carry out

  • na.实行;开展;完成
  • 网络执行;实现;贯彻

第三人称单数:carries out 现在分词:carrying out 过去式:carried out

carry outcarry out

carry out


字典中 奉 字的解释 ... (11) 奉承[ flatter] (13) 贯彻,执行[ carry out] (15) 尊奉[ respect and worship] ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... carry on 继续下去;从事,经营 carry out 贯彻,执行;实现 come to 总计,达到;苏醒,复原 ...


字典中 奉 字的解释 ... (11) 奉承[ flatter] (13) 贯彻,执行[ carry out] (15) 尊奉[ respect and worship] ...


职称英语考试大纲答案 ... D. release 释放: A. carry out 执行;完成;实现: B. carry off 拿走,夺走: ...


常用英语动词短语 ... 23.give up 放弃; 24.carry out 实施; 25.take the drug 服药; ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... carry on 继续开展,坚持下去 carry out 进行(到底),开展 carry through 进行(到底);贯彻 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... carry on 继续开展,坚持下去 carry out 进行(到底),开展 carry through 进行(到底);贯彻 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... carry out one's promise 遵守某人的诺言 carry out 实行 carry with 进行、继续 ...

Both have been developed for the day when DLR researchers expect humanoid robots to be in many homes to carry out a variety of tasks. DLR的研究人员开发他们是希望有一天人性化的机器人能在许多家里干各种各样的家务。
To carry out my duties, I think I'll do my best. If it's in an emergency, I won't hesitate to work all night or on holidays. 为了执行我的职责,我会全力以赴。假如情况紧急,即使熬夜或假日加班我都不会迟疑。
But experience has plainly shown that this is the only path to carry out the command of the Constitution. 但是,经验已经清楚的表明这是完成国会的这个命令的唯一方法。
And manufacturing cells reconfiguration is one of the problems that should be solved first to carry out cellular manufacturing mode. 制造单元是单元化制造系统生产组织的基本单位,单元重组是实施单元化制造首先要解决的问题之一。
Hopeful to be able to have certain marketing achievement , can carry out a few pearls and silver work aspect exchange with the customer and. 有望可以有一定的销售业绩,并可以和客户进行一些珍珠及银饰方面的交流。
Edison is now demanding that the authorities carry out a criminal probe to see who infringed on his copyrights. 陈冠希现在也在要求有关方面调查是谁侵犯了他的著作权。
It's particularly urgent and necessary to carry out a variety health education and counseling to the student's mental health. 关注学生心理健康,有针对性开展各种健康教育、辅导和咨询尤为迫切和必要。
The team went on to carry out a life-size test funded by an American TV documentary maker. 在美国电视纪录片生产商的资助下,该小组继续开展了一项与实物相同大小的试验。
will be on the " previous application to carry out the business case re-apply for an increase in business as one of the conditions" . 关于将“前次申请业务的开展情况作为再次申请增加业务的条件之一”的问题。
As we did not have the money to carry out the project, we had to put it on the back burner. 那个计划我们没有钱推行,只得暂时搁置了。
Manager Zhou, Sun teacher, wearing a general all rushed to the hotel in advance to carry out a number of layout arrangements. 周经理、孙老师、戴总都提前赶到了酒店,进行一些布置安排。
7, You were asked to carry out a staff survey to get staff feedback on the proposed changes and then write a report. 你被要求去做一个有关变革提议职员反馈的调查,然后写一份报告。
Hence classroom teachers did not dare to carry out reforms, and gradually returned to the old ways up. 因而教师不敢再进行课堂改革,渐渐又回到老路子上去。
Even now some of you meet with us in out of the body meetings, and you return to Earth to carry out your mission. 即使现在,你们中的一些人在出体的会见中遇到我们,然后你们返回地球去执行你们的任务。
But with the change of social and economic situations, it seems to be out of time to carry out this policy any more. 但在社会经济环境发生转变的情况下,继续长期实行该政策就不合时宜了。
They don't even have to carry out the sentence. . . Just seeing him in the cage is enough. 他们甚至不必进行审判…仅仅看到他被关进笼子就已足够。
According to its unique geopolitical conditions, India can't neglect Indian Ocean if it wants to carry out the dream of great power. 印度所处的独特地理环境决定了要实现大国梦,就无法回避海洋。
Shopping For this study researchers set themselves up in a mall pretending to carry out a consumer survey on nightgowns and nylon stockings. 在实验一中,研究人员将实验地点设定在一个商场中,他们假装对消费者进行一项关于睡衣和尼龙袜的调查。
The council said the troop increase will enhance the ability of the peacekeeping mission, known as AMISOM, to carry out its mandate. 安理会表示,增加军队人数将增强维和任务AMISOM执行命令的能力。
As the stipulations of our criminal law are not very clear, it is usually difficult to carry out the stipulations in practice. 由于刑法条文对交通肇事罪的规定比较模糊,司法实践上往往难以操作。
Rob Fyfe, along with seven of his brave airline staff, carry out their usual aircraft duties wearing nothing but body paint. 罗布·伊夫同他的七名勇敢的员工,除了身体彩绘外,片布未穿完成正常的飞行服务职责。
If it has inside synchronic controller, connecting all the lights to the same power, it will carry out the synchronic color changing. LED水底灯如果已经安装了内置同步控制器,只需将所有的水底灯电源线统一接到同一供电电源即可实现无数个水底灯同步变色。
How much will you have to pay contractors to carry out essential repairs? 做必要的维修要向承包商支付多少钱?
Those opinions I shall endeavor to carry out with my utmost ability. 我将努力尽我所能来实施这些观点。
S. military "bleeding" , the U. S. finally decided to carry out the great sweep of high-rise. 大场部队不断利用地形打游击,让美军“出血”,美方高层终于决定进行大扫荡。
Magicians seem to be able to carry out secret actions in front of their audience without being spotted. 魔术师们似乎可以在关注面前做一些秘密的举动,而且不被发现。
Tomorrow Atlantis will hook up the International Space Station to carry out a space construction project. 明天,阿特兰提斯号将于国际空间站进行对接并执行一项空间建造工程。
The only reason to carry out a test is to improve a process, to improve the quality and quantity of the next run or of next year's crop. 执行一项试验的唯一理由是改进过程,改进品质与下次的运作数量或是次年的收获。
At the end of the year Ford checked with his engineers, and again they informed him they had found no way to carry out his orders. 过了一年,福特的工程师们都没有进展,他们再次告诉他,他们想不出有什么办法可以做到他的指示。
Newcastle professor Karim Nayernia has applied for permission to carry out the work and is ready to start the experiments within two months. 纽卡斯尔的教授KarimNayernia已经申请了进行这项研究的许可,并准备在两个月之内开始试验。