
美 [spred]英 [spred]
  • n.传播;蔓延;扩展;散布
  • v.传播;扩散;展开;散布
  • adj.广大的;大幅的;(宝石)薄而无光泽的
  • 网络铺展;拉布;扩张

第三人称单数:spreads 现在分词:spreading

news spread,spread word,disease spread,virus spread,spread risk
quickly spread,widely spread,evenly spread,rapidly spread,thinly spread


v. n.


1.[t]~ sth (out) (on/over sth)展开;打开to open sth that has been folded so that it covers a larger area than before

2.[t]~ sth (out) (on/over sth)摊开;使散开to arrange objects so that they cover a large area and can be seen easily


3.[t]~ sth (out)张开;伸开to move your arms, legs, fingers, etc. far apart from each other

在人们中间among people

4.[i][t]传播;散布;(使)流传to affect or make sth affect, be known by, or used by more and more people

覆盖大面积cover large area

5.[i][t](使)蔓延,扩散,散开to cover, or to make sth cover, a larger and larger area

6.[t]~ sb/sth使分散;使分布to cause sb/sth to be in a number of different places

7.[i]~ (out) + adv./prep.延伸;伸展;扩张to cover a large area

稀软的层面soft layer

8.[t][i]涂;敷to put a layer of a substance onto the surface of sth; to be able to be put onto a surface


9.[t]分(若干次)进行;由(若干人)分摊to separate sth into parts and divide them between different times or different people


spread like wildfire

像野火般蔓延;迅速传开to become known by more and more people very quickly

spread your net

考虑到多种可能;大面积地排查;撒开网(寻找)to consider a wide range of possibilities or cover a large area, especially to try to find sb/sth

spread your wings

展翅高飞(更自信地尝试新事物)to become more independent and confident and try new activities, etc.

spread the word

散布消息to tell people about sth

spread yourself too thin

样样都抓哪样都抓不好to try to do so many different things at the same time that you do not do any of them well


物理学英语专业词汇表 ... 破乳 demulsification 铺展 spreading 普遍化范德华方程 universal van der Waals equation ...


展开spreading)产生于在切断的边缘发出的次级波面阵。这些次级波和主波会发生干涉,同时相互也会产生干涉,在某些时 …


服装专业英语词汇 (1) - ╭.晓 的日志 - 网易博客 ... SPLICING 驳布位 SPREADING 拉布 SPREADING MACHINE 拉布机 ...


英语环境专业术语5-1 ... spread of the desert 沙漠在扩展 spreading 扩展;展开 spreading of a slick 浮油在水面扩展 ...


扩张(Spreading)地盘的同时,也另在地盘内的液锡和固铜之间产生交流,而向下扎根生成IMC,热力学方式之步骤,即在说 …


爱思英语论坛 - Powered by Discuz! Board ... to fertilize 施化肥 spreading 撒布 to fumigate 熏蒸 ...


扩散(Spreading)、油品风化(Weathering),及海上溢油的海岸线冲击(Shoreline Impact)等状


扩频spreading)移动通信,通信工程师的家园,通信人才,求职招聘,网络优化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企业黑名单,N.S8n Y#I'J4{ …

