cell phone

  • n.手机;移动电话
  • 网络行动电话;手机号码;大哥大

复数:cell phones

cell phonecell phone

cell phone


1.移动电话;手机a telephone that does not have wires and works by radio, that you can carry with you and use anywhere


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Just then dubious, my mobile phone ringing, it is a call from the smoke, I relied on, so close that even a cell phone. Savings do not know. 正说着不三不四的话,我的手机响了,是烟尘打来的,我靠,这么近还打手机,一点也不知道节约。
I once cheated on my girlfriend after I saw on her cell phone that she had been text-messaging with her ex. 那一次,我之所以背叛了女朋友,是因为我看到了她手机里和她前男友的短信。
A crocodile in a zoo in Ukraine ate a cell phone when a person was trying to take a picture. 一只在乌克兰动物园的鳄鱼,趁一个人正用手机拍照时,吃掉那只手机。
It is often very difficult to establish this sort dynamic engagement or coupling to someone over a cell phone. 但是在电话里,这种动态的角色投入或配对很难形成。
They asked if he was in heaven and I said yes. They asked if he could talked to them on his cell phone. 他们问爸爸是不是在天堂,我说是的。他们问他能不能通过他的无线电话跟他们通话。
Nokia engineers found a way around that problem by designing a flat, plate-like antenna that could hide inside the body of a cell phone. 诺基亚的工程师找到了解决问题的方式(设计了可以藏在手机机身里的天线)。
I hit his cell phone, right, he did not take, really mad at me! 我打他手机吧,他不接,真是气死我了!
It was founded in Kenya in 2008, the result of post-election uprisings. Anyone with a cell phone can send a text into the system. 作为选举后骚乱的产物,它于2008年在肯尼亚正式建立,任何有手机的人都可以发送短信到该系统上。
Absolutely right! If Tao Zi found my cell phone and she had a look at it. 是啊!如果陶子发现了我的手机,然后打开一看。
"Who's winning? " Dr. Abaddon said affably as he emptied his pockets of a cell phone, some keys, and a cigarette lighter. “谁要赢了?”阿巴登博士和颜悦色地说着,同时从口袋里将一部手机,几把钥匙和一个打火机全部掏出。
Once she had left, the door of the cafe opened and a man walked in with a broken cell phone in his hand. 每次她刚离开,咖啡店的门就被撞开,一个男人握着个坏了的手机走进来。
As soon as I closed the stall door behind me a woman burst into the bathroom screaming on her cell phone and went into the stall next to me. 我刚刚关上自己所在的隔间的门,一位女士就打着手机冲进了卫生间,她大吼大叫,进了我旁边的隔间。
Just as firefighters were about to jerry-rig another plunger with a cable, the man called his girlfriend on his cell phone. 正当消防队员即将用电缆代替绳子,再试一次时,这小子给他的女友拨打手机电话。
So he stood his ground and figured he might be able to scare the animals off with the music from his cell phone. 于是他站在原地,想着如果用手机里的音乐也许可以把他们吓跑。
I did not own a cell phone. I had never competed in a triathlon and my writing life had not begun. 2000年的时候我几乎是个电脑盲,没有手机,从来没有参加过铁人三项的比赛,也没有开始我的写作生涯。
Keep his cell phone number, but has been afraid to call, I feared that this would disturb the unexpected. 手机里存着他的号码,却一直不敢呼叫,害怕这会是突兀的打扰。
The robot babysitter even has a cell phone to call a parent when the child asks for his mother. 这个照看小孩的机器人甚至还装有移动电话,当孩子找妈妈时,可以用它打电话给父母。
Before I started driving I got on my cell phone on Facebook and messaged his wife, and said, 'I hugged your husband. 还没开车我就用手机上Facebook给他妻子发信息,我说,‘我抱了你的老公一下,没事吧?
Once a man picked up a cell phone and he wanted to return it, so he found a number of the owner's sister's and made a phone call. 一次一个男人捡到一部手机,他想把手机还给失主,于是他找出失主妹妹的号码打了个电话。
How much did you spend on your current cell phone? 您目前的手机花费了多少钱?
And a few minutes later, when Hayes still hadn't reappeared, I called him on his cell phone to make sure he knew the name of the exit. 几分钟后,仍见不到海斯,我打他的手机确保他知道出口的名字。
Do it out of your home, with a cell phone, a computer and a car. 用一部手机、一台电脑和一部车,出了家门就可以做。
The cell phone battery indicator indicates how much charge is left in the battery. 手机电池指示标记表示了手机电池还剩多少。
I'll lend you my cell phone providing you return it to me in a week. 我可以把手机借给你,不过一个星期后你要还给我。
Dan pulls his van over to the side of the road and orders Kimberly to call her mother on the cell phone. 丹在路边停下了车,指令金伯利打通她母亲的手机。
According to our investigation so far, he contacted a girlfriend by cell phone and had her pick him up in one of the local towns. 据我们目前的调查,他用手机联系女友,让她到当地一个镇上去接他。
He took a bite out of his sandwich and was about to have some coffee when his cell phone rang. 他咬了一口三明治,当要喝几口咖啡的时候,他的手机响了。
She was very nervous and upset, then she sat down, took her cell phone out of her pocket and sent a text message to her friends: "Oh no! " 她非常紧张和难过,然后她坐下来,从口袋里掏出手机给她的朋友发短信说:啊!
Now, after your father accessed this information, he made three calls from his cell phone, all to you. What did he tell you? 好,你父亲得到这个消息之后,他用他的手机打了三个电话,都是打给你的。他都跟你说什么了?
I told my assistant, "Get me a cell phone. " She asked, "What type? " I said, "I really don't care; you figure it out. " 我告诉我的助理:“给我弄个手机。”她问:“哪一种?”我说:“我不介意,你决定。”