
美 [min]英 [miːn]
  • v.意味着;意思是;打算;表示…的意思
  • n.平均值;中庸;平均数;中间
  • adj.刻薄;吝啬的;小气的;不善良
  • 网络意指

第三人称单数:means 现在分词:meaning 过去式:meant 比较级:meaner 最高级:meanest

necessarily mean,probably mean
mean thing,dollar mean
actually mean
mean trick,mean velocity,mean nature,act mean


有含意have as meaning

1.表示…的意思to have sth as a meaning

意思是intend as meaning

2.意思是;本意是to intend to say sth on a particular occasion

有目的have as purpose

3.打算;意欲;有…的目的to have sth as a purpose or intention

让某人成为╱做intend sb to be/do sth

4.[oftpass]想要某人成为;想要某人去做to intend sb to be or do sth

有结果have as result

5.产生…结果;意味着to have sth as a result or a likely result

重要be important

6.[nopass]~ sth to sb对某人重要(或有价值)to be of value or importance to sb


be meant to be sth

被普遍认为是to be generally considered to be sth

I mean

(解释或更正刚说过的话)我是说,意思是说used to explain or correct what you have just said

mean business

是认真的;说话算数to be serious in your intentions

mean (sb) no harm|not mean (sb) any harm

没有恶意;并非出于恶意to not have any intention of hurting sb

mean to say

(强调要说的话,或问对方是否真是这个意思)意思是说used to emphasize what you are saying or to ask sb if they really mean what they say

mean well

本意是好的;出于好心to have good intentions, although their effect may not be good


平均值 (average) 也被称为平均值 (mean)。若要计算某行中两列或多列中数字的平均值,需使用 AVERAGE 函数。


dengfei04 的博客 - 事不关己 - 网易博客 ... median 中位数 mean 平均数 var 方差 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... nuisance 讨厌的东西或人 mean 意味着,意思是 surprise 惊奇,意外的事 第12…


意字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 意味〖 meaning;significance;implication〗 意味着mean;signify;imply〗 意想〖 imagine〗 ...


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... meal n. 膳食,一餐 mean vt. 作…解释;意指 mean a. 自私的;吝啬的 ...


形容人性格的词汇 ... loyal 忠心耿耿的 mean 吝啬的 moody 情绪化的 ...

