
美 [klɜrk]英 [klɑː(r)k]
  • n.职员;文书;簿记员;(议会、法院等的)书记员
  • v.当职员(或文书、书记员)
  • 网络办事员;店员;文员

复数:clerks 现在分词:clerking 过去式:clerked

postal clerk,sales clerk,former clerk


n. v.

1.职员;簿记员;文书a person whose job is to keep the records or accounts in an office, shop/store, etc.

2.(议会、法院等的)书记员an official in charge of the records of a council, court, etc.


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... long adj. 长的 clerk n. (银行、办公室、商店等的)职员;办事员 help v. 帮助;援助 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... long adj. 长的 clerk n. (银行、办公室、商店等的)职员;办事员 help v. 帮助;援助 ...


关于职业的英语单词_百度文库 ... chemist: 化学师 clerk: 店员 clown: 小丑 ...


酒店中常用的英文缩写 ... 秘 书 SECRETARY 文 员 CLERK 服务员 WAITER ...


北京市海淀区人民政府外事办公室 ... 助理审判员 Assistant Judge 书记员 Clerk 检察长 Chief Prosecutor ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... clearly ad. 明白地,清晰地 clerk n. 店员;办事员,职员 clever a. 聪明的;机敏的 ...


图书馆专业英语词汇 ... chief librarian,librarian 图书馆长 clerk 管理员 librarian 馆员 ...

The clerk handed him a railway ticket and the five-dollar bill with which, the law expected him to be a good citizen. 书记官交给他一张火车票和一张5美元的钞票,希望他能遵守法律成为一个好公民。
Soon the clerk in the bank is not going to be re typing the wire transfer from a piece of paper. 不久,银行职员将不再需要将一纸电汇信息录入到电脑。
There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she completed the form, stood up, and personally ushered me to the door. 那名办事员在填完表格后,站起来,切身把我送到门口。在这个过程中,她说话时流露出一股敬意。
"He insisted on seeing you, though I told him you were engaged, " returned the clerk, a little abashed by the manner of his employer. “他坚持要见您,先生。不过我已经告诉他您有约了。”店员小心翼翼地回答着他的老板,神情有一些尴尬。
'Drivers scream at me to get off the road, ' says the medical-billing clerk. “司机冲我大叫大嚷,让我离开主路。”担任医疗帐单文员的罗德里格兹说道。
Prostitution at least offered financial independence: a typical harlot could earn in a month what a tradesman or clerk would earn in a year. 卖淫至少可以在经济上独立:一名普通妓女一个月的收入相当于一个商人或者职员一年的收入。
The boss had a narrow squeak last night in his office: his spooning with a girl clerk was almost found out by his wife. 昨晚好险哪。老板同一个女职员在办公室里动手动脚的,差点让他的妻子给撞上了。
Dashan: Mmm, hmm. Canadian beef is excellent. Yunbo, please ask the front desk clerk about good steak restaurants near the hotel. 啊,加拿大的牛肉特棒。云波,你能不能去问问前台服务员,咱们饭店周围有没有好的牛排餐馆。
The clerk handed him a railroad ticket and the five-dollar bill with which he was supposed to start a new, honest life. 一名职员递给他一张火车票和5美元。拿着这些钱,从此就可以开始诚实的新的人生了。
Anderson thanked the clerk and went back to The Golden Lion. He wanted to ask the landlord about room number13, but the landlord was busy. 安德森对办事员表示感谢后,就回到了金狮旅店。他想向老板询问13号房间的事,但是老板很忙,他只好做罢。
Robert is going to leave school and start work as a clerk, but Peter wants to be a veterinarian. 罗伯特要离开学校,作为一个文员开始工作,而彼得想成为一名兽医。
The clerk was sent for and turned out to be an octahedron with an eye in each face and a mouth in one of them. 那个员工被派了上来,竟然是个八面体,每一面上都有一个眼睛,只有一面上有嘴。
A taxi driver, who has a day job as a clerk in a government institution, said he and many colleagues have largely stopped going to work. 一位平时在政府机构担任职员的出租车司机说,他和很多同事基本上已不去上班。
I had to do a scene with another girl, really tough, who played a shop clerk. I was supposed to be trying to return something. 我得和另一个女孩对一场戏,她很强悍,饰演店员,我是要去退一样东西。
The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. 女士牵着他的手走进了商店,让店员去取半打棉袜。
Clerk: Please wait a minute. Let me check. . . Excuse me, but I can't seem to find your name on our list. 职员:请等一下,我来查下记录…对不起,先生,名册上找不到您的大名。
After working for a few months as a clerk at CBS, a big broadcaster, he was drafted to serve in Vietnam by dint of that Green Card. 在CBS(一个有名的广播公司)当了几个月小职员之后,他被调到越南,由于绿卡的关系。
The clerk called the police right after he got off the phone and the cops arrested Glen as he was making his way to the store. 柜员在接完他的电话后立即就通知了警察,之后警察在格兰前往超市的路上把他抓获。
"Your mother said that you would pay for her, " said the clerk. “你妈妈说你会付她的帐,”收款员说。
John ordered his own flowers and bad the clerk be sure that delivery would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her. 约翰订好自己的花,让店员无比在递送的花束里放一张便笺,告诉母亲他有多么爱她。
The lawyer advised me to return to the hotel with him and give another hundred-dollar bill to the clerk. 律师建议我和他一起回旅馆,再给接待人员一张一百美元。
"So would I, " said the tactless clerk. “我也是。”不太老练的店员说道。
Starting as a clerk in a shop which peddles rags, he rips through the garment jungle to reach the top of his outwardly glamorous profession. 他以一个卖旧衣服的小店伙计起家,在服装界闯荡,终于达到了他看来很吸引人的事业的顶峰。
As the store clerk reverently lifted the object out of the case, I knew it would be too small. 当店员恭敬地从柜台里取出这个物品时,我知道它肯定太小了。
UNIDENTIFIED MALE It 's convenient . You don't have to deal with a sort of surly clerk , and