare caught in a trap that some hunter had set for it. 忘记了自己的悲痛,星孩跑回去一看,原来是一只小野兔被困在了猎人设下的陷阱里。
S. has been one of isolation and frustration. Torrington has no other foreign students, and little in the way of English-language help. 托灵顿校区只有他们是国外留学生,而且这对他们的英语学习帮助也不大。
Above all, this time that I used to waste on social network sites has taught me nothing and has given me very little in return. 最重要的是,这些我过去浪费在社交网站上的时间没有教给我任何东西,几乎没有带来益处。
Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy. " 然而,第二天早上小女儿给她父亲带来了礼物:“爸爸,这是给你的。”
He always stopped, said a few kind words to the poor man, and gave him a little money, but he did not take any of his matches. 他总会停下脚步,跟穷汉聊几句,给他几个小钱,但从不拿他的火柴。
Despite the disconnect between educational quality and economic health, the matter curiously draws little media attention. 尽管在教育质量和良好地经济发展之间存在着断层,令人不解的是,鲜有媒体考虑到这点。
On the next circle the fish's back was out but he was a little too far from the boat. 又兜了一圈,鱼的背脊露出来了,不过它离小船还是太远了一点。
The size of the camera is so small it just about fits in your palm, but it's a little too big to put into a pocket. 摄像机非常小,可以完全放入我们的掌心,但是如果要放入口袋,那就稍微大了点。
"It is your garden now, little children, " said the giant, and he took a great axe and knocked down the wall. 「孩子们,花园现在是你们的了。」说著,巨人拿起一把大斧头,砍到了自己筑起的高耸围墙。
If I was a little star in the sky, I do not have the sun shining, no bringing a moon, not even bright lights of humanity. 如果我是一颗夜空中的小星星,我没有太阳的光辉,也没有月亮的皎洁,甚至没有人类的灯光明亮。
It does not matter, heard her mother since childhood, said Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma died, they get a lot of money. 不要紧,小红帽从小就听妈妈说,外婆死了,她们就会得到好多好多的钱。
None of these options have yet been taken up and the company says little interest has been expressed the acquiring a multirole J-11. 而上述方案都没有被采纳,并且该公司称解放军空军对期望获得多用途J-11并没有表露太多兴趣。
Setting up the BIO object here is a little different from setting it up for a client connection. 此处对BIO对象的设置与客户机连接使用的BIO设置稍有不同。
She thought the best way of getting a little quiet was to take Nana to the nursery for a moment, but in custody of course. 她想,要得到清静,最好是领着娜娜去育儿室看看,当然,娜娜是在她的监管之下。
that's what the little orange runt was trying to hint at the whole time! i'm such a fool! ! ! 而这正是那个发育不良的橘色小矮子从头到尾试图暗示的事!我真是傻透了!
Now there was a little garden next to the bewitched house, and in it there were twelve lilies, the kind that are called "students. " 这座被人使了魔法的屋子有个小花园,里面开着十二朵百合花。
Mu hubby suggested that I go for a walk on the beach and he would take care of the babies while I got a little bit of ME time. 我的丈夫建议我去沙滩走走,他会在我享受这仅有的一点属于自己的时间的时候担负起照顾小孩的任务。
Clean surface can be coated with a little soft cleaning cloth, in the case of gently wipe off the keyboard surface. 清洁表面,可在软布上沾上少许清洁剂,在关机的情况下轻轻擦拭键盘表面。
That's my buffer. . . I wanted to leave a little room in the budget, just in case---it's better to be safe than sorry. 这是我留的备用金…我想在预算里留点余地以防万一—宁愿稳妥免致后悔。
he might need a little more encouragement, i understand this point. 他可能需要更多一点的鼓励,这一点我理解。