Her eyes rested for an instant on the three francs I left for the waiter, and I knew that she thought me mean. 她的目光在我留给侍者的三个法郎上停了一会,我知道她会觉得我是个吝啬鬼。
Lovers and friends are all that matter, you'll never know how much it came to mean to me to have you by my side in battles lost and won. 主宰我全部的朋友,爱人啊,你永远不会知道,有你在我身边,胜败对我来说还意味着什么。
Sometimes he might goof up and use a word that did not mean exactly what he thought it meant. 有时他会很犯傻的用一个“他以为是那个意思”的词来表达他的意思。
Thing is, they aren't trying to be mean or rude . . . they just aren't thinking of others. 事实是,他们并不是有意这么做的。。。。他们只是没有想到别人。
I mean I put two years of work - nine months of it undercover - to gather enough evidence to indict Dante Arete. The case was almost made. 我的意思是我用了两年时间收集足以起诉丹蒂·阿雷特的证据,其中9个月是做卧底。
It's better for you, will keep you satisfied longer and - you won't have that 'puffy' look in your face (ladies, you know what I mean). 它们对你的健康有益,会让你具有长时间的饱足感-你的脸看上去不会‘肥嘟嘟’的(女孩子该知道我的意思吧)。
(It was) absolutely amazing, I mean, you know, with this hot weather and a lot of people all around us, it's just spectacular. 非常令人惊叹,我的意思是说,你知道,天气非常炎热,许多人围绕着我们,这是非常壮观的。
"We make a mockery of the word aphrodisiac if by it we mean a substance that sets one up to be raped, " says Schab. “如果春药就是指那些使人坠入强奸圈套的东西,那我们真是让这个词看起来极度荒谬,”福沙伯说。
I don't mean to be rude, but I hope you're not going to tell me that to find the secret I have to look within myself or something like that. 我不是有意冒犯,但我希望你不要告诉我,要找到这个秘密我必须得审视自我或类似那样的东西。
By "random, " I mean really random: Pound the keyboard for a while, like a monkey trying to write Shakespeare. 随机的意思就是说,随意地敲击键盘一会,就像猴子试着写莎士比亚一样。
I don't mean that this attraction is not good. It is only an additional element to make love perfect, but not love itself. 这种吸引并不是不好,我觉得它是一个让爱情更加完美的元素,但不是爱情。
Just because you're unhappy doesn't mean you can take it out on me. 你心里不舒服,并不表示你可以拿我出气。你只有一张嘴。
For Men: Remember that when a woman gives with a smile on her face it doesn't necessarily mean the score is close to even. 男人:谨记女人面带笑容给与时,并不表示分数接近相等。
'A few weeks or months of negative earnings will not mean much to the value of these businesses in the long run. ' 几周或几个月的亏损对这些公司的长远价值不会造成太大影响。
Put up your hands if you think you see what I mean. Okay Student: Inaudible No, that's actually not what I mean there. 如果明白就举手,好,学生:,教授:不,这不是我的意思,Prof。:,Um…
We know what you mean from the point of view of these times being so very encumbering for your Light to shine. 我们知道你的意思,基于这点这段时间继续让你光芒闪耀的许多困扰。
Her way of life was mean and miserly, but she did not know it. 她的生活寒怆吝啬,而她不自知。
Everybody trying to tell me That you didn't mean me no good. 每个人都试图告诉我这并不意味着我没有很好的。
A new book of her letters and notes reveals that she was a talented and experienced chef who created a mean recipe for stuffing. 一本由她的信件和备注的新著揭示了她是一个天才并且经历了为吃饭而写的一份均衡的食谱的厨师。
I mean, I mean all I care about is you and the guy are fine. That's all I care. But honestly, you know, I mean, God bless you. 我是说,我关心的只是你和那个人是否很好。那就是我所关心的。但老实说,你知道,我是说,上帝保佑你。
If I were to report that I see enemy ships indirectly, I should merely provoke the question what exactly I mean. 假如我报告说我间接看见了敌舰,我会徒然招惹我确切所指为何的问题。
And I don't mean that Ashley would run off with another woman, if you were his wife, or beat you. 我也不是说,你如果做了他的位子,艾希礼会跟别的女人私奔,或者揍你。
And the bank does not mean that oral publicity contract, the contract is the product of the most regulated financial agreement. 而且银行的口头宣传不代表合同内容,合同才是对理财产品最规范的约定。
Our brain tries to make sense of what these imageries mean and our mind creates stories out of it. 我们的大脑试着弄清楚这些意象的含义和我们创造的故事。
I mean, the types of people who buy the sort of magazines we're talking about aren't really into the kind of stuff I draw. 我的意思是,我们所谈论的这类杂志,它的读者不会真的理解我究竟画了什么。
I mean the kind of real, honest conversations that couples have all the time at the beginning of a relationship, but which fade over time. 我指的是那种在恋爱初期无话不说,开诚布公的沟通,虽然它会随着时间的流逝而逐渐褪色。
Weiner says that he aims to redress errors in her column and ensure that Savant's daunting IQ does not mean that she goes unquestioned. 维纳说,他的目的是纠正她专栏中的错误,并担保莎凡特可怕的智商并不意味着她不能遭人置疑。
'While very encouraging, these discoveries do not mean that our global biodiversity is out of the woods, ' she said. “虽然令人振奋,但这些发现并不意味着我们地球的生物多样性亦可见于雨林之外。”她说。
Your response helped me a lot. You mean that it may be an electric stove which would be used in Canada, not an electromagnetic stove, right? 我看到一种炒锅挺好,但售货员说它不适宜用在电磁炉,因其底为铁制的,想必用在电炉应没问题吧?
She maintains that if both sides are barreling down on her, it must mean she's doing something right; it proves her independence. 她认为,如果民主党和共和党都对她不满,那一定说明她在做着一些正确的事,说明她没被他人意见左右。