
美 [ˈmʌs(ə)l]英 ['mʌs(ə)l]
  • n.肌;肌肉;体力;权力
  • v.用力挤着前进;〈美俚〉发挥膂力
  • 网络臂力;瘦肉;筋

复数:muscles 现在分词:muscling 过去式:muscled

move muscle,relax muscle,tense muscle,develop muscle


n. v.

1.[c][u]肌肉;肌a piece of body tissue that you contract and relax in order to move a particular part of the body; the tissue that forms the muscles of the body

2.[u]体力physical strength

3.[u]权力;威信;影响力the power and influence to make others do what you want


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M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... murderer n. 杀人犯,凶手 muscle n. 肌肉,肌;体力 museum n. 博物馆;展 …


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M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... murderer n. 杀人犯,凶手 muscle n. 肌肉,肌;体力 museum n. 博物馆;展 …


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Lack of blood flow through the arteries to certain portions of the heart muscle result in the death of that muscle. 通过动脉到达部分心肌的血液流动不够,导致那些心肌坏死。
The researchers related these changes to the heart muscle's greater need for oxygen when alcohol is in the body. 研究人员认为,这些改变是与在体内有酒时,心肌对氧的需要增大有关。
of different supplements, but only a few have actually proven to help me put on muscle mass. One of those is the MRP. 多年来,我尝试了数以百计的补品,但证明只有少数真正帮我提高了肌肉质量。这就是替餐包中的一种。
It's this lump of flesh and bone and muscle that's sitting here in front of you and that each one of you sort of drags around with you. 它是放置于你们面前的一堆肉和骨头以及肌肉,是你们每个人到处拖着的东西。
In the present global economic downturn, China is among the few countries that have the economic muscle to pull the world out of it. 在如今的全球经济危机情况下,中国是为数不多的几个国家之一,有经济实力救世界与危难之中。
To treat your muscle sprain, I would recommend to you Chinese traditional acupuncture and message, which may prove to be very effective. 对于您的肌肉扭伤,我建议您试试中医的针灸和按摩,可能会有很好的效果。
Such are born of the eyelid droop, is often mentioned as eyelid caused by muscle dysplasia. 此种生下来就有的眼睑下垂,常常是因为眼睑提肌发育不良所造成。
One fundamental question is how much of a role does inflammation play in repair to a muscle? 一个最基本的问题是在肌肉的修复过程炎症反应起了多大的作用?
A few days later, some of the heart muscle cells in the animals began to act like pacemaker cells. 若干天后,动物体内的一些心脏细胞就会开始像起搏细胞一样运作。
I'd like to see myself at about 16% body fat and maintain all my muscle or gain a few pounds of lean mass if I can, especially in my arms. 我想让自己有16%的脂肪,保存所有的肌肉,假若可能获得几磅肌肉,特别是在臂部。
The leg muscle rate of cherry valley duck was the lowest, while that of white muscovy duck was the best. 白羽番鸭屠宰率、半净膛率、全净膛率最低,腿肌率最高;
The heart muscle of the strength athletes, however, tended to thicken, a phenomenon that appeared to be confined to the left ventricle. 力量运动员的心肌则有所变厚,这似乎仅限于左心室。
As the body is trying to generate it's own heat you will develop uncontrolled muscle contraction. 当身体努力产生热量时,你会感到一种无法控制的肌肉收缩。
Heartburn is usually linked to gastric acid that reaches the esophagus when a weak muscle does not close as it should after swallowing. 胃灼热通常是在吞咽后无力肌无法正常紧闭致使胃酸到达食道。
Your baby will gain a good deal of weight this week as her body fills out with muscle, bone mass, fat and organ tissue. 婴儿这周会增重很多,因为她的身体正填充着肌肉、骨质、脂肪和器官组织。
He found that it took a tenth of a second for a signal to travel down the nerve to the muscle. 他发现一个信号从神经传递到肌肉需要十分之一秒。
Then he handed Samuel the forceps and told him to pull up on the skin between the rear legs to separate it from the muscle. 随后他递给塞缪尔手术钳,告诉他先把后腿之间的皮肤扯起来,使之与肌肉分离。
Results: Vascular smooth muscle cells did not contribute to any stage of heterotopic ossification in either mouse model. 结果:在所有的鼠模型中血管平滑肌细胞都没有促进任何时相的异位骨化。
And so I need the muscle memory to be in my mouth at least to be really ready to go because if I do think about it. 所以我需要肌肉记忆得非常熟练才行。需要准备得好好的。因为如果我要去想台词的话。
He recommends intervals, hill repetitions, and tempo runs at least once a week to build your mental muscle. 他建议为了增强意志力,间歇跑,坡道重复跑,和乳酸门槛跑,至少每周一次。
He said he had lost a lot of muscle mass and that radiation treatment caused his salivary ducts to stop functioning for a time. 他表示,他减掉了许多肌肉,化疗曾使他的唾管暂时失灵。
Without lifting your heel up in the air, tighten your quadriceps muscle as hard as you can for ten seconds. 向上举起你的脚后跟,绷紧你的四头肌肌肉坚持10秒。
Now that you have learned about progressive muscle relaxation, you are ready to give it a try. 既然你已经学会了如何进行渐进式肌肉放松,你已经做好了去尝试的准备。
Exactly how much protein, carbohydrates and fats you should be eating each day to maximize your muscle-building efforts. 究竟你每天应吃多少蛋白质,碳水化合物和脂肪,以便使你增肌的效果最佳化。
Systolic blood pressure refers to the peak pressure in the arteries around the time that the heart muscle contracts. 收缩压反映的是当心肌收缩时对血管壁产生的压力的最大峰值。
Her team is now testing to see whether stem cells will turn into endothelial cells in the channels and into muscle cells elsewhere. 她的团队正在实验,以测试干细胞是否能变成管腔内的内皮细胞和各处的肌肉细胞。
One of the prince's faithful followers, Jie Zitui, cut a piece of muscle from his own leg and served it to his master. 这时,忠心耿耿的介子推从自己的腿上割下一块肉献给了重耳,公子重耳得救了。
You know, your voice can only last for so long. It's a muscle and when you get older it sort of fades away. 我们知道,人的声音会持续那么长时因为肌肉,人老了,它也就慢慢的消失了。
Acetic acid may also speed up the rate at which glucose is moved out of the bloodstream and into muscle cells for storage. 醋酸也可能加快葡萄糖从血流中移出并进入肌细胞储存的速率。
We report the case of a man who had an insidious onset of asymmetrical distal muscle weakness of the upper extremity at the age of 17. 我们报告的情况下,谁的人了阴险的发病不对称远端肌肉无力上肢在17岁时。