i quit

  • 网络我不干了;我退出;我放弃

i quiti quit

i quit


我的博客 - 王者天下 - 网易博客 ... 16. Allow me. 让我来。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! ...


[2]一种摔角比赛,即没有双肩压地和离开擂台数秒淘汰,直到让对手说出“我退出”(“I quit”)才算胜利[3]一种摔角比赛,由三位 …


短片_J&E_LIFE_新浪博客 ... 你,我和他 You,Me and Him 我放弃 I Quit 阿门 Amen ...


(500) Days of Summer (和莎莫的500天 影评) ... Sorry. I'm sorry. I,uh- 对不起 抱歉 I quit. I'm- 我辞职 ...


"quit"怎么说合适... ... quit school 休学; 辍学; 退学; I quit 我不干了; 我退出; 我改变; 我认输; quit rate 退职率; 离职率; ...


NO BOOK英语口语极短句上p8 #2 -... ... 5.He has a good memory. 他记忆力很好。 1.I quit. 我辞职了。 2.She quit. 他辞职了。 ...


英语口语10句:生活口语小词精讲... ... Unit 7:Basic Information 基本情 I quit . 我不干了,我放弃了。 part-time job 兼职 ...

The next day, I quit my jobs and invested my last paycheck in art supplies and began doing what I loved. 第二天,我辞去工作,把最后一笔薪水全花在艺术用品上,开始做起自己喜欢的事情来。
I quit my job at the papers, I closed my school, and I wrapped up my pencils and my brushes and inks, And I decided to go traveling. 我辞去了报社的工作,关掉了学校,把画笔和墨水收好,我决定去旅行。
He would find it ironic that I see him as a mentor as, after working with him, I quit law. 对于我将他视为导师,他可能会觉得有点讽刺,因为在与他共事后,我离开了律师行业。
But about a year after I quit drinking, I was on a "no addiction" addiction, so I decided to give it all up. 但当我戒酒一年以后,我开始上瘾于“不为任何事情上瘾”,所以我决定把这些事都戒了。
Was there ever a time where you just said to yourself, you know what, I give up, I quit. I'm just gonna go do something else. 有没有这样的时刻,你有对自己说过,就那种,“我放弃,我不干了,我就是想去做点别的”?
They decided to tell me it was a prank after I quit my job, dumped my girlfriend, and started preparing my house to be sold. 他们决定告诉我这是个恶作剧,却是在我辞了工作,蹬了女友并开始准备卖房之后才说。
Would it be all right with you if I quit my job and stayed home to be a housewife? 如果我把工作辞掉呆在家里做个家庭主妇,你同意吗?
I quit therapy because my analyst was trying to help me behind my back. 我放弃治疗是因为我的分析师打算在幕后帮助我。
Th is is the company I used to work for. I quit because everybody there was tricky and deceptive. 我以前就是在这家公司上班,我辞职,因为那里每一个人都很奸诈善骗。
'I quit, ' I told him without a trace of emotion. 'I wish you the best of luck. ' “那我就不干了,”我不带任何感情色彩地说道,“祝你好运。”
It wasn't so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I began to get warm & sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death. What! about you? 也没这样糟!在冷的发抖之后,我感到温暖与沉睡,最后就平静的死了。
If I quit now, I'll be very disappointed in myself later this afternoon. 如果现在退出,那下午我会觉得非常后悔。
He never talks with me. Either he changes or I quit. 他从不和我说话。不是他改变,就是我不干。
Well, I quit smoking three months ago. I thought I was going to be miserable, but to be honest, I feel like a million (dollars). 嗯,我三个月前戒烟了。本来以为我会很惨的。但说真的,我感觉好棒!
Well, I quit smoking and I worked out. I feel like a million dollars now. 嗯,我戒烟而且我运动,我整个人现在感觉好极了。
Well, I quit smoking and I worked out. I I feel like a million dollars now. 嗯,我戒菸而且我运动。我整个人感觉好棒!
I quit the band and never looked back . I made it as a rock star on my own . 我退出了乐队,但并没有不后悔。而我自己成了一个摇滚明星。
I quit my job to start my business. The worst case is still that it fails, but what does that really mean for me? 辞职去创业最糟糕的情况便是创业失败,但是这对我来说又到底意味着什么呢?
I quit over a year ago, after smoking for 35 years, using an "e-cigarette. " 我有35年的烟龄,改吸电子烟后,我戒烟一年多了。
b: no way. if i quit, who will pay for the clothes and cosmetics i buy for my girlfriend? 不行。要是我辞职了,谁会为我女朋友的衣服和化妆品付钱呢?
Yeah. No, I quit, 'cause enough is enough, you know? 是啊不对我辞职了因为要适可而止你懂么?。
So I quit, and moved to a pizza parlor where I got extra money for cutting the salami with the machine that cut peoples' fingers. 因此,我放弃了,并且转向一个皮萨店,在这里我可以得到更多的钱做意大利香肠切割机。
It took three hours for the doctor of linguistics to tell us this. Again I quit. 关于这一点,这个语言学博士足足讲了三个小时,我再次退出了。
What a baby is learning to walk and fails he doesn't sit down and say: "Damn it, I'm such a failure, I quit" . 以婴儿为例,当一个婴孩学步摔倒后,他不会坐下来说:“靠,我真失败,我放弃。”
I needed to build a safety net of savings my wife and I could fall back on in case things went south after I quit my job. 给我的妻子一个安全的港湾,同时,也为日后离职时,一旦失败,留了一条退路。
I used to, but I quit a long, long time ago because there really are no benefits to it. 我过去曾吸,但已经是很久很久以前了,因为真的没有好处。
I quit my job in 1999 and spent a year in England comparing Eastern and Western culture. 1999我辞去工作,花一年的时间在英国观察比较西方和东方的文化的差异来代替我的创作。
Get outdoors. Even if I didn't do the swim, just being there at the beach, with my decaf coffee (I quit caffeine, remember? ), was calming. 去户外即便我不去游泳,仅仅在海滩上喝我的无咖啡因咖啡(我戒了咖啡因,你记得吧?)
B: yeah, I quit my job, and started working from home. Recently I've got a project to deal with and don't have much time to work out. 是啊,我辞职了,在家里工作。最近在忙一个项目,没时间出来锻炼。
Finally, I quit my job and moved to Shanghai to work as a translator in a translation company. 最后我辞掉了工作来到了上海,在一家翻译公司打工。