
美 [ˈoʊp(ə)nɪŋ]英 [ˈəʊp(ə)nɪŋ]
  • n.开放;开始;开口;开幕式
  • adj.开始的;开篇的;第一
  • v.“open”的现在分词
  • 网络开场;空缺;开端


grand opening,official opening,ceremonial opening,strong opening,low opening
attend opening,see opening,delay opening,provide opening,opening come


1.[c]孔;洞;缺口a space or hole that sb/sth can pass through

2.[c][ususing]开始;开端the beginning or first part of sth

3.[c][ususing]开幕式;落成典礼a ceremony to celebrate the start of a public event or the first time a new building, road, etc. is used

4.[c][u]开;开放;展开the act or process of making sth open or of becoming open

5.[c]空缺的职位a job that is available

6.[c]良机a good opportunity for sb

7.[c]开襟;开口part of a piece of clothing that is made to open and close so that it can be put on easily


新地DJ音乐网 高音质的DJ舞曲网站 ... 开场 Opening 中文 Class ...


商务会议英语常见术语 ... working paper 工作文件 opening 开幕 the sitting is open 会议开幕 ...


服装专业英语词汇 (1) - ╭.晓 的日志 - 网易博客 ... NECK 领窝 OPENING 开口 PATCH POCKET 贴袋 ...


高中英语第一册词汇表 ... warm-hearted adj. 热情的;亲切的 opening n. 开放;开始 memorial n. 纪念物;纪念碑 ...


求以O开头的所有英文单词?_精彩评论4吧 ... onto prep. 到…上 opening a. 开始的 n.开始 opera n. 歌剧 ...


大学四级高频词汇_百度知道 ... offend vt 冒犯 伤害。。的感情 使厌恶 违犯 opening n 扣子,洞 开始; 空缺 opponent 敌手 反 …


高中英语(必修5) ... capsule 太空舱;航天舱 opening 开始;开端 The movie has an exciting opening. 电影的开头非常刺激 …

Her eyes could not reach him; and the concert being just opening, she must consent for a time to be happy in an humbler way. 她的目光见不到他,音乐会刚好开始,她暂时只得将就着开开心。
Especially mould opening with automatic system , and mould stroke get bigger , easy to take the products and gate . 独特的自动开模系统,节省人力,开模行程大,有得于取成品及料头。
The few can no longer dictate the course of mankind, and the path is opening up for the final stages of duality, as you know it. 少数人不能够在对整个人类发号施令了,并且道路在打开,为了二元世界的最后阶梯,这是你们都知道的了。
Soemes walked with his eyes on the ground, his lips opening and closing as though in anticipation of a delicious morsel . 索米斯眼睛望着地上走着,嘴唇时张时合,好象预期有一块美肴到嘴似的。
The museum said the exhibition, opening on Thursday despite condemnation from some Christians, was the first in the world on the subject. 博物馆表示,尽管从周四开始的展览遭到一些基督教徒的指责,但这是世界有关动物同性恋主题的首场展览。
Apparently she told him there had been complications and bandaged his head and jaw to stop him opening his mouth. 显然,女牙医为了避免他张开嘴发现牙齿被拔光,告诉他由于出现并发症,需要用绷带包住头部和下颚。
The view switches to the "opening version" of the car, which pulls up in the Batcave set, stops and unfolds so Batman can get out. 然后切换到开花版本的蝙蝠车,它停靠在蝙蝠洞里,刹车后,开启顶棚,让蝙蝠侠出来。
Yet machines are learning to see in increasingly reliable and useful ways, opening up a wide range of new applications. 然而,机器在学习“看”的能力这方面,已经越来越值得信赖,而且越来越实用了,这也带来了广泛领域的新应用。
But there is no talk for the moment of opening diplomatic relations or of lifting the general trade embargo. 但是目前尚未就开始外交关系或取消总贸易禁运进行谈话。
an air blower for flowing out air through the air outflow opening arranged at the end of the cylindrical box. 设在圆筒形箱体的末端、使空气通过空气流出口流出的送风机。
The gunman reportedly barricaded the rear door of the building with his car before entering the front door and opening fire. 据报道,枪手用自己的车堵住大楼的后门,然后从前门进去开火射击。
It may also ask Yahoo to prove that it is worth more money, opening up the door to negotiations. At the moment, the Redmond, Wash. 它或许还会要求雅虎证明自己的“高”价值,从而为收购谈判打开大门。
When he looked round, the door of the building opening and a woman ran out. 他循声看去,只见一个女人打开房门跑了出来。
Opening the cost of free distribution of mineral water, enough to bankrupt the British government. 开幕式免费发放矿泉水的费用,就足够让英国政府破产。
Taking flower essences is really unnecessary as much as attuning unto our kingdom, and opening the heart enough to commune with us. 利用花精确实是不必要的,不如向我们王国调谐,并充分打开心灵来与我们通讯。
Moreover, when he happened to switch on an electric field near the opening of a tube connected to an ampulla , the firing pattern changed. 当他碰巧打开连通壶腹管子开口附近的电场时,神经冲动样式也跟著改变。
Use this approach if you do not need to set any other starting parameters; you cannot set any other opening arguments in this method. 如果无需设置任何其他启动参数,则可使用此方法;在此方法中不能设置任何其他打开参数。
Phelps was ahead of world-record pace during the opening (butterfly) leg, but he and the rest of the field fell back over the next two laps. 比赛开始,菲尔普斯领先于世界纪录(蝶泳),但是他在其他项目速度下降,在之后的两圈。
Lakers fans who never stopped cheering while Bryant faced charges in Colorado booed him on opening night, surprising no one more than Kobe. 揭幕战中科比像在科罗拉多面临指控时那样遭遇无数嘘声,震惊了很多人,也包括湖人的球迷。
It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed. 我花了一个小时,地点在我的整个头部,开远,我能看见他,因为他在他的床上躺下。
The game was opening up. Rooney powered goal-side of Essien and raced for goal, but Cech claimed it from his feet when he over hit it. 比赛开始激烈起来。鲁尼抢下艾辛的球,长驱直入,但是切赫在他倘大的一瞬从他的脚下把球扑住。
Athletes from over 200 nations will participate in an opening ceremony for Games that have come to symbolize China opening up to the world. 来自超过两百个国家的运动员将参加奥运开幕式,而这象征着中国对世界开放。
Funny! I thought you were going to say 'opening up of a flower' . . . A paper bag doesn't really have the same 'ring' to it! 有趣!我还想你会说“一朵正在开放的花朵”…纸袋子并不具有同等的意义呢!
After opening the tomb, however, strange and unpleasant events began to take place in the lives of those involved in the expedition. 开业后的坟墓,然而,奇怪的和不愉快的事件开始参与在远征有关人员的生活场所。
It is as if an opening in the mind through which the mind is flooded with light. The opening is not even the light. It is just an opening. 像头脑中开了一窍,无量性光如射灯般透过间隙,遍照无明。那一窍甚至不是光。它只是个间隙。
Just as he was opening his mouth, a fly come in suddenly. 当他张开嘴的时候,突然一个苍蝇飞进去。
His Serbian opponent seized on the opening as he took five points in a row to hold four match points at 6-2. 萨尔维亚人抓住了这个机会连拿四分,比分来到6-2,他手握四个赛点。
A desire to please led me to laugh at modest jokes like a parent on the opening night of a school play. 为了讨好别人我常常为索然无味的笑话大笑,就像家长对待学校恳亲会演出的开幕式一样。
When a woman feels comfortable opening up to you and telling you details about her life, you'll be way ahead of other men. 如果一个女人对你信任,和你说她生活的琐事,你已经远远地在其他男人的前面了。
The female pelvis is shaped like a wide, oval bowl with a large opening at the top and a slightly smaller opening at the bottom. 女性盆骨的形状像一个宽的卵形的碗,它的上部有一个大的开口,而下部有一个稍小的开口。