a dream

  • 网络梦想;一个梦想;一场梦

a dreama dream

a dream


大学英语_英语作文网 ... A Beggar- 一个乞 A Dream- 梦想 Exams- 考试 ...


语言(language)_高中英语作文_第一范文网 ... 看书( Reading) 一个梦想( A Dream) 农业科学( Science of Farming) ...


音乐术语中英文对照 - 豆丁网 ... Double Symphony 二重交响曲 101 A Dream 一场梦 102 Drumroll Symphony 鼓声交响曲 103 ...


上一篇:工作和娱乐(Work and Play) 下一篇:红楼梦(A Dream)小学作文 | 初中作文 | 高中作文 | 话题作文 | 想象作文 | 英语作 …


步向死亡的日记 Stepping To Death's... ... 要看佛面 Do for Buddha 梦一场 A Dream 命里有时终须有 Will Exist If You Have To ...


我的歌声里—曲婉婷... ... 一场梦境,命中注定 a dream,meant to be 世界之大为何我们相遇 The world is so big,why could we m…

Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream of you ? 我问你,你从来都不记得从何而起是不是?
Twenty years ago, this background would itself have seemed a dream for anyone foolish enough to be trying to fish the Cheonggyecheon. 20年前,对于足够愚蠢试图尝试在清溪川捕鱼的任何人来说,这样的场景本身就是一个梦。
So much I saw, almost in a dream, for I had not yet recovered from my horrid fear of a minute or two before. 我看到这些的时候,仿佛人在梦中一般,因为我还没从一两分钟前那可怕的恐惧中缓过神来。
Because these problems, there has always been a dream of a mass email all xiao also have this kind of work, and email address collection. 由于这些问题一直存在,所有晓梦的群发邮件中也有这一类的工作,邮箱地址的采集。
Once upon a dream, do not know where is the wandering, fragile and sensitive hearts be secular veiled ashes, we have that the growth. 曾经的梦想,不知正在哪里漂泊流浪,脆弱而敏感的心灵被世俗蒙上了层层灰迹,我们却谓之成长。
Dreams of lovable you, dreams of you not to leave, but is only a dream eventually. 梦见可爱的你,梦见你从来没有离开过,但是终究只是一个梦。
What is different with the "Dream Within a Dream Tour" ? It seems to be much more daring than your previous tours. 这次的“梦幻之旅之梦”与以往有什么不同?它看起来比你以往的巡回演出更大胆一些。
And his youth did return, for all this was only a dream, which he had on New Year's Night. 他的青春的确是回来了,因为这一切不过是一场梦,一场他在元旦之夜做的梦罢了。
I can tell you that when you're willing to give your life up to see a dream through, the reward is great. 如果你倾其所有,用生命下注为梦想打拼的话,你会得到丰厚的回报。
Hannibal Lecter: Then something woke you, didn't it? Was it a dream? What was it? 汉尼拔:于是有事发生让你醒来,不是吗?是梦仍然别旳?
Without a Dream there is no place to Start, and nothing to Achieve. When I let myself Dream Anything is Possible! Gelivable! 没有梦想,就没有启航的地方,就没有成就的终点!有了梦想,一切都有可能!
Julia pinched herself, hoping this was just a dream but it hurt and her flesh had turned a bright pink. 茱莉亚掐了自己一下,希望这只是个梦,可是挨掐的地方又红又疼。
"The company-specific business is still going like a dream, " says Kai Peters chief executive at Ashridge in the UK. “为公司特别订制的商学项目仍然像一个梦,”英国阿什里奇商学院(Ashridge)首席执行官凯-彼得斯(KaiPeters)表示。
Thirst had made me a little feverish, and I looked at them as if I were in a dream. 由于渴我有点发烧,我看着这些星星,象是在做梦一样。
We are always looking for the universities to work on memory, even if in a dream we have to call it the same as calling the name of God. 对于大学的期待我们总是去努力记忆,即使在梦中我们也要象呼唤上帝一样呼唤它的名字。
The madman started--the chain that once was iron was verily gold; it was not a dream, but he did not know when it had changed. 疯子吓了一跳——那条本来是铁的链子真的变成金的了;这不是一场梦,但是他不知道是什么时候变成的。
for me now, have gone far to think of a dream, but after all, had I left too much to the joy of childhood. 对于现在的我来说,已经遥远地想一个逝去的梦,但毕竟曾给我的童年留下太多的快乐。
I've tested my new system of "extreme light travel" on a few trips now; and I'm happy to say, it's worked like a dream! 这种“轻装出行”我在一些旅行中已经试过了;可以很高兴地说,这简直和做梦一样!
Can still see a group of look up at the sky has a dream of the children, is so naive, with green vigor. 依然能看到一群仰望天空有着梦想的孩子们,是那样的天真,拥有着青春活力,让生活更加充满乐趣。
But what if one man had such a dream, and once he'd fulfilled it, there was no proof that he had achieved his ambition? 但是,如果一个人有这样一个梦想,而一旦他会完成它,没有任何迹象表明他已经达到他的野心的证明?
And he sees appearing in a dream his companion Lenin, who congratulates him on his good health, and on his indomitable character. 他在梦中看到他的同伴列宁的出现。列宁恭贺他身体健康,及他不屈不桡的性格。
"It was a dream come true and a huge step forward in my career, " he said. "Of course without thinking twice, I moved to Amsterdam. " “那真是胡想成真的一刻而且是我职业生涯生计中一个伟年夜的时刻,”他说道。“当然尽不踌躇的,我转会往了阿姆斯特丹。”
"I knew he was nice from his films, but I had no idea how nice he would be. This has really been a dream come true. " “我从他的电影知道他人不错,但我怎么也没有想到他会是如此平易近人,我的梦想终于成真。”
After all, love is nothing but a dream. 爱情终究是场梦
Once upon a time, a dream traveling for me is, in a word, hanging around without worrying about the money. 曾经对于我来说,梦想旅程是挥霍快乐但又毋需考虑金钱。
Life was a struggle, but we were all sustained by a dream: my goal of studying to become a doctor. 生活是竞争,但是我们都有同样的一个梦:我要成为一名医生的梦想。
And how much we are ready to pay for it--and it is not more than a dream. 并且我们相当准备好了为它支付一切费用-但是,它不比梦更多。
It's sometimes a challenge to maintain the frame of a dream during an immersive conversation, but I'm gradually getting used to it. 在某次很投入的交流中来保证梦想框架完整很具挑战性,但是我还是渐渐克服过来。
And a dream comes true for a man disabled by a road accident 8 years ago, when 41 of his paintings go on display at Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital. 8年前因为车祸意外导致身障,现在他的梦想成真了,在41岁这一年,要在台北慈院开画展了。
I'm only in the beginning of my career, and to have achieved so much already, it's a dream come true. 我的职业生涯才刚刚起步却已经取得了这么多成绩,简直是梦想成真。