
美 [streɪn]英 [streɪn]
  • n.压力;品系;应力;张力
  • v.扭伤;拉紧;滤;损伤
  • 网络应变;紧张;菌株

第三人称单数:strains 现在分词:straining 过去式:strained

great strain,severe strain,nervous strain,constant strain,mental strain
stand strain,bear strain,strain produce,feel strain,relieve strain


n. v.


1.[u][c]压力;重负;重压之下出现的问题(或担忧等)pressure on sb/sth because they have too much to do or manage, or sth very difficult to deal with; the problems, worry or anxiety that this produces

物理压力physical pressure

2.[u][c]压力;拉力;张力;应力the pressure that is put on sth when a physical force stretches, pushes, or pulls it


3.[c][u]劳损;拉伤;扭伤an injury to a part of your body, such as a muscle, that is caused by using it too much or by twisting it

动植物╱疾病种类type of plant/animal/disease

4.[c](动、植物的)系,品系,品种;(疾病的)类型a particular type of plant or animal, or of a disease caused by bacteria, etc.

性格in sb's character

5.[c][ususing]个性特点;性格倾向;禀性a particular tendency in the character of a person or group, or a quality in their manner

音乐of music

6.[c][usupl]乐曲;曲调;旋律the sound of music being played or sung


机械专业英语词汇(很全) - Lemon Tree ... staple fiber 短纤维 strain 应变 strand 丝束 ...


Esp词汇资料 ... breast 胸怀, strain 拉紧 stomak'o:stomach 欲望食欲 2 ...


李笑来21天突破托福词汇(第一天)_天道留学 ... squeeze 挤,压,塞 strain 拉紧;紧张;使用过度 summit 顶,绝顶;顶点 ...


菌株(Strain):单一分离体后代组成的微生物纯培养物。污染:微生物纯培养物和灭过菌的物品等被某些杂菌或有害微生物混人 …


数学专... ... superposition n. 重叠, 重合, 叠合 strain n. 过度的疲劳, 紧张, 张力, 应变 reckon vt. 计算, 总计, 估计, 猜想 ...


每一种或每一品系(strain)的细菌常会有不同的感受器,所以病毒的感染也常有专一性.穿透(penetration)当病毒一旦附著到细胞表 …


  拉伤(strain)是肌肉一肌腱连接处的急性外伤性损伤,也可分为三级:  第一级:轻度。


冶金专业英语词汇(S) ... straightening roll 矫正辊 strain 变形 strain aging 机械时效 ...

