
美 [kəˈlekt]英 [kə'lekt]
  • v.收集;搜集;采集;收藏
  • adj.由受话人付费的
  • n.【宗】短祷
  • 网络聚集;集中;运费到付

第三人称单数:collects 现在分词:collecting 过去式:collected

collect information,collect evidence,collect statistics,collect sample,collect pension
collect call


汇集bring together

1.[t]收集;采集to bring things together from different people or places

业余爱好as hobby

2.[t]~ sth收藏;搜集;收集to buy or find things of a particular type and keep them as a hobby

人of people

3.[i]聚集;集合;汇集to come together in one place to form a larger group

数量增加increase in amount

4.[i][t]聚积;积聚;积累to gradually increase in amount in a place; to gradually obtain more and more of sth in a place

取走take away

5.[t]领取;收走;接走to go somewhere in order to take sb/sth away


6.[i][t]募捐;募集to ask people to give you money for a particular purpose

7.[t]~ sth收(欠款);(上门)收(账)to obtain the money, etc. that sb owes, for example by going to their house to get it


8.[t][i]~ (sth)收到;赢得;获得to receive sth; to win sth


collect yourself/your thoughts

(尽力)镇定下来,敛神专注to try to control your emotions and become calm


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... deluge v 大洪水;暴雨 collect v 收集,集中 collection n 集合;收藏 ...


2. 第二段形容他们家收藏(collect)了好多奇奇怪怪的收藏品,就像个博物馆museum。 很有趣的,museum这个字是来自於一位 …


掇字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 〖tidyup;pickup〗 拾掇;拾取 〖collect搜集 〖putinorder;set;arrange〗 收拾;修理 ...


聚_百度百科 ... 聚积〖 buildup〗 聚集〖 gather;assemble;collect〗 聚歼〖 roundupandannihilate〗 ...


采字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 采光〖 naturallighting;daylighting〗 采集collect;gather〗 采掘〖 excavate〗 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... deluge v 大洪水;暴雨 collect v 收集,集中 collection n 集合;收藏 ...


外贸英语_百度百科 ... (场): CARGO FREIGHT STATION (运费到付): COLLECT (柜号): CONTAINER NUMBER ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... cowl( 护风罩); collect( 聚集,集中,收集,征收); cram( 塞满,填 …

