
美 [ˈtɪkɪt]英 ['tɪkɪt]
  • n.票;车票;入场券;彩票
  • v.售票;给…门票;送票;发出交通违章通知单
  • 网络罚单;票价;机票

复数:tickets 现在分词:ticketing 过去式:ticketed

buy ticket,get ticket,give ticket,use ticket,pay ticket
free ticket,return ticket,big ticket,hot ticket,win ticket


n. v.

1.~ (for/to sth)票;券;车票;戏票;入场券a printed piece of paper that gives you the right to travel on a particular bus, train, etc. or to go into a theatre, etc.

2.奖券;彩票a printed piece of paper with a number or numbers on it, that you buy in order to have the chance of winning a prize if the number or numbers are later chosen

4.(交通违章)通知单,罚款单an official notice that orders you to pay a fine because you have done sth illegal while driving or parking your car

5.[ususing](政党在选举中所支持的)候选人名单a list of candidates that are supported by a particular political party in an election


be tickets

结束;终结be the end

just the ticket

正需要的东西;求之不得的东西exactly what is needed in a particular situation

thats the ticket

所需要的东西;一切正好used to say that sth is just what is needed or that everything is just right

Xmusick Online Shop 极端音乐交流网上商店 ... Other/ 其他-> (23) Ticket/ Hoodie/ 帽衫-> (33) ...


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... ride 乘车 ticket 车票 one-way ticket 单程票 ...

八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 84 call sb up 打电话给... 85 ticket n. 票, 87 on the phone 在通电话,用电话交谈 ...


人教版八年级下册英语单词表 ... call sb.up 打电话给…… ticket n. 票;入场券 surprise v. 使惊奇;使意外 ...


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Welcome to CSSS - CSSS@OSU ... Automobile 汽车 Ticket 机票 Departure 出行 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... hardly ad. 几乎不,不十分;才 ticket n. 传票,票,券,标签 harvest vt. n. 收获,收割 ...

The Celtics guard was able to secure the tough ticket, but he said he's disappointed that his family won't be able to come along. 虽然这位凯尔特人的后卫订到了令人难以置信的入场券,但是他却说他很遗憾他的家人不能一起来。
We know exactly, to the cent, how much it costs to generate a trading ticket. 我们对生成一张交易单需要多少成本一清二楚。
Cinemas keep about half the price of a ticket and up to 90% of the money spent at concession stands. 电影院赚取门票收入的一半左右并将这些钱中高达90%的比例花在特许放映权上。
How much does a ticket cost? 一张票多少钱?
The idea was that it was the price of a zone 1 ticket, but you could use it again and again. 当时的想法是,这不过是一个区一票的价格,但你可以反复使用。
It was a hot and humid day recently and I decided that some of my favorite cold soup would be just the ticket. 这些天又热又潮,来一碗我最爱的凉汤再合适不过了。
How much do you consume on Ocean Park (excluded the ticket)? 你会消费多少于海洋公园内(除了门卷)?
48 how much for a one-way ticket to shanghai? 往上海的单程票多少钱?
Today there is a girl on the train lost her train ticket, so the conductor asked her to get off the train. 今天车上有个女孩把车票弄丢了,所以列车长要赶她下车。
Traveling around the world is often a cheaper option than a return ticket to a single destination. 通常来说,环游世界都比买到一个目的地的往返机票便宜。
"I have a ticket for Henan, I can just get on any train heading there, " he said as he took a bus to the station. 在坐着大巴去往火车站的路上,他表示:“我有一张回河南的票,我可以坐任何一列开往那个方向的火车。”
You pay for big ticket items, say, clothes and one toy a year but a young child has to pay for small wishes like ice cream and stickers. 你负责一些大的开销,比如买衣服以及每年买一件新玩具,但孩子则必须要为满足自己的一些小心愿而花钱,比如买冰激凌和小贴纸。
"What's the matter, Joyce ? It's only a ticket. . . " Liana was puzzled. “怎么了,乔伊斯?只是一张彩券…”莉安娜有点迷惑。
He took the chewed and soggy ticket out of his mouth and showed it to the man at the gate. 他从嘴里拿出咀嚼的湿漉漉的票,递给大门口的那个人看了看。
I would be very thankful if you could reserve for me a ticket for the train bound for Wuhan tomorrow morning. 若你能为我预订一张明早上海开往武汉的火车票,将不胜感激。
How much is the return ticket? 往返机票是多少钱?
My scholarship to college was a ticket . People did not expect me to return . 我上大学靠的是奖学金,人们并不指望我会回来。
My commutation ticket came back to me with a dark stain from his hand. 我的月季票递还给我时上面留下了他手上的黑汗渍。
As for the question of when the train would arrive, none of the clerks at the ticket office bothered to answer. 对于火车何时才能抵达这一问题,售票处的职员个个都懒得回答。
What surprised the other passengers most was that they found he had the ticket in his mouth. 什么最使其他乘客惊奇是他们发现了他有票在他的嘴。
eg. (1) In a moment, she reappeared to hurl my change and the ticket on the counter with such force most of it fell on the floor at my feet. 不一会儿工夫,她又回来了,将零钱盒车票往柜台上猛地一摔,大半都撒落在我脚边。
Pleased with the fact I had no court fees or fines, I walked out to a police officer giving me a $50 parking ticket. 我开心地走出来,一个警官给我开了张50刀的违规停车单。
You're charming, got everybody star-struck. I know how you always seem to go for the obvious instead of me, but get a ticket and you'll see. 你很迷人,让每个人心动。我知道你为什么总喜爱眼前这些东西而不是我,但是拿到一张电影票你就明白了。
Knowing that I had not stopped anywhere since I left the airline ticket counter, I concluded I must have put it down there. 除了机场售票柜台,我没有停留在任何地方,肯定是把它放在那儿了。
During the campaign, Cheney would sometimes go almost a week without talking to the man at the top of the ticket. 在竞选期间,切尼有时候几乎一个星期都没有时间和小布什交谈。
How much is a ticket to the opening ceremony? 开幕式的门票多少钱?
One day he was on the train, the conductor asked him for his ticket. 有一天他乘火车时,乘务员要查票。
How much is a ticket to Edinburgh? 去爱丁堡的车票多少钱?
Do you know how much the ticket is? 你知道一张票要多少钱吗?
He was a child on a team of men that had just acquired its "proven" meal ticket in Shaquille O'Neal. 他是在一个男人的球队里的倔强小孩,这个球队,才刚刚找到了自己的所属——大鲨鱼奥尼尔。