
美 [tʃæns]英 [tʃɑːns]
  • n.机会;机遇;偶然;冒险
  • v.冒险;拿…去冒风险
  • linkv.碰巧;偶然发生
  • adj.意外的;偶然的;碰巧的
  • 网络可能性;运气;偶然性

复数:chances 现在分词:chancing 过去式:chanced

give chance,take chance,get chance,Miss chance,reduce chance
good chance,fair chance,reasonable chance,small chance,slim chance


1.[c][u](尤指希望发生的事的)可能性a possibility of sth happening, especially sth that you want

2.[c]机会;机遇;时机a suitable time or situation when you have the opportunity to do sth

3.[c]风险;冒险an unpleasant or dangerous possibility

4.[u]偶然;碰巧;意外the way that some things happen without any cause that you can see or understand


as chance would have it

凑巧;碰巧happening in a way that was lucky, although it was not planned

be in with a chance (of doing sth)

有可能成功;有机会获得to have the possibility of succeeding or achieving sth

by any chance

(尤用于问句,询问是否真实、可能等)或许,可能used especially in questions, to ask whether sth is true, possible, etc.

the chances are (that)…

可能…it is likely that…

chance would be a fine thing

苦于没有机会people saychance would be a fine thing to show that they would like to do or have the thing that sb has mentioned, but that they do not think that it is very likely

give sb/sth half a chance

给…一些机会to give sb/sth some opportunity to do sth

no chance

不可能there is no possibility

on the off chance (that)

抱(一线)希望;碰碰运气because of the possibility of sth happening, although it is unlikely

stand a chance (of doing sth)

有可能成功;有机会获得to have the possibility of succeeding or achieving sth

take a chance (on sth)

冒险to decide to do sth, knowing that it might be the wrong choice

take your chances

碰运气to take a risk or to use the opportunities that you have and hope that things will happen in the way that you want


字典中 因 字的解释 ... (3) 原因[ cause] (5) 机会[ opportunity;chance] (1) 依靠;凭借[ depend on;rely on] ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... chalk n. 粉笔 chance n. 机会,可能性 change n. 零钱;找头 v.改变,变化;更换;兑换 ...


(转)统计学词汇 - halen1010的日志 - 网易博客 ... Central value, 中心值 Chance, 机遇 Chance error, 随机误差 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... habit=dwell, 表示“居住”" hap=chance, 表示“机会,运气”" her,hes=stick, 表示“粘附”" ...


偶字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 偶合〖 coincidence〗 偶然〖 accidental;fortuitous;chance〗 偶然事件〖 accidentalmeans〗 ...


单词演义 - 豆丁网 ... chalk n. 白垩, 纉笔 chance n. 机会; 可能性; 偶然性 change vt. 改变; 交换 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... champion n. 冠军,得胜者 chance n. 机会,机遇;可能性 change n. 改变,变化;零钱 ...



