if one day

  • 网络如果有一天;假如有一天;如果有那么一天

if one dayif one day

if one day


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《我只在乎你》歌词的英... ... 所以我求求你, so I entreat you 如果有那么一天, if one day, 我会迷失我自己, I will lose myself ...


... Walk with me... 请跟我一起走吧 If one day 要是有一天 You see a window on the bus the boy 你从车窗看到一个男孩 ...

Did not only know if one day her to discover I have her to be able to come back to look for me? 只是不知道如果有一天她发现我的存在她会回来找我吗?
If one day you feel like crying. . . . . . call me, I don't promise that I'll make you laugh. . . . . . But I can cry with you. 如果有一天你想哭……给我打电话,我无法许诺我能让你笑……但我可以陪你一起哭。
If one day, you are in a desert, you are thirsty, but you went for a while, and found a bottle of colored liquid, you can drink? 如果有一天,你在一个沙漠中,你很渴,但是你又走了一会,发现了一瓶五颜六色的液体,你会喝吗?
Madison, you better listen to me: If, one day if you want to choose to leave, choose to leave Houston, then, we also take along with you. 麦迪,你给我听好了:如果,如果有一天你要选择离开,选择离开休斯顿,那么,那么我们也跟着你一起走。
Want to ask you, if one day I choose to leave to go to the far-off regions, you will not be eager to follow me? 好想问你,如果有一天我选择离开去到海角天涯,你会不会急切地追随我的脚步?
If one day you want to call me. I don't promise to ask you to stop. But I can run with you. 如果有一天你想打电话给我。我不会叫你停止。但我会陪你一起跑。
If one day we meet again, all will be cast into the shade brain repeatedly intertwined you just give it a little happiness. 如果有一天我们再次遇见,所有的都会黯然失色脑中反复交织的只是你给的那一点幸福。
But if one day you call me. And there is no answer. Please come as fast as you can to see me. Perhaps I need you. 但如果有一天你打电话给我,却没有回应,请赶快到我身边,也许我需要你。
If one day, when you think of who loved you, then there must be one, if one day, no one loves you, then I must be dead. 如果有一天,当你想起有谁爱过你,那其中一定有我一个,如果有一天,没有人爱你了,那一定是我死了。
If one day, we do meet again, if you still don't have an answer for me, I would have to leave the three words at the back of my heart. 如果有一天,我们再次相遇,而你的答案还缺少一个回应,我会将这三个字,永远的放在心里。
Even if one day, when the system was perfect, he conceded, there would be no need for laughter, there was still a place for it now. 即使有一天苏维埃体制已经完美无缺,并且不需要任何形式的嘲笑,至少,现在仍然应该给讽刺文章留下一席之地。
If one day you know that I am not as you imagine happiness, you would be my love, regret that you have decide? 如果有一天你知道我没有如你想象中的幸福,你会不会为我心疼,后悔你曾经的决定?
My Baby, if one day you were sick, please be quite, i will not leave you to be by your side. 亲爱的,假如有一天你生病了,请你安心,我会不离不弃!
If one day we are somehow unable to continue, I still want to thank you, at least, you have given me, that's enough. 如果哪天我们由于某种原因无法再继续,我还是要感谢你,至少,你曾给过我,这就足够了。
I got the sms from flo. N then i began to think. If one day flo disappears suddenly. Not news anymore. Then what can i do? 收到了小心眼儿先生的短信。就一直在想。如果哪天他突然消失。不再和我联系。那我该怎么办啊?
My dear, if one day I disappeared, you will, walking in the street and I occasionally see people with similar, and then catch up to? 亲爱哒,假如有一天我消逝了,你会不会走在街上偶然看见和我类似的人,然后追上去?
"But what if it does? What if one day I wake up and I've forgotten everything? " “但是要是恶化了怎么办呢?要是有一天我醒来发现什么都忘了怎么办?”
I vainly hope for the vehicle If one day, God complies to help me to satisfy a wish, Icertainly want this kind of vehicle to him. 我梦想中的车子假如有一天,上帝答应帮我满足一个心愿,我一定向他要这样一辆车子。
Sometimes I can't help but wonder, if one day the June 4th kind of freedom were to arrive, would we still be so creative, so ingenious? 有时我不禁这样想,倘若有一天我们可以达成不着四六式自由,我们还能这么另辟蹊径和匠心独运吗?
No phone calls, greeting, and no time for an appointment. you're too busy, i know. if one day i love you, your turn to understand. 没有电话,没有问候,没有按时赴约。你太忙,我明白。如果有一天我不爱你了,就轮到你明白了。
if one day the world betrays you, at least I for you rebelled against the world! 假如有一天世界背叛了你,至少还有我为你背叛这个世界!
If one day you come to Xi'an, you'd better visit some places of interest, so that you can learn more knowledges about this city. 有天你来到西安,你最好去参观名胜古迹,以便你可以学到更多于这座城市的知识。
even if one day of me to lose has recalled, I still could recall to mind you! 即使有天我失忆了,我依然能记起你的哦
If one day I tell you "If I can choose again, I won't fall for you" can you read my mind? 假使有一天我跟你说:“让我重新选择的话,我不会爱上你。”你能体谅我的心情吗?
Say what I should not----Brother Daolang if one day you're bored with it, please don't forget to inform me. 说个不该讲的话———如果哪天刀郎兄对此刀腻烦了,千万别忘了告诉我一声呀。
If One Day. . . Anonymous If one day you feel like crying. . . Call me. I don't promise that I will make you laugh, But I can cry with you. 假如有一天……佚名假如有一天你想哭……打电话给我……我不能保证会使你笑,但是我能陪着你一起哭。
If one day you from the world, and I will disappear, you were mad through the streets, and for me? 如果有一天,我从你的世界消失了,你会发了疯似的跑遍大街小巷,来寻找我吗?
If one day you see a fall in the streams of the bat, please do not . . . 如果某天你看到了坠于山涧的蝙蝠,请不要怜悯它。
If one day you from the world, and I will disappear, you and I followed similar shadow, due to confirm that I? 如果有一天,我从你的世界消失了,你会紧跟着与我相似的背影,至为确认那是不是我吗?
My dear, if one day you were in trouble, please don't leave me behind. I wish I could conquer the diffcult. 亲爱的,假如有一天你潦倒了,请你不要撇下我,我希望可以跟你一起克服困难!