An inbox is only useful as a place to collect everything that's important, to get it out of your head so that you can do something with it. 一个收集器只是一个收集任何重要事情的有用地方,让你清空脑袋以至于你可以真正处理事情。
A Web start-up named Storify, which opens to the public Monday, aims to help journalists and others collect and filter all this information. 一个名为Storify的初创网站,上周一开放注册,目的是帮助记者和其他人收集和筛选所有这些信息。
Relaxed seem to can drive speech loading, but heavy want to be collect by the heart. 轻松似乎只能被言语承载,而沉重却要被心收藏。
Behold how the branches reach up to heaven as if to say, "Though I am only a branch, still I would love to collect Social Security. " 且看那枝杈如何向天空伸展,仿佛在说:“尽管我只是一根树枝,可我还是喜欢领社会保险金。”
Collect and calculate the cost of sales, inform the relevant department to analyze the reason, and report it to the company management. 收集计算收入、成本信息,分析原因,汇报给管理曾。
If you are going to collect some money for a gift for her, you can count me in. 假如你们出钱给她送礼,你们可把我计算在内。
On the deficit he said, We've got to collect taxes to eliminate it, but if anyone had a better idea, I'm all ears. 就赤字问题他说:“我们必须征税来消除赤字,但是如果谁有更好的主意,我愿意洗耳恭听”。
It's not used to collect email addresses for marketing purposes, or to subscribe anyone to any lists. 它不是用来收集用于市场营销目的的电子邮件地址,或以认购任何人以任何名单。
Over the span of several hours as the phone was moved, it continued to collect location data from new places. 在手机移动的几个小时里,该手机继续从新地点收集位置数据。
He hoped to collect at least two examples of every sort of animal on his island, like Noah before the Great Flood. 他希望每种动物挑一对,就像在大洪水之前的诺亚一样,。
A network can be so his character here, his mood up in here, no matter what, as long as they love could write it down, you can collect. 有了网络可以就这样的把自己的文字放在这里,把自己的心情堆砌在这里,无论是什么,只要自己喜欢就可以写下来,就可以收藏起来。
Catheters are placed inside the body to collect waste fluids, so the patient does not have to get out of bed. 导管置于体内液体废物收集,因此病人不必下床。
What I could do was to collect my things and to leave. 还能怎么样,收拾东西走人。
But the rich and beautiful woman stayed behind just long enough to collect as much of her jewelry as she could carry. 但漂亮富有的女人却迟迟不走,因爲她想尽量多带一些珠宝首饰逃走
How much of the garbage that Danny and Jenny collect can be reused or recycled? 丹尼和珍妮收集的垃圾里有多少是可以再用或循环使用的?
A tube is placed inside the body to collect urine, so the patient does not have to get out of bed. 导尿管是一种植入人体的以收集尿液的管子,那样病人就无需起床。
The Bank will give the Customer advance written notice of its intention to employ a debt collection agency to collect any overdue account. 若本行欲委用收账公司追收任何过期款项,本行将事先向客户发出书面通知书。
I'm talking to my shipper in Dubai and he is trying to arrange someone to collect for me in china and send by air cargo to me in Nigeria. 我正在和我迪拜的承运人(货代之类?)联系,他在找人帮我把产品从中国空运到尼日利亚。
Flushing-type tray, front-back tilt adjustable, can be used to collect urine for metabolic experiment when tray tilts toward the front. 冲洗式托盘为,前后倾斜方向可调节,当向前倾斜时,可收集尿液做代谢实验;
Collect the gold left to right across the bottom of the play area, then right to left across the top. 在底部从左到右收集金块,然后顶部从右到左。
He said the new malware, dubbed Duqu, was a Trojan Horse designed to collect and relay back information about the host system. 他说这个被称为Duqu的新病毒是一种特洛伊木马病毒,专门收集并反馈客户系统的信息。
She uses her spare time to collect all the information about her company's development and keeps track of it in a notebook. 她用闲余时间搜集有关公司发展的所有资料,并且记录在笔记本上。
Many people seem to have dropped out of the labour force for good, perhaps to retire, collect disability, or return to education. 许多人似乎已经永远退出了劳动力群体,也许是退休了,也许领取了残疾证,或接受继续教育。
The oil floats on top of the jar and seals out air, leaving water to collect at the bottom, where it acts like a Petri dish for botulism. 油浮到罐头的顶部,封住空气,留下水在底部聚集,就像是为肉毒菌提供一个有盖培养皿。
In these days of my leisure, it was perhaps the mere whim to collect them which had come upon me. 在我悠闲的那些日子,也许是因为一时的兴致,我要把产生在我心里的幻想收集起来。
Originally, I ambitiously thought I'd make it a site to collect all of these tips together. 最开始,我雄心壮志地想把它做成一个收集所有这些小窍门的网站。
As Brian forced himself to walk into Room No. 32 to collect Peggy's things, he saw the tiny paper dolls smiling back at him from the wall. 当布赖恩强迫自己走进32号病房,收拾佩吉的遗物时,看到了墙上那些冲他微笑的小小的纸娃娃们。
If he's 62 or older and you've been divorced for at least two years, you can collect this benefit even if your ex is still working. 如果他的年纪已有62岁而且你们离婚至少2年,你也可以获得这个收益,即使你的前夫仍在工作。
How we can handle the problem depends on how much money we can collect. 我们如何处理这个问题要视我们能募集到多少钱而定。
As Yang Liwei returned into the earth's atmosphere, helicopters were flying to where he would land, ready to collect him. 当杨利伟返回地球大气层的时候,直升机已经飞往着陆地点,等候迎接他。