
美 [sæŋ]英 [sæŋ]
  • n.〈美口〉参;【女名】女子名;【男名】男子名
  • v.“sing”的过去式
  • 网络桑;唱;唱歌



Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 战 zhan sang 缪 miu ...

六年级英语单词_百度知道 ... gate 大门 sang ate 吃 ...


高中英语不规则动词分类速记 - 豆丁网 ... (摇动)→ shook→shaken show (唱歌)→ sang→sung sink (下沉)→ sank→su…

粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 申 San Sang 些 Se ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 399 nearly ad. 几乎,差不多 400 sang v. sing 的过去式,唱,唱歌,鸣唱 404 winner n. 获胜者 ...

广东话同音字列表_香港吧_百度贴吧 ... saang 牲生甥笙 sang saap 圾涩霎 ...

Tax chief Wong Ho-sang met the civil service secretary yesterday to explain the controversy involving a tax consultancy run by his wife. 税务局局长黄河生就其妻子开设税务公司一事,会见公务员事务局局长作出解释。
So if I simply sang the song into a recording device in the privacy of my own home, it wasn't clear that I owed the composer anything. 所以,如果在自己家里的私人空间用录音设备录我自己唱的歌,没有明确的规定说我是否得向作曲者付费。
In daily life, everyone appears elegant and like gentlemen, while last night, all of those were gone like the wind. We sang and danced. 平时各个都端庄典雅,绅士风度,昨天晚上却都把这一切都抛在脑后,尽情的唱呀,跳呀!
Sang-xiao and Li Wan put her body in a fine coffin and gave her a very respectful funeral spending as much as they could afford. 桑晓和李婉把她的尸体放入一口精致的棺材里﹐尽其全力以最恭敬的葬礼把她安葬了。
My mother is from Shanghai, she always wanted to be a Shaoxing opera performers, all right when he sang a few words at home, feeling good. 我妈是上海人,她一直想当一名越剧演员,没事儿的时候就在家唱几句,那种感觉很好。
Her face was controlled by an additional eight motors as she sang--yes, sang--the song to accompany the dance. 当她唱歌的时候,她的面部由额外的8个马达做控制,是的,她可以载歌载舞。
The princess grows up to be a fishing girl. Both she and fellow villager Kwai-long fall in love with fisherman folk Leung Yat-sang. 公主长大后随宫女以打渔为生,与同村少女桂芳一同爱上渔夫梁日生。
As he sang, this time, my heart followed with the song's beat, along the memories, as if I had entered the song's time tunnel. 他唱了起来,这一次,我的心也跟上了那首歌的节拍,随着回忆,我仿佛也走进了一条歌的时光隧道……
And he told me that I sang like Mariah Carey! He's such a sweet talker. 他也说我唱歌唱得和玛丽亚凯莉一样咧!他真是会甜言蜜语。
On the day after his first performance in London, all the newspapers sang the praise of this new young actor. 他在伦敦首场演出后的第二天,所有的报纸都热情地称颂着这位年轻的新秀。
To be sure Alice spoke, and sang, during her waking moments, like the child she deemed herself. 爱丽斯每次醒来,总是一个人讲话、唱歌,她自己以为自己是个小孩。
However, some birds sang and fluttered in the foliage, and appeared very timid, as if man had inspired them with an instinctive fear. 还好,树枝间有小鸟在乱飞乱叫,显得非常胆小,似乎看见了人,才懂得害怕了。
It was as if the Night sang dirges with clenched teeth. 那仿佛是夜神正在那儿咬牙切齿地唱挽歌。
When Sun Gyun sang this, I thought his voice and his way of singing suit the song. 善均唱这首歌的时候,我觉得他的声音和演绎方式都与这首歌很配合。
"Easy to dream but harder to live it, " he sang along to the music. "They're going to love me for my ambition. " “梦想容易实现难,”他跟着音乐一起唱,“他们会因为我的雄心壮志而爱上我。”
Lian-xiang stood her up and asked her to come every evening to help her take good care of Sang-xiao. 莲香使她站起身来﹐要她每天晚间来帮助她一同照顾桑晓。
When Zi Sang was eating, Zi Yu sat beside him. Zi Yu closed his eyes and pondered on the question of destiny. 子舆利用子桑吃东西这段时间,坐在一旁闭目打坐,并专心思索命运这个问题。
The note sang out pure and heavenly, and there was no stopping what was coming. I sat rocking with my guitar until late into the night. 音乐自然流出,听起来很纯洁、流畅,好像来自天堂。我好像没法停下来,就这样弹着吉他一直到深夜。
and I swear as soon as I sang the words "With you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless" . . . I felt a drop of rain hit me. 我发誓这是真的,就在我唱着那句:“我穿着我最美的裙子,在雨中与你共舞”时,我感觉到一滴雨打在了我的身上。
Drummer Roger Taylor has penned and sang a song for every Queen album up to this point. 鼓手RogerTaylor在之前乐队的每一张专辑中都亲自演唱了一首自己写的歌。
They sang as they went, and did not seem to feel the weight of their burdens at all. 它们边走边唱,似乎完全感觉不到身上负担的重量。
Long Ago, there was a bird to sang just once in its life. From the moment it left its nest, it searched for a thorn tree. 很久以前,有一种鸟,一生只歌唱一次。从它离巢的一刻起,它就在寻找一棵荆棘树。
After a few days, Zi Sang thought that he still had something to tell Confucius so he went back to see him again. 数日之后,子桑觉得上回谈的话还说得不够完整,因此,他意犹未尽地的又跑去见孔子。
He sang two or three songs at Catherine's timid request; not that he flattered himself that this would help to bring her father round. 他为大家唱了二、三支歌,那倒也不是妄想讨好她的父亲,而是因为凯瑟琳羞怯的请求。
As the erhu is not close to me, I sang American songs "You are so beautiful to me" , to express my true feelings and respect. 由于二胡不在我身边,我即兴演唱了一首美国歌曲《你们是最美丽的人》,来表达我的真情及敬意。
Even worse, "worship" is often misused to refer to a particular style of music: "First we sang a hymn, then a praise and worship song. " 更糟糕的是,“敬拜”常被误用来形容某一种格调的音乐。
Wedged beside him, Shao- Shao laughed and sang, teasing his father by trying to tap the keyboard when, he wasn't looking. 笑笑挤坐在他身边又是唱又是笑,同时在他不看的时候通过尽力敲键盘来逗他的父亲。
The sun shone, the birds sang, and in every corner of the garden there was something interesting to look at. 阳光明媚,鸟儿歌唱,花园的每一个角落都有有趣的东西可看。
My beloved teacher Uncle Liu was a recipient of an award and I sang one of his favourites in honor of him. 我敬爱的刘老师获得了“殿堂音乐贡献大奖”,我上台演唱了他最喜欢的歌之一。
One of them sang a song, which he said a musician had composed in his honor. 有一个唱了一首歌,据说是一个音乐家为他而作的。