I know there are some types of music I can't stand, no matter how much I try to give it a chance. 因为我知道总有那么些音乐,不论我多么努力地想试着去欣赏,我都是不能忍受的。
Enjoy the solitude, the chance to be alone with your thoughts, or to listen to music you love, to see the world around you. 那么享受这段孤独时光,这是与自己的思想独处的机会,或者听听你喜欢的音乐,看看你周围的世界。
I never had a chance to meet Waley, but I dedicated one of my books, Chinese Rhyme-Prose, to his memory. 我从没机会见过他,但我把自己的译作《汉魏六朝赋选译》献给他作为对他的纪念。
There's just a chance that she may have left her keys in the office. 有可能他把钥匙忘在了办公室。
Since the deer generally do not have obvious symptoms, hunter-killed deer would have close to a random chance of being infected. 由于通常情况下,鹿并没有明显症状,被猎人打死的鹿被感染的机会将近乎随机。
"I cannot take the chance, " he muttered, back in motion once more. "Burak, do you still wish to see your planet freed from its curse? " “我不能贸然行动,”他喃喃自语,又一次激动起来。“伯拉克,你还希望自己的星球从诅咒中解脱吗?”
Jane accepts the break with outward composure, but soon visits heR aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, in London, hoping to see Bingley theRe by chance. 洁英表面上镇静地接受了这一关系的中断,但不久便去伦敦探望她的姑母加德纳夫人,希望在那里能邂逅彬格莱。
Let me get out of here before Jack has a chance to put the touch on me for another10 bucks. 趁杰克来不及开口向我再借10元钱之前,我快点离开这儿吧。
Clay obviously is a little bit of a different story. But still also there I gave myself a chance to win the French. 红土上情况显然稍微有些不同。但我还是会争取机会赢得法网。
If you're not doing it at least once every month or two, there's a good chance you're falling out of touch. 如果每一两个月你没有像这样至少做过一次,很有可能你已经和读者失去了联系。
That turned out to be premature, as there remains a strong chance that Fiat may walk away from the talks. 这原来是为时尚早,因为仍然有很大的机会,菲亚特可能离开会谈。
We realized that we were very, very lucky to be in Her physical presence again. We had been waiting for this chance for many years. 我们感觉自己是何等幸运可以再度跟随在她身旁,我们已等待这个机会好几年了。
The children were given the chance to search under one of the cups and allowed to keep the sticker if they found it. 孩子们在两个杯子中寻找标签,谁先找到,谁就可以得到那张标签。
Married people are more likely to survive cancer, whereas those going through a break-up have the worst chance of beating it, a study shows. 已婚者比较可能在罹癌后生还,而经历分手的人,战胜癌症的机率最低,一项研究显示。
yet phil jackson designed a last-chance play to get a three-point shot for a player who has made one three-pointer in two years. 菲尔也为最后的三分绝杀布置了战术,--把机会给那个过去两年只投过一次三分的人。
The company gave us a presentation on how the new system worked . Afterwards, the employees got a chance to ask questions. 那家公司给我们做了一个如何操作系统方面的演示后,开始接受我们的提问。
Because my mother, we have a chance today to bring the hands of the pen, to portray the love of her mother. 因为妈妈,我们今天才有机会提起手中的笔,来描摹妈妈的爱。
And it's the only chance for you to lead your company out of difficulties, isn't it? 而且这也是你带领公司走出困境的唯一的机会,是吗?
She decided not to come out for lunch with us, on the off chance that her manager would call her into a meeting. 她决定不和我们出来吃午饭,有微乎其微的可能,她的经理会给她电话参加会议。
My feeling was that there was a less than 50% chance on an agreement, then during the night India and China said they liked the draft. 我感觉达成协议的概率小于50%,然后中国和印度表示他们喜欢这个草案。
Working out with a personal trainer (even just a couple of times) can improve the chance of obtaining your fitness goals. 找一位私人教练(就算只有几次)可以帮助你达成健身目的。
That was the initial reason for JAXP to exist: to remove any chance of you putting that sort of information directly into your code. 这也是JAXP存在的首要原因:防止将此类信息直接放入代码。
Cathy: I've worked here as a receptionist for about a year, and I'd like to have a chance for advancement. 凯茜:我在这做前台已经一年了,我期望一个升迁之机会。
I didn't think I had much chance of winning the race, but I thought I'd give it a shot. 我觉得我没有机会赢得比赛,但我觉得我应该试一下。
When Jess she saw his sandwich board she told him to take it off and eventually she gave him one more chance, allowing him home. 而当乔的女友杰斯看到他的忏悔牌时,赶紧让他取了下来,并且最终同意给他一次机会,允许他回家。
I said: I haven't had a chance to chill out these last few days getting ready for school. 原来你是说:过去几天为了准备开学而没有机会休息。
He passed up the chance of going to New York for a year. 他放弃了去纽约一年的机会。
I quite agree with our boss. If RVP had not been sent off maybe we could have had the chance to equalize the match. Maybe. 我非常同意温格。如果饭怕稀没有被罚下场也许我们可以有机会打平。也许吧。
"Why are the chickens crying? By chance" The father was angry and came out to the yard. “为什么是鸡要哭呢?一个偶然的机会”父亲很生气,来到院子里。
The point is that there is still a chance to present China with a choice: act like a responsible power or face a great wall of resistance. 重点是我们要给中国一个选择题:作一个负责任的国家,还是面对强力反制。