one last time

  • 网络最后一次;最后一遍;最后的一次

one last timeone last time

one last time


希尔纳加之影 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... choice: 供选择的东西 one last time: 最后一次 effort: 努力 ...


... 63.让我看看你的新文具盒。 Show me your new pencil-box. 67.最后一遍One last time. 68.请捡起来。 Please pick it up. ...


是阿信喔 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: ... I'll kiss you 我将吻你 One last time 最后的一次 ...


Scenes... ... Did she bid him farewell? 她是自己引火上身吗? One last time 最后一刻 We’ll lay down today 今日我们都将倒下 ...


... Soundless are the words that were left unsaid 无声的言语没被说出口 One last time,one last time 最后的时候,最后的时候 ...


  蒂娜·特纳(Tina Turner)“最后一夜(One Last Time)”演唱会  年份:2000年   地点:温布利体育场   经典曲目:What’s Love Got To D…

With 30 seconds left in the game I get the ball one last time, I'm about to drive for a lay-up but Isiah's all over me. 比赛还剩三十秒,我最后一次拿到球。我本来打算冲过去上篮的,但伊塞亚缠上了我。
He said, but turned to look at the closet one last time, as if expecting Saint Tail to jump out, calling card in hand. 他说着,却转身最后看了眼那个衣柜,似乎在期待圣少女能蹦出来,手里握着牌。
But the old-media monarch showed, one last time, that he still reigned: the world stopped for him for a few hours on June 25. 但传统媒体(电台)的君主地位最后一次显示,他仍然有绝对统治力:世界在2009年6月25日因他停止转动若干小时。
Beast: At least I got to see you one. Last. Time. 野兽:至少我还能见你最后一面。
I didn't even get to see him for one last time before he died. 我甚至没有在他离开这个世界之前见到他最后一面。
I got to see you. . . one last time. 我还能看你最后一眼
So, for one last time in this blokes' guide to weddings series, I'd like to ask for your thoughts, suggestions, anecdotes and advice. 在这个家伙的婚礼指南系列的最后一次,我想咨询下你们的想法、意见、趣事和建议。
You can press the full screen preview link one last time to see a full screen representation of your theme . 最后可以按一下全屏预览链接来看看主题的全屏图像。
So I helped him outside one last time, then took him next to the fire and held his head on my lap. 我最后一次帮它出去,然后抱它到壁炉旁,把它的头放在我的大腿上。
And when Octavia sneaks out to see her husband one last time before the exodus, Atia has him killed. 当偷偷溜出去在前去见他的丈夫时,阿蒂亚派人将他杀死。
And God spoke to him one last time, telling him that although his heavenly home was prepared, he was not about to be taken from Oklahoma. 上帝最后一次告诉他,虽然他的天家已经备下,但是他不会从俄克拉何马被带走。
At least I don't make them turn out the lights one last time as they leave. That's my job. 最起码,我没有让他们最后一次“出门随手关灯”。那是我的职责。
I said, as I breathed one last time. Then, everything went blank and black. 我说完,呼吸了最后一口气,接着,一切变得模糊与黑暗。
The derelict farm would be plowed one last time, then sown with disappearing and all but unknown prairie seeds, and left to be. 废弃的农场将最后一次接受翻犁,然后被撒上行将绝迹的、几乎叫不上名字的草原种子,随后就听之任之了。
Let me remind you one last time That you are in a different position than the others. You need this school. 我再提醒你最后一次,你的处境和其他人不同。你需要这个学校。
Maybe Beckham will get his chance to bend it one last time before he walks off the field on his own terms, too. 也许贝克汉姆也能得到机会最后拼搏一次,按照他自己的意愿退役。
They packed up their bags one last time and left Room 619, which had been their daytime home for months, if not years. 遭“白日禁闭”数月甚至数年的教师,最后一次打点行李,然后离开。
If you could just twist the truth one last time and give me a good recommendation, I'd really appreciate it. 要是你能再“省情度势”一次,给我写封推荐信,我会感激不尽。
As he looks back one last time at America's opening to China, Kissinger is not just talking to Americans. 当他最后一次回首美国对中国敞怀示好时,基辛格可不是只想着美国读者。
One of them, I don't remember if it was the first one or the second one last time, but it really doesn't matter. 其中一个,我不记得上次是第一个还是第二个,但这无所谓。
But Lige, just before we got off the tracks, I turned the lantern around one last time. That's when I saw what was following us. 但是利格,就在我们下铁轨时,我最后一次用灯笼照后面,就在那时我看见了跟着我们的东西。
I sent Dick Holbrooke back to see him one last time, but even Dick couldn't budge him. 我派迪克·霍尔布鲁克去和他进行最后一次交涉,但即使是迪克也没能使他让步。
Others seem relieved just to see the bespectacled magician appear on screen one last time. 其他人看来则为能在银幕上最后一次看到这位戴眼镜的魔法师而松了一口气。
We are really looking forward to getting out on the tour and seeing our fans one last time. 我们真的很期待开展巡演,最后一次见到我们的歌迷。
When it came time to leave, however, the three children traveling with Guajardo and McAllister begged to feed the dolphins one last time. 要离开的时候,和挂加多以及麦克阿里斯特乘坐一辆车的3个孩子请求再给海豚喂最后一次食。
With those words, Billy smiled and closed his eyes one last time. He passed away later that evening. 听到这句话,比利微笑着终于闭上了双眼。他于当晚离开了人世。
Please, for my sake, for everything we have been through, listen to me this one last time. 求你了!看在我多年伺候你的份上,听我这最后一次吧!
When my dad was finally discharged, I changed my flight one last time to stay through the weekend and settle him back into his routine. 父亲终于出院了,我最后一次改签了机票,留下来照顾他一个周末,等他的生活恢复正常。
But they'll be watching as Atlantis arcs into the sky one last time. 但他们还会看着阿特兰蒂斯号最后一次进入太空。
It has grown dark, almost everyone has alighted and Mr Aguilar shuffles one last time in his metal- framed chair. 天色渐渐暗了下来,几乎所有人都已下车,阿吉拉尔最后一次晃荡着离开金属框椅子。