In a straight fight, therefore, it was the drug-sensitive strain that had the selective advantage when faced with a two-pronged attack. 这场直接的菌群较量说明了当面对两种进攻的时候,敏感菌有优势。
Forget it! Don't strain at a gnat. As you know, he is hard up these days. 算了吧!不要斤斤计较。如你所知,他最近手头紧。
Swing ingredients in a shaker with cracked ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a slice of lemon. 将液体注入混合器,加碎冰块摇匀,注入冷却过的鸡尾酒酒杯,用一片柠檬装饰。
This division of labour, however, is under strain because some Chinese partners feel ready to go it alone. 然而,这种劳动分工目前陷入紧张之中,因为部分中方合作伙伴感觉自己已经可以单干了。
In comedy it doesn't look like there's an art going on; it should look as if it's easy, cos there shouldn't be a sense of strain. 在喜剧中,要看起来不像是在进行一门艺术,它应该看起来好像很简单,因为不能有严肃的成分。
over saucepan, strain berries, through a fine sieve, pressing with back of a spoon. 在平底锅,应变浆果,通过细筛,按同一个勺子回来。
It put a tremendous strain on my thigh muscles, but now Dixie was able to wheel me out of the elevator with ease. 我大腿的肌肉被狠狠拉紧,不过迪克西现在能轻易地把我推出电梯了。
You stand all day long. So your back can hurt. When you're standing straight up, your lower back is going to get a strain. 你整天都站着。所以你的背会很疼。当你站直时,你的后背下部会开始绷紧。
And so it began to pile up until one day I collapsed from the strain of it, becoming an empty shell, a parody of who I used to be. 所以它开始慢慢地堆积起来,知道有一天我在那些压力中崩溃了,变成一个空壳,变成过去的一拙劣的模仿品。
At times this deep strain of pathos was all that could be heard, and scarcely heard, sighing amid a desolate silence. 那低沉而悲怆的旋律时时成为你所能听到的全部声音,隐约地在凄凉的沉默之中哀叹。
Yet even to believers in small government, like this newspaper, there are good reasons for letting taxes take at least some of the strain. 本刊属于笃信小政府的人,甚至对于所有这样的人来说,都有充足的理由认为税收应该分担部分压力。
buck - a - litre gasoline may be putting a serious strain on your household finances , but at least your federal government is cashing in. 一公升一块钱的汽油会让许多家庭感到经济压力,但对联邦政府来说,这正是他们捞钱的好时候。
"This strain has never been found in any animal, so it is possible that it could have come from straight from the environment into humans" . 这次疫情的致病菌从未在任何动物体内检出,所以很可能它是从环境中直接进入人体。
He called swine flu "a novel strain of influenza" , and said the trial would determine the dose and schedule of the vaccination. 他称猪流感为“一种新型流感”,还说,推广疫苗的剂量和计划都将根据试验情况而定。
The strain, known as S. Kentucky, has developed resistance to the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin, often used for treating severe Salmonella cases. 被称为S•肯德基的这种菌株,已对抗生素环丙沙星产生耐药,后者经常用于治疗严重的沙门氏菌病症。
I know his character and his personality and I believe that becoming king would be an immense strain for him as he would lose his freedom. 我知道他的性格和他的个性以及我相信成为国王对他来讲将会是一种巨大压力,因为他将会失去自由。
When you're standing and ready to move, continue holding the object close to your body to decrease the strain on your lower back. 当你站立并准备移动的时候,继续靠近你的身体托住物品,以减少腰背部的拉力。
Cynthia was more than curious, but she relented when she noticed the strain in her daughter's face. 莘济亚感到特别奇怪,却是很和蔼谛视着她女儿紧张的脸。
To see what was going on, he labelled the doxycycline-resistant strain with a yellow protein and the sensitive strain with a blue protein. 为了观察进行情况,他用黄色蛋白质标记耐脱氧土霉素的大肠埃希菌,用蓝色的蛋白标记对脱氧土霉素敏感的细菌。
Smallpox only infected humans -- it was easy to recognize, and there was only one strain of it -- so a vaccine was easily producible. 天花只会传染给人类,这样就容易辨认,再加上它只有一个菌株,所以很容易研制出疫苗。
Nobody knows how much strain the ground forces can bear. 地面部队能承受多大压力,对此无人知晓。
Researchers looked for an additional mechanism that might have compensated for the increased strain of pregnancy as well. 研究者过去也寻找过其他对因怀孕而造成的肌肉紧张有抵消作用的身体机制。
"Oh, can Pa have lost his mind? " thought Scarlett, and her throbbing head felt as if it would crack with this added strain. “哦,难道爸爸已经失了神了吗?”思嘉一面想着,一面因受了这一新的刺激,觉得她的头要裂开了。
"I lied to her, " he replied, his voice so quiet that Sky had to strain himself to hear. “我骗她,”他回答说,他的声音那么安静,天空已经听到自己的应变。
Through my writing, she began to understand why I was under so much strain when she was little. 看了我写的东西,她也开始明白她小时候我为什么承受了那么大的压力。
But since it was made of a stretchy material, I decided to test its strain properties. 但是,由于它是一种可伸展的材料,我就决定测试一下它的应变性质。
When I was a young apprentice, I worked very hard and under great strain, but I said nothing about it to my parents. 我当小学徒上四,压力大,工作很辛苦,但我从不把这些告诉父母。
At first, scientists thought a new strain of disease might be responsible. Right now, he said, that doesn't appear to be the case. 刚开始,科学家们认为可能某种新型疾病是罪魁祸首。现在,杰夫•佩蒂斯认为情况并非如此。
Divorce: More than half of American marriages end up in divorce and with it comes strain on personal finances. 离婚:超过一半的美国家庭最后离婚,随之而来的是个人经济上的压力。
He said that a local outbreak of an influenza strain mimicking meningitis was the cause of Clive's confusion. 医生说当地爆发了一种很像脑炎的感冒是造成克莱夫头脑混乱的原因。