a hundred times

  • adj.数百次
  • 网络百倍;一百次;一百遍

a hundred timesa hundred times

a hundred times


Bai3 | 法汉字典 ... 百灵 lark;Eremophila alpestris 百倍 a hundredfold;a hundred times 数百万 several million ...


牛津深圳版七年级下学期1~7单元期末复习... ... ten computers 十台电脑 a hundred times 一百次 water and air 空气和水 ...


41.A Sad Boy[小学英语听力测试100题]-英语听力 ... stay/stei/ v. 留下 a hundred times 一百遍 because 因为 ...


英语情景对话:买宠物_在线英语听力室 ... parrot 鹦鹉 a hundred times 许多次 look after 照顾 ...


:分类文章简文 - 乐多日志... ... terrifying 经悚 a hundred times 很多次ㄌ restless 不安慌张不休息 ...


输入一个中文词语或英文单词(例如a hundred times)后点查询即可英语单词大全 > a hundred times a hundred times是什么意思 …

She, too, had been awake all that night. She had been thinking of a thing which had agitated her mind a hundred times before. 她也是一夜没有睡,一直在想心事。这件心事已经不知多少回使她心神不宁。
I really think highly of him to come up with the nerve to ask the girl for dinner again after being rejected for a hundred times. 被这个女孩拒绝一百多次了,这个人居然还有勇气邀请她吃午饭,我不禁对他肃然起敬!
's life, but one must hear of it a hundred times. 为人一生一件蠢事也不做,但要听到上百遍蠢事。
a foolish thing once in one's life, but one must hear of it a hundred times. 蠢事一生不可做一件,但一定会听到成百上千。
He now had not one addiction two, taking cocaine in doses a hundred times larger than Freud used to do. 他现在不是只沉溺于一种两种,可卡因的服用量要比弗洛伊德当时大一百倍。
A hundred times she had been upon the point of telling her daughter Elizabeth Jane the true story of her life. 有无数次她的话已经到了嘴边,要把她一生的真实事迹,讲给她的女儿伊丽莎白·简听。
20Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop--thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown. 那撒在好地上的,就是人听道,又领受,并且结实,有三十倍的,有六十倍的,有一百倍的。
Great mind, should show such a spirit - with smiles to meet a tragic fate, with a hundred times the courage to deal with all the misfortune. 伟大的心胸,应该表现出这样的气概——用笑脸来迎接悲惨的厄运,用百倍的勇气来应付一切的不幸。
Read it a hundred times: it will forever keep its freshness as a metal keeps its fragrance. 把下面这句话读个一百遍:金属永远保有它的气味,诗也永保它的清新。
One had to go in a line even if he had seen that film for a hundred times, never being allowed to stay home. 哪怕是已经看过了一百遍的电影,也要整队前往,不许不去。
I upbraided myself a hundred times for not being content with the produce of my first voyage, that might have sufficed me all my life. 我无数次责怪自己为什么不满足于我第一次历险的收获,那足够我花一辈子。
I felt that if I tried to memorize Chinese characters by writing them a hundred times or so, I would forget them by the next day. 我感觉如果我要记这个汉字,如果我就写写写写写写,写一百遍,但是明天我可能会忘了。
By the by, though I have thought of it a hundred times, I have always forgot to ask you what is your favourite complexion in a man. 噢,对了,有件事我都想到上百次了,可总是忘记问问你:你觉得男人什么脸色的最好看?
Now, scientists reanalyzing lunar samples say that our satellite is at least a hundred times wetter than we thought. 如今,科学家们重新分析月岩样本时发现,这颗环绕地球的卫星至少比人们想象的要潮湿一百倍。
A hundred times she had read over the letter with which the locket had come back to her. 她上百次的读阅那封使小饰盒回到她身边来的信。
Easy to handle, so long as double book, it's a different tone and rhythm of the words we read to you, your worth hearing a hundred times. 好办,只要把书翻一翻,它会用不同的语调、节拍把文字读给你听,让你百听不厌。
We soared high into the sky on it and were then cast down and went up again. We kept on playing on the seesaw a hundred times. 接下来又去玩跷跷板,都快要弹到天上去了,掉下来又弹上去,上上下下接连不停,足足玩了一百下才停止。
I've heard it a hundred times, "you don't need things to make you happy" . 让我耳熟能详的一句话是:“你不需要任何东西让自己变得快乐”。
In this way, objects can be photographed , that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope. 通过这种方式,那些光线强度只有通过望远镜用肉眼观察时光强百分之一的天体就可以被拍照了。
Isn't it lovely , Jim I hunted all over the town to find it. You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. 我找遍了整个城才找的,你从现在起可得一天要看一百次时间了。
He said that he had read this book for a hundred times. 他说他读过这本书不下百遍。
In 1954, there were only a dozen armed robberies in London but, by the 1990s, there were more than a hundred times as many. 1954年,伦敦每年只有十起左右的武装抢劫。到了1990年代,这个数字增加了上百倍。
I don't buy your story. I've heard it a hundred times before. 我才不相信你的鬼话,我已经听过上百遍了。
May eventually have to be moving forward, fell down, stand up and fall a hundred times on the last 100 years stand up. 可终究要向前走,摔倒了,站起来,一百次的摔倒,就一百里一次的站起来。
I was repeating a line she had spoken to me a hundred times when I was having trouble learning to do something important to me. 后面这句话是我借用她的口头禅。每当我学做重要的事情遇到困难时,她总是对我说这句话,说了不下一百次。
In this way, objects can be photographed that are one a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope. 这样,一百倍微弱以至于不能只通过望远镜看到的天体,可以被拍下来。
Near the core of this cluster, the density of stars is about a hundred times greater than the density in the neighborhood of our sun. 在星团的核心区域,恒星的密度是我们太阳系附近的几百倍。
You may have passed him on the street a hundred times during the twenty-five years. 25年来你可能在大街上遇到他成百次。
I've told you a hundred times to call me any time that you wished but you never tried. 我上百次地告诉你,只要你乐意任何时间都可以给我打电话,可是你从来没有这样做。
She went to the parapet and stood there gazing down upon the city as she had done a hundred times before. 她走到矮墙边站在那儿如她曾做过百次的那样俯视着城市。