one more

  • na.还(有)一个
  • 网络再一个;再来一个;再一本书

one moreone more

one more


一道高中英语选择题_百度知道 ... other 另一个(只有两个) one more (再一次,再一个) extra 额外的 ...


more什么意思_百度知道 ... more or less 或多或少 one more 再来一个;再多一个 far more 许多,多得多的 ...


另外的英汉词典搜索结果,点击看详细翻译解释 ... (things) 其余 (one more) 再一本书 (a different one) 另外的 ...


美国自由行游记之--... ... 我和纪念碑谷的标准照! A Standard Photo of me and Monument Valley! 再来一张One more! …


...如“父亲的身影”(Father Figure)、“又一个”(One More)等,显示出他深厚的演唱功底和杰出的创作才华。


一个英语问题!_百度知道 ... some more 多一些 one more 多一个 I want some more apples. 我想要多一些苹果。 ...


导演专业术语 - 导演功课.影评 - 拍电影 ... cut= 停 one more= 再来一次 ok=very nice= 过(这个有点2了。哈哈) ...


在不... ... Middle English 中古英语 One more;an additional: 又一个的;再一个的: had another cup of coffee. 又喝了一杯咖啡 ...

The results were "one more piece of evidence that there was liquid water action at some point in the history of Mars" , he said. 他说,分析结果表明“还有一个迹象表明火星历史上的某个时期曾有液体水运动。”
Benayoun had a problem with his ankle. We have to see - we have one more day. He wasn't training today so we have to decide. 贝纳永的脚踝有点问题。我们得观察一下——还有一天的时间。我们不得不决定他今天不能够参加训练。
There was one more test to pass, but at first Shaler did not know it was a test. 还剩下一项测验谢勒必须通过,但他本人并不知道这是一项测验。
If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more. 如果我知道那是最后一次看你出门,我会拥抱并亲吻你,并再一次叫你回家。
I don't want her to be lonely growing up. Maybe one more would be good. 我不想她孤独的长大,多一个可能更好。
Take one more step, and you'll never be able to get off the path you're on, and you'll regret your misspent youth for the rest of your life. 再走一步您就会陷入泥坑不能自拔,一辈子都会为青年时期的失足而后悔。
There's only one more step before we're ready to call the PHP script on the server. 在调用服务器上的PHP脚本之前,只剩一个步骤要做。
For all the mothers who read "Goodnight, Moon" twice a night for a year, and then read it again. "Just one more time. " 会每年读两次“晚安,月亮”,年复一年。并说“只要再一次”的妈妈们
Host: So I understand we have time for one more question and I'm going to take the liberty since I'm sitting here to ask it. 主持人:我想还有时间再问一个问题,还是我来问吧,反正都坐这儿了。
Washington says it believes that North Korea is operating at least one more uranium enrichment site than Pyongyang has so far acknowledged. 华盛顿方面称朝鲜正在运行的铀浓缩设施比平壤到目前为止所承认的至少多一处。
By the end of January, we were ready to go home, but there was one more interview that Danny wanted. 一月末的时候,我们就已经准备回家了,但是,丹尼尔还想再做一个采访。
If he took one more drink, he would pass out. 如果他再喝一杯酒,他就会昏倒。
We've heard a number of different examples and there's one more thing to listen out for. Listen to one of the examples again. 我们已经听过了一系列不同的例子但是我们还需要注意一点。再来听一下其中一个例子。
He would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass. Anyone who could squeeze one more drop of juice out would win the money. 他能把一只柠檬内的汁全部挤出,如果有人还能挤出一滴来,他将赢得这笔钱。
After one more sleep I would find him at my bedside, rousing me with a push, before yet the darkness of night had passed. 再睡一觉,天还未破晓,我就发现他在我床边把我推醒。
But she tried one more time to be reasonable about something she knew in her heart had no reasonable core. 但她再一次尝试接受她在内心知道的没有合乎情理的核心的事情。
Since then, Chinese textbooks have had several rounds of revisions, but the Obama Presidency seems likely to require at least one more. 其后,中国的教科书几经修订,但是奥巴马的当选似乎至少需要更多。
He wanted to be sure and tell his mother one more time just how much he loved her. 他想亲口再跟他母亲说一次,他有多么爱她。
I do not trust you to the others, although I am not the best, but I know no one more than I love you more real. 我不放心把你交给别人,虽然我不是最优秀的,但是我知道没人比我爱你更深更真。
It's more like a take in filmmaking - I can always try one more time and start all over again, but I never return to a painting. 这与拍电影比较象-我总是可以再来一次,然后重头开始,但我在绘画时从来不重新再来。
In Celia's view, it was one more warning that the pharmaceutical business should accept moral obligation as well as legal ones. 在西利亚看来,它是对制药行业的再次警告,必须接受理应承担的道德义务和法律责任。
"I'm gonna sleep for one more hour. You take Jon to the babysitter's. " I close my eyes and beginning to feel Morpheus touching my hair. “我再睡一个钟头。你带乔恩去保姆那。”我合上眼,睡神已经来抚摸我的头发了。
The long-running boom in iron-ore prices appears to have at least one more year to run, and maybe more. 铁矿石价格的长期涨势看来还要持续一年,甚至更长时间。
Outside, Ms. Spencer reminded him that there was one more promotional duty for the night. 在门口她提醒他晚上还有一个宣传活动。
If I have to wait one more minute, I'm going to take my business somewhere else I have been waiting to see Mr. 如果再让我多等一分钟,我会把我的生意拿到别的地方的。
I wait for you all day , just waiting for one more minute with you. . . 自己等啦你一成天,只是想多和你呆在一同,哪怕一分钟。
If I hear, "make a date night, " one more time, from one more relationship expert, I'm going to throw the aphrodisiac in her face. 如果我再从一位恋爱专家那里听到“制造一个约会之夜”,我会把春药直接扔在她的脸上。
"I want to take a look, one more time, " he said. "I'm not going to see this again. " “我想再看一眼,”他说。“我不会再看到这样的场景了。”
For a while, it looked as though the tall building, at least in the U. S. , might be one more casualty of war. 一时间,高楼大厦似乎成了战争的又一种牺牲品,至少美国是这样。
Okay, fella, one more insult from you and I'll ask you to leave the party. 好罢,你这家伙,你再侮辱人我就要你离开这个舞会。