
美 [trit]英 [triːt]
  • v.治疗;处理;招待;款待
  • n.款待;乐事;乐趣
  • 网络对待;请客;看待

第三人称单数:treats 现在分词:treating 过去式:treated

treat disease,treat cancer,treat injury,treat infection,treat illness
properly treat,well treat


v. n.

对待behave towards sb/sth

1.以…态度对待;以…方式对待to behave in a particular way towards sb/sth


2.~ sth as sth把…看作;把…视为to consider sth in a particular way

3.~ sth + adv./prep.处理;讨论to deal with or discuss sth in a particular way


4.~ sb (for sth) (with sth)医疗;医治;治疗to give medical care or attention to a person, an illness, an injury, etc.

用化学品use chemical

5.~ sth (with sth)(利用化学物质或反应)处理,保护,保存to use a chemical substance or process to clean, protect, preserve, etc. sth

花钱享受pay for sth enjoyable

6.~ sb/yourself (to sth)招待;款待;请(客);买(可享受的东西)to pay for sth that sb/you will enjoy and that you do not usually have or do


treat sb like dirt

视某人如粪土;把…视为草芥;蔑视to treat sb with no respect at all


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... miserable adj 痛苦的;悲惨的;可怜的 treat vt 对待;视为;治疗;款待 unhappy adj 不幸的;不 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... miserable adj 痛苦的;悲惨的;可怜的 treat vt 对待;视为;治疗;款待 unhappy adj 不幸的;不 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... miserable adj 痛苦的;悲惨的;可怜的 treat vt 对待;视为;治疗;款待 unhappy adj 不幸的;不 …


治字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 治理;管理;统治〖 administer;govern〗 办理;处理〖 handle;treat〗 经营〖 manage〗 ...


综合英语单词表(第二册下) - 豆丁网 ... thrust v. 插入;塞入 treat n. 款待,请客 trudge v. 疲惫地走 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... treasure n. 金银财宝; 财富 treat vt. 对待,看待 treatment n. 治疗,疗法 ...


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... helpful 有帮助的 treat 招待 Spotty 人名 ...


享_百度百科 ... 享年[ die at the age of] 享受[ enjoyment;treat;enjoy] 享用[ enjoy the use of] ...

In addition, in business we admire directness and often use language like a hammer-and treat other opinions as if they were a nail. 此外,在事物中我们喜欢直截了当,经常使用象锤子一样的语言——对待其他的意见,似乎它们就是钉子。
The official line was that these were places to treat psychopaths with a view to one day sending them back out into the world. 官方对外的态度是这里是一个治疗心理变态狂的地方,有一天他们是可能回归社会的。
You can tell a lot about a country by how much better they treat themselves than foreigners at the point of entry. 在出入境口,你能通过这个国家的人们对待自己多大程度上好过对待外国人来了解到这个国家很多发面。
No, I'm not. The reason I told you to treat me as a god is just, I need you to believe what I said. 对,我不是。我要你把我当作神来对待的原因只是我需要你相信我的话。
You treat me like an angel, flying in the sky, I want to spend my life with you, until the day I die. 你待我像天使。高飞于天空。余生有你相伴,死而无撼。
"It is not a good way to treat people, " he said, "to leave them in limbo with no actual job. " “这样对员工是不好的”他说,“让他们没有实际工作,名存实亡是不好的。”
He is so generous that he never care how much you gave back and what the way you treat him. 他是如此慷慨,他从未照顾你多少回了什么的方式来对待他。
Once you assign an object to the variable, you can treat it exactly the same as you treat the object to which it refers. 一旦您将物件指派给变数,您可以完全将它视为它所参考的物件。
My son starts school today. It's going to be strange and new to him for a while. And I wish you would sort of treat him gently. 我的儿子今天要开始上学读书了。一时之间,他会感觉陌生而又新鲜。而我希望你能待他温柔一些。
We want the United States to rush in and treat them as a victim of crime like they would be treated here at home. 我们希望美国能快马加鞭并且要把她们视为犯罪受害人,一如她们在本国所应该受到的对待。
And the side effects of many medications used to treat some of these organic conditions can themselves compound the problem. 很多药物在治疗这些身体问题的时候本身对性健康也有负面影响。
The global market for TB diagnostics is more than twice that of the market for drugs used to treat the disease. 结核病诊断全球市场相当大,是治疗该疾病所用药物市场的两倍以上。
Then I thought the best thing really is to treat it as an interview and that was that. 然后我想,最好还是把它看作面试,而事实上那就是一次面试。
This example shows that I can treat a function just as I treat any other variable. 这个例子说明可以像处理其他变量一样处理函数。
please be sensitive to my needs; don't nag me all day long. Treat me as you would like to be treated. 请对我的反应要敏感一点,不要整天责骂不休,对待我应像对待您自己一样。
the drug has typically been used to treat metastatic cancer of the colon and is not normally used to treat eye ailments. 这种注射液主要适用于转移性结肠癌的治疗,并未提及治疗眼疾。
In 1950 a Sunday school class in Philadelphia found a way of sharing their "trick or treat" loot with children around the world. 1950年,费城的一所主日学校的学生提出要让全世界儿童与他们一起共享万圣节前夜讨得的东西。
Remember, from the concepts post that it is often useful to treat the screens informally like white boards in a fresh prototype. 请记住,在一个新的原型中把屏幕非正式地看成白板通常是有用的。
Playing at the beach, at a water park, by a lake, or in a pool can be a real treat on a hot day. 大热天里,能在海滩、水上公园,湖边或水池里嬉戏那是再好不过了。
As long as you can really enjoy, treat, and tolerance to them, I would be very reassuring to them to deliver to you! 只要您能真正喜欢、善待、包容她们,我将会很放心的把她们交付给您!相信我,有了她们的陪伴,您的生活里会再多一些快乐与爱心!
Anshy told the guy, she would return to the sea, to ask for the fish mother to treat him with a thousand shark's eyes. 安心告诉男孩,她要回到海里,求鱼母用千年海鲨的眼睛来给男孩医治。
At the moment, Tom also began to understand their own shortcomings, began the respect side each person, treat each person. 此时此刻,Tom也开始明白了自己的缺点,开始懂得尊敬身边得每一个人,善待身边得每一个人。
Some of my acquaintances in the country come up to town once or twice a year to visit the theatre as a special treat. 我在乡村有一些熟人,他们每年进城来看一回或几回戏,并把此看作一种特殊的享受。
I know people are trying to help, but I wish they wouldn't treat me as if I were a child. 我知道人们在努力帮助我,但是我希望他们不要把我看成小孩子。
How about this. . . . We can make it a working lunch this afternoon, and I'll order some Chinese food for delivery. It'll be my treat. 你看这样可以吗……我们今天下午安排一个工作餐,我去订一些中餐外卖。我请客。
One reason was that I was starting to treat a few people with antibiotics, and nine out of 11 seemed to be cured. 一是因为是我开始用抗生素治疗一些病人,而每11个人中有9个似乎是被治愈的。
He must have taken a dislike to me from the beginning, to treat me so unkindly. 他肯定是一开始就不喜欢我才不友善地对待我。
Treat the name of your company as if it were your own. 像爱护自己的名声一样爱护公司的声誉。
You may not know this but our children do enjoy hanging out with us once in a while, especially when we treat them with respect and love. 你也许不知道,但是我们的孩子的确喜欢过一段时间和我们出去玩一次,尤其是我们尊重他们,关爱他们的时候。
To Donne she always served the treat, and was happy to see his approbation of it proved beyond a doubt. 她常常请唐吃东西,看到他毫不置疑地欣然接受,心里着实高兴。