
美 [aʊə(r)]英 [aʊə(r)]
  • adv.我们的;用于称上帝或圣人
  • pron.我们的;〈口〉我们家



1.我们的belonging to us; connected with us

2.(用于称上帝或圣人)used to refer to or address God or a holy person

We're so good at overcoming our biological limitations -- you know, I flew over here in an airplane. I didn't have to try to flap my wings. 我们擅长于突破生理局限,我坐着飞机来到这里,我不用挥动我的翅膀。
The result of our investigation said the damage was caused sometime in transit. 我们调查的结果是,货物是在运输途中的某个时候受损的。
This statement is to be entirely candid and, anonymous. I shall not identify either my husband or myself by our surnames . 这段匿名的陈述完全坦白而不带偏见。我的丈夫和我的姓氏都不会出现。
I'm afraid Thursday is out for me. I'm expected to attend a meeting of our personnel committee, and it's very important for me to be there. 我恐怕星期四也不行。我要去参加一个人事委员会的会议,这个会非常重要,我一定得到。
The point is, all of the single guys our age are either broken, gay, or chasing younger girls. 关键是和姐一般年纪的老年单身汉不是残废或同性恋,就是在泡小妞。
Our teacher went out of his way to be nice to the newcomer. 我们老师对新同学格外好。
This script shown in Listing 4 has no error checking and is not very robust, but it illustrates our point. 该脚本如清单4所示,它没有任何错误检查机制,也不是非常稳定,但是它足以满足我们的演示需要。
The word "subjectivism" is to be understood in two senses, and our adversaries play upon only one of them. “主观主义”具有两种意义,而我们的反对者只是接触到其中的一个而已。
Our product is over and above our rival's product, and yet we're able to sell it at the same price. 我们的产品优于竞争对手的产品,但是我们可以以同样的价格出售。
Do we have to lie in oder to make our partner happy? It is better to lie or to tell the truth in a relationship? 在感情中,我们到底想要得到什么?真实,还是谎言?为了让伴侣快乐,我们一定要撒谎吗?
The venom drawn out from suffering would be enough to poison the whole world in a bloody eruption, bursting out of the volcano of our being. 从苦难中抽出的毒液,足以使得整个世界七窍流血。它正从我们生命的火山之中不断的爆发出来。
Now that you know what Santa Rosa is all about, here are some of the laptops that caught our attention. 现在你知道SantaRosa是做什么的了吧,这里有一些抓我们眼球的笔记本电脑。
Toilet flushing is minimal (don't ask)When we drive always at the back of our minds is how much gas we will use up. 当我们开车的时候我们的脑子总在想多少油将会被耗费掉。
Sometimes it really does feel like a fantasy, and yet our hearts seem to know it is a Truth. 有时候,它真的感觉像一个幻境,但是我们的心理知道它是真实的。
"He is like the invisible man in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank, and his leadership is disappearing before our eyes, " he said. 他说:“人们在加沙地带和约旦河西岸对他的存在视而不见,我们眼见他的领导地位正在消失。”
Parents, like the warm streams, gently float the boat of our life and slowly drift it to the bank of maturity. 父母就像温暖的溪流,温柔地托浮著我们的生命之舟,缓缓地将它推送到成熟的彼岸。
As a Chinese, I have to say that we have no intention of abandoning any part of our traditional music. 作为一个中国人,我必须得说,我们并没有任何放弃我们传统音乐的意愿。
But our justice is gave by "the person who decide to turn the train into the out of date track" . 可是,我们的正义感不正是多年来“决定将火车转到废弃道轨上的人”灌输给我们的吗?
She managed our whole domestic life, and wonderfully too; but I did not mean that, though that made what I did mean, more surprising. 她料理全部的家务,而且非常出色。不过,我不是指这一点,虽然这一点使我想要说的更加令人惊叹。
I wish to make it clear at the outset that this matter of labels is entirely our problem. 我希望从一开始就想说明标签的事情完全是的问题。
There has not been a single incident involving our fissile material, which clearly reflects how strong our controls and mechanisms are. 我们的核材料没有发生过一起事故,这反映出我们的控制与管理机制是如何地有效。
We must try our best, no matter how much it counts. 不论它占多大比例,我们都必须尽力而为。
Our veins would shine darkly through our skin, and warm blooded creatures would be very easy to spot. 我们的血管会在皮肤之下闪着暗暗的光,温血动物会非常醒目。
In each of our classes there was a Chinese teaching assistant, generally a college student, to help translate. 我们所教的学习班上都有一个讲中文的教学助手(一般都是在校大学生)帮忙做些翻译工作。
And so we are generously given so we can give generously. And as a measure of our faith we determine how much were going to give. 如果我们领受的多,就能慷慨的付出,是作为对我们信心的衡量。
"We just got to thinking, we were never going to see anything like this the rest of our lives, ever, " Nick says. 尼克说:“当时我们想,恐怕我们这一辈子再也见不到这样的事了,永远见不到了。”
A-bing : He's tattooed. Tattooing was one of our initiation rituals. So was tooth-filing. 阿彬:他那是刺青。刺青是我们的成年礼之一。锉齿也是。
"When we ask our students why they picked us, ranking is often cited as the number one reason, " says Prof Cheng. “当我们询问学员们为何选择科大时,排名常常被作为首要原因,”郑国汉表示。
"They should have informed me that our conversations would be documented, " he said. 他们应该预先告诉我,我们的谈话会被记录。
Today we live to a lot of net friend, and our partners, as well as our Ali 's family, I collected some questions to ask you questions. 今天我们现场来了很多的网商朋友,还有我们的合作伙伴,以及我们的阿里家属,我这边收集了一些问题想向您提问。