say yes

  • na.说“行”;答应
  • 网络同意;次求婚;凶劫

say yessay yes

say yes


大学英语四级常用词组 ... year in year out 年复一年地,不断地 say yes 同意,允诺 and yet 而,然而 ...


啄木鸟看过的电影(234) ... 幸福额度 / Love on Credit 101次求婚 / Say Yes 致我们终将逝去的青春 / 致青春 / So Young ...


凶劫》(say yes)[bdrip]下载|零度软件园if you want to live, tell me i can kill your girl... 代码 ------ -----xxx...剧 情 片软...


数码宝贝剧场版 - 搜搜百科 ... In the Blue 在蓝色中 Say yes 说是 More More Happy Christmas 更多更多快乐的圣诞节 ...


求恐怖电影!!高分哦_百度知道 ... 毛骨悚然 Sorum 一路惊惶 Say Yes 鸟身女妖 Harpy ...


绝色小号《南加州从来不下雨》 ... 03 柠檬树 LEMON TREE 04 说对 SAY YES 05 爱的力量 POWER OF LOVE ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... year in year out 年复一年地,不断地 say yes 同意,允诺 and yet 而,然而 ...

Although my waist is still sore, but my head is not dizzy, and Doctor Say Yes nephritis (the kind of early), is take medicine. 虽然我的腰还在疼,但我的头已经不晕了,医生说是肾炎(初期的那种),正在吃药。
Asked whether the national team still needs Ballack, Bild reports that Lahm said: "It's not for me to say 'yes' or 'no' to that question. " 当被问及国家队是否还需要巴拉克的时候,根据图片报的报道,拉姆这么说:“这个问题不应该由我来回答‘是’或者‘不是’。”
If I ask the value of my life, I can only measure myself against the centuries and then I must say, Yes, it means something. 如果我自问一生的价值所在,我只会在世纪百年的背景中衡量自己,然后我必定会说,是的,它有点意义。
Mother's answer was such that she did not say yes and she didn't say no. 母亲答复说,她既不表示赞成,也不表示反对。
It's up to you, because otherwise you, as a listener, may say, yes, yes, it sounds very good, or not at all good. 这取决于你,因为你,作为听者,也许会说,是的,是的,这听起来很不错,或者根本就不好。
But, still, it's amazing how much I want him to say yes. 尽管如此,我却惊讶地发现,自己很想让他说声“是的。”
Tianqi, can you imagine how much I love you? I love you no matter what. Even I'm asked to vanish like the mermaid, I would say yes. 天骐,你知道我有多喜欢你吗?就算要我像人鱼公主一样变成泡沫,我也要喜欢你。
And after I had work for a month, I can say, yes, not too bad, but, I prefer to be a tutor in a university, that will be better. 实习了这一个月以后,我可以说,是的,还好,但是我觉得高校老师更好。
"There's a somewhat strange brand loyalty and it's nice to be able to say yes, we can go and buy a new MG, " he said. 他说“每个人都有对品牌的忠诚度,真的很高兴能够说是的,我们可以去买一台新款MG轿车了。”
solution: value your dating commitments. if your boss asks you to work late, you don't always have to say "yes. " 解决之道:重视约会承诺。如果上司叫你加班,你不必每次都答应。
I'm forever going on at her about it, but she says that there'll still be time enough to say yes to the Count when the Duke's dead. 我和她讲道理,想说服她,她总是回答我说,等公爵死了,再跟伯爵好也来得及。
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess, It's a love story, baby, just say yes. 不要害怕,我相信我们终究会冲破困境,这就是我们的爱情,亲爱的,请答应我。
"My parents have always gone the extra mile for me, " he said. "I knew if I asked, she'd say yes. . . . " “我父母一向为我任劳任怨,”他说。“我知道如果我要求,他们会答应……。”
At the end of the day, when he asked to be a librarian on a regular basis, it was easy to say yes. 这一天下来,当他请求正式当一名图书馆馆员时,说声“行”便是理所当然的了。
Barak wanted me to come to the region, but I wanted Arafat to say yes to the Israelis on the big issues embodied in my parameters first. 巴拉克想让我到该地区走一遭,但我想首先让阿拉法特同意包含我提出的条件的重大争议性问题。
The American tries to ask as many girls as possible and figures if he asks 100 girls, at least one will say yes. 而美国的男孩则会尝试尽可能多地邀请女孩子们跟他们约会,他们觉得如果他们邀请了100个女孩子,那么其中应该至少会有一个点头答应。
If i say, Yes, i can. i am an idiot since it is so easy to be found. 回答上来,我是傻子--问题太简单。回答不上来,我更是傻子…
Of course, managers have to be able to say yes too, otherwise their organisations would shrivel up and die. 当然,经理也必须能说“是”,否则他们的组织将枯萎死亡。
She had expected him to say 'Yes', but he said 'No' instead. 她原以为他会答应,没想到他却没答应。
So if I meet someone and marriage is really important for her, I'll probably say yes. 所以,如果我遇到一个人,她的婚姻是真正重要的是,我可能会说是的。
Also, she adds: "Suppose I had won and I were asking him to be in my cabinet . . . I would have wanted him to say yes. " 此外,她补充说,“假如我赢了,我邀请他入阁……我也会希望他答应的。”
He also said that he had seen some posting like "If we were to propose to him on Monday, he might say yes" at a certain fan site. 孔刘还说,他在某个影迷网页上看过留言这麽写著:“如果我们星期一向孔刘求婚,他很有可能会说愿意哦”。他当时看过后笑翻了。
Whenever I jump up in the air, he asks me to marry him, and I say yes. 每当我跳到空中,燕子请求我嫁给他,我答应了。
Perhaps we think "I took on too much" is not much of an excuse if and when we drop the ball (after all, it was our choice to say yes or no). 也许我们认为,如果或当我们犯错误的时候,“我承担过多”并不是一个好借口(毕竟,是我们选择说“是”或“不”)。
They hire a woman to go up to college men and ask them to sleep with her. More than half the men say yes. 研究人员雇下一名女性,让她去大学里找那些男生,要他们跟她上床,超过一半的男生都同意了。
With Germany about to enter its own election campaign, it may take a while to say yes to America. 随着德国即将开始自己的竞选活动,该国唯美国马首是瞻也许还要花上一段时间。
She says that there is no way I could have caused it, that it's my parents' problem when my mom interrupts her to say "Yes she did. " 咨询师说不会的,这是你父母的问题。我妈打断她,说:没错就是她干的。
I want fathers and mothers to be able to see today through their daughters' eyes, and say, "yes, a woman can. " 我非常希望作父母的能透过他们女儿的双眼,看看今天,说:“是的,女生可以做到”。
The German to Tuttosport: "I say yes to Italy. " The Werder Bremen striker has no problems with missing out on the Champions League. 这名德国人对都灵体育报说道:“我答应了意大利方面,”这名云达。不莱梅射手不会因为不能参加欧冠而遗憾。
A growing number of scientists, some gathered at a one-day symposium this week at the British Geological Society in London, say "yes" . 越来越多的科学家做出了肯定回答,他们中的一些人本周在伦敦的英国地理学会参加了为期一天的专题讨论会。