
美 [kənˈtest]英 [kən'test]
  • n.比赛;竞赛;竞争
  • v.争辩;争取赢得(比赛、选举等);就…提出异议

复数:contests 现在分词:contesting 过去式:contested

enter contest,hold contest,judge contest,contest election
final contest,open contest


n. v.

1.比赛;竞赛a competition in which people try to win sth

2.~ (for sth)(控制权或权力的)争夺,竞争a struggle to gain control or power


be no contest

(表示竞争中的一方过于强大或出色)完全不是对手,毫无竞争可言used to say that one side in a competition is so much stronger or better than the other that it is sure to win easily

Friday brought a rooftop barbecue, and Saturday there was an air-guitar contest. 星期五是天台烧烤,周六则是一场“空气吉他”比赛。
But others consider it dated, and this year it was edged out of a contest in India by two European planes, one of them the Typhoon. F-18在今年印度举行的一次竟标中落选,而由两家欧洲飞机竞逐,其中之一便是“台风”。
The two fierce rivals, known as the "Battling Begums" and heirs to political dynasties, were freed to contest the long-delayed election. 这两位宿敌以及两人政治王朝的继任者均获释,得以参加这次一再推迟的选举。
Elliott was one of more than 100 Saskatchewan residents to respond to the contest launched by a popular Regina radio show . 有100多个萨斯喀彻温省居民参加了里贾纳市(萨省首府)一个流行广播节目举办的这次竞赛,埃利奥特是其中之一。
UK scientists claim speed dating is nothing more than a beauty contest, and is all about looks and not personality. 英国科学家称,“速配”只不过是一场选美比赛,相貌起主导地位,与性格无关。
He did not win the contest, but says it was a honor just to qualify and to eat next to her. 他没有赢得比赛,但他说,获得决赛资格并站在索尼娅旁边吃东西就是一种荣耀。
One of the king' s men came to Hamlet to tell him about the contest between Hamlet and Laertes the next day. 国王的一位亲信来见哈姆雷特,告诉他关于隔天他和莱尔提斯之间的比赛。
The result sometimes seems to be a level of public debate that has become less intelligent and relevant as the contest continues. 结果,随着竞选的持续,这场公开辩论的水平有时看上去已变得缺乏智慧,而且越来越跑题。
The winner of a toilet paper wedding dress contest shows how cheap can be chic with her dress made out of 10 jumbo rolls of bathroom tissue. 一个厕纸婚纱比赛的获胜者用10卷厕纸制成的婚纱向我们表明:时尚竟可以如此便宜。
Our school is going to hold a sing contest. And I'll sign up for it. It's a good chance to show my sing talent. 我们学校即将举行一场歌唱比赛。我要报名参加。这是展示我的歌唱才能的好机会。
Whatever the gossip had been, it had died down, and the students now only thought of the contest ahead. 流言蜚语已经渐渐平息了,学生们现在想的只是眼前的对抗赛。
I can't remember the last time I saw Tracy fully extend and contest every shot put up by his opponent. 我不记得我最后一次见到麦蒂充分扩展和每铅球比赛他的对手了。
There's a contest for a top management position in the company at the moment. 目前,人们正在竞争该公司的一个高层管理职务。
Another would remove a requirement that parties must contest at least three seats at the general election (which the NLD boycotted). 第二,废除党派选举将军(这为NLD所抵制)时必争夺至少三个席位的要求;
As Alan Ruskin of the Royal bank of Scotland remarked, this was a contest among the G7 nations to see who could post the worst numbers. 皇家苏格兰银行的AlanRuskin发表评论之后,七国集团就比着是谁先被淘汰出局。
He said the only solution would be a clean second-round contest or some sort of conciliatory deal between Abdullah and Karzai. 他说唯一的解决之道将是一次透明的第二轮选举,或者在阿卜杜拉和卡尔扎伊之间达成某种和解协议。
It was a very strenuous campaign to get elected cheerleader, you had to go around to the residence halls. It was a popularity contest. 竞选啦啦队队长非常激烈,你得在宿舍楼里来回奔走拉票,那是知名度的考验。
The best way to succeed in Oral English contest is to have confidence. But this is often very hard for us. 决胜英语口语比赛的最好的办法就是自信,而这对我们来说通常是很困难的。
But he said Tsvangirai would be willing to contest a run-off, if the Commission insists one is required. 但是比提说,如果选举委员会坚持认为有必要进行决选,茨万吉拉伊将愿意参加。
She recently put the antibiotic powder mitomycin under her lens, as shown in her winning entry in the Small World photo contest. 她最近把抗生素粉末丝裂霉素放到了镜头之下,正如这张为她获得了微小世界照片竞赛的胜利入场券所示。
You just try to contest [me], make every shot a difficult one and try to deny the ball as much as you possibly can. 你得试着和我对抗,使每次投篮都变得艰难,并以最快的速度来断掉我的球。
The game rule and contest rule are simple and the technology wants is simple too, which make it easy to develop. 游戏规则、比赛规则和技术要求简单,对场地、网高等要求不高,便于推广开展。
Idealists might frown that the best 11 years of democracy could throw up is a contest between the incumbent, his deputy and his predecessor. 理想主义者可能会皱眉,印尼最好的11年的民主能够有结果,完全是现任总统和他的副总统以及他的前任总统之间的竞争。
The two-day contest attracts swimmers from all over the country to the northeast region where it's especially cold this time of year. 为期两天的比赛吸引了全国各地的冬泳爱好者来到这个东北地区,这里每年这个时候极为寒冷。
She takes her cue from her mother to participate the speech contest. 她听从她妈妈的劝告,去参加了演讲比赛。
So everyone would benefit from a real contest, in which a second candidate gave Ms Lagarde a run for her money. 因此,各方都将得益于一场真正的竞赛,让第二名候选人与拉加德展开竞选。
In a contest, your opponent is afraid of you just as you are also afraid of him. 在比赛中,你的对手害怕你就象你也害怕他一样。
Soon, it was like a contest to see who could be the best spouse, who could give the most love. 很快,就像是一场竞赛要看看谁会是最佳伴侣,谁会给出最多的爱。
In honor of our Arctic Photo Contest, we've tapped her to share a few of her photos and comment on her work. 为了纪念我们的北极照片大赛,我们邀请她分享了一些照片和有关她的工作的感悟。
Icahn's botched proxy contest in 2008 was a bit of an embarrassment to watch. 2008年,伊坎的代理权之争以失败告终,有点令人难堪。