Let's take a look at the Arab world and the national protests that seem to be spreading like wildfire from one country to another. 让我们看看阿拉伯世界,看看像野火一样从一国传播到另一国的全国性抗议活动。
With images of the fighting spreading around the globe, the U. S. found itself lagging behind the more aggressive postures taken by Europe. 当利比亚国内的战斗画面传播于全世界之际,美国发现自己已经落后于更激进的欧洲。
Instead, her assignment in the war effort was to coordinate the evacuation of endangered populaces along the spreading battlefronts. 相反,她在战争中的任务是在漫长的战线上协调难民的疏散。
Alongside a new car and $5000 in cash, she wins the heady prospect of "a year of ambassadorial work spreading peace across the sub-region. " 她除了赢得一辆新车和5000美元现金之外,还有一项神圣任务「未来一年将以和平大使身分在西非各国进行亲善访问」。
With his head sunk down between his shoulders, and a hideous grin over spreading his face, the dwarf stoop up . 矮子头缩在肩膀下面,脸上展开了一个可怕的苦笑,他站立起来。
the spreading of languages were synchronous with that of early inhabitants. 早期人类的分布与语言的传播几乎是同步进行的。
Now that America's housing market is so poorly, the fear of infection elsewhere is spreading like a bad case of the flu. 美国的房地产市场一蹶不振,让大家担忧其对世界的影响。这种担忧就像严重的流感那样,不停蔓延。
With futures markets predicting property-price falls of up to 30% and the pain spreading beyond mortgages, the bottom may be months away. 期货市场的财产价格预期会下跌30%,痛苦会向次贷以外蔓延,底线也许会在数月之后。
Spreading a little oil on the surface of the food material or using flour on the surface of it. 在食材表面涂一层油脂,或在食材表面裹一层面粉等。
The approach is akin to that of a venture capitalist spreading his bets among new ideas in fund-management. 投资方式类似创业投资家在基金管理公司的新创意中择一投资。
It was spreading quickly to all her bones, and the surgeon had removed one of her ribs during the surgical removal of her right breast. 10月,母亲的乳腺癌确诊了,并且迅速扩散倒骨头里,医生在割掉她的右乳的时候移除了一根肋骨。
In the air is lonely is spreading quietly, even if I change into the smog not to endure to be separated. 空气中寂寞在悄悄蔓延,就算我化为烟雾也不忍离散。
Each piece of moss is cut into a foam frame, which prevents the moss from spreading or growing out of control. 每一块苔藓都被嵌入了泡沫框架中,以防止其过分生长或者四处散布。
The livelong day has passed in spreading his seat on the floor; but the lamp has not been lit and I cannot ask him into my house. 将他的座椅在地上摆来摆去,捱过这漫长的白昼,但灯还没有亮,我不能邀他进屋。
Zetas support the spreading of the truth, and I don't find it interfering with humanity if you think the general good in Awakening process. 齐塔人支持传播真相,如果你们认为觉醒过程总体上是好的,我看不出这样做会影响人类什么。
And I am very proud of it, so please, to those of you who are spreading senseless things about my nationality, give it a rest! 我很骄傲自豪,麻烦那些在我国籍上无聊炒作的人,你们歇歇吧!
BY THE time I arrived in Anyang, the rising against the landlords and the Kuomintang was spreading like an all-consuming fire. 我来到安阳的时候,反对地主和国民党的斗争已经如火如荼地开展起来。
This seems to be an admission that America's emphasis on spreading democracy has not gone exactly as planned. 他的讲话似乎在承认美国散布民主的着重努力没有完全达到预期计划。
You took a number of community coaches on the trip as well - how big a role did they play in spreading the word of LFC? 在这一次行程当中你率领了为数众多的利物浦市其他球队的教练——他们在宣传利物浦当中扮演著甚麽角色?
The invading-resistance of tobacco plant was proved to be more ready to be delivered to offspring than spreading-resistance to the disease. 烟草对赤星病病菌侵入的抗性较抗病斑扩展的能力更容易通过品种间杂交传递给后代。
You can see it coming in, and an incredible flash of light, and all this cavitation spreading over the surface of the snail. 你可以看到它产生,伴随一道不可思议的闪光,气穴的传播越过了蜗牛的表面。
I called A Mao, and should not, I see out, I saw beans spreading in a way that we had not had the A Mao. 我叫阿毛,没有应,出去口看,只见豆撒得一地,没有我们的阿毛了。
The contamination is already spreading up the East Coast, so be watchful anywhere the Gulf waters may have contact with you. 污染已经扩展到东海岸,所以请戒备海湾任何地区可能接触到你的海水。
It was exciting to see that self improvement is spreading to Harvard classrooms and being legitimized by academia and the mainstream media. 看到自我提升延伸到哈佛的校园里,而且被学术界和主流媒体接受,令人惊讶。
To conclude, it means that She uses various appearances as a means of spreading the Truth. 总括来说,她的打扮是传播真理的一种方式而已。
He said that SARS is a common threat faced by the humankind. China's work is of uttermost importance in prevent the spreading of SARS. 他说,非典是人类面临的共同挑战,中国的工作对防止其蔓延至关重要,欧盟愿向中国提供必要的援助。
And yet, at a time of fast-melting glaciers and strange rains, of spreading deserts and rising seas, it is a frail and distant promise. 然而,一个时期中迅速消融的冰川与奇奇怪怪的降雨,沙漠扩大及海平面上升,环保规划显得脆弱而遥远。
It is spreading all over the world, even faster than the speed of the sun light. It is in great demand in the Western countries. 而今正以高于阳光的速度广传世间,弘法人才,并于西方世界广为需求。
I walked around the tomb, spreading petals to every corner of it. I felt as if I could see Mahatma Gandhi's unyielding image and clear eyes. 我绕陵墓一周,将花瓣撒在每一个地方,仿佛看到了圣雄不屈的身躯和清澈的眼神。
The next day, in order to curb the spreading of the war and out of the thinking of trial, America cast the first bomb on Hiroshima. 于是在8月6日,一方面为了阻止战争的继续蔓延,一方面出于试验的心理,美国向广岛投放了第一颗原子弹。