
美 [ˈʌðər]英 [ˈʌðə(r)]
  • adj.其他;另一个;另外;对面
  • pron.另外一个;别的东西;其他的东西;其余的一个
  • adv.另样地;不是那样




1.另外;其他used to refer to people or things that are additional or different to people or things that have been mentioned or are known about

2.(指两个人或事物中的第二个)那个,另一个used to refer to the second of two people or things

3.(指一组中其余的人或事物)其余的,另外的used to refer to the remaining people or things in a group

4.(指与说话人所在位置等相反的方向或地点)另一边,对面,相反的方向used to refer to a place, direction, etc. that is the opposite to where you are, are going, etc.

They looked into each other's eyes. The Girle Weaver told the poor Cowherd that she would be his wife. 两人相对而视,织女对牛郎说要做他的妻子。
So and she seldom talk, do not know how to communicate, hope to understand each other. 很少交流,二、希望互相了解,三、不知如何沟通。
In the field, parts of a battalion may be widely separated and a platoon commander messes with the other officers in his company. 在战地上,一营的部队可能分散的很开,排长同本连的其他军官一起用膳。
Some of these tools are little more than the word processors, spreadsheet systematic communication systems used in other applications. 这些工具也许仅仅就是在其他的应用程序中的文字处理软件,或者是表格处理软件,或者是电子邮件通讯系统。
In case any damage is caused by the partition causes to any other person, the corresponding compensation shall be made. 因分割对其他共有人造成损害的,应当给予赔偿。
Besser said the CDC has little information on other medical conditions of hospitalized patients that might have made them more vulnerable. Besser说,关于住院患者其他与易感程度相关的医疗状况,美国疾病预防控制中心掌握较少。
He offers this as a special case of the idea that geeks seem to be able to find each other across national, language and cultural barriers. 他提出了这个特例是想说黑客似乎能够彼此跨越国家、语言和文化障碍。
There're four seasons in a year and every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. 一年有四季,每季有三个月,每一个季节的天气都与其他季节不同。
for other people's needs and feelings, and outer expression in certain kind of acts, by which our home training is often judged. 一方面要从内心深处关心别人的需要和感情,另一方面要以某种行为表现出来,使人们常常可以判断我们家庭教育的好坏。
Actually did not understand that studies others' words, in some sense, you are unable into one to be able to forgive other people's person. 却不懂得进修他人的话,在某种意义上,你是无法成为一个能谅解别人的人。
For, just as each nation is wont to reckon by that monetary standard with which it is most familiar, so must we do in other matters. 因为,正象每一个民族都被用最为熟悉的肤色标准估算,因此我们必须采取另外的做法。
The moment of birth is not the most special event in a child's life. There are an infinite number of other special ones that follow. 在孩子的一生中,出生那一刻并不是最特别的,接下来还会有不计其数的特别时刻等你见证。
He looked over his shoulder at the small jet. Already it had started taxiing, turning in the other direction. 他过肩而望向那架小型喷气式飞机,已经准备开始滑行,正调整到其他方向。
The other, the mechanical transistor, sounds as if it has been lifted from the annals of the industrial revolution. 另外一种就是机械晶体管,这听起来就像是从工业革命史册中发掘出来的玩意儿。
Get children to come to the front one at a time. The children should read out their sentences and the other children must guess who it is. 每次让几个学生到讲台前来。这几个学生必须说出他们的句子并,其它同学必须来猜测他(她)是谁。
However , if you are in need of any other information not mentioned therein, please feel free to let us know . 不过如果您有其他需要的信息没有被提到,请随时让我们知道。
Although other techniques are coming into the spotlight (noticeably Neural Networks), the minimax tree is at the heart of the best programs. 尽管其它的技术也开始崭露头角(比如神经网络),但极大极小树仍然是该类程序的最佳心脏。
One day while I was working, a Sister came in and said: "A tourist wants to see you; he is the person who came the other day. " 有一天,当我在工作的时候,一个修女进来告诉我:“一个游客想要见你,他就是上次来过的。”
Partly as the result of these and other policy actions, many parts of the financial system have improved substantially. 部分是由于这些政策和其他政策的结果,金融体系的许多方面已有很大改善。
One of my other clients, Cara, spoke to me a few months ago. 我的另一个客户卡拉,几个月前对我讲述了她的痛苦。
One day, however, I happened to be in that area calling on other replies, and out of curiosity I decided to look the old lady up. 然而,有一天,我碰巧在那个地区走访其他回信的人。出于好奇,我决定去看一看这位老太太。
S. has been one of isolation and frustration. Torrington has no other foreign students, and little in the way of English-language help. 托灵顿校区只有他们是国外留学生,而且这对他们的英语学习帮助也不大。
The proposal plan is like any other plan and has a set of high-level activities that are broken down into a set of tasks. 提案计划和其他计划一样,都含有一组高级别的活动,这些活动又被拆分为若干任务。
In fact, Pollard said, it was his wife's addiction to another fantasy role-playing game that drove him to the other avatar. 博拉说,实际上是他妻子对另一种虚幻角色游戏上了瘾,才迫使他去找其他的艾唯塔。
One is all the technology a utility needs to manage the usage data, combine it with other information and set rates depending on demand. 其一是电力公司管理用电数据需要的所有技术,结合其它信息,根据需要来设定电价。
He said the partition of Sudan would change the map of that country, but other African countries would change, too. 他说,苏丹的分裂将改变苏丹的版图,然而,非洲其他国家的版图也会发生变化。
Functions in Erlang are the basic building blocks of any program, just as with any other language. 与其他语言一样,Erlang中的函数是所有程序的基本组成部分。
Tying him to a tree, he left him hanging there still in his sheep's dress, as a warning to other wolves who might be prowling about. 牧羊人把它绑在树上,仍然使它披着羊皮吊在那里,来吓唬四处觅食的其它狼。
Company shall have the right to assign all or any portion of its rights hereunder to any other affiliate or subsidiary of Company. 公司有权转让全部或部分合同项下的权利,任何其他关联公司或附属公司。
The drug is called "modafinil" and, unlike other stimulants, it has no side effects. 这种药叫做“莫达非尼”(modafinil),而与其它兴奋剂不同的是,它没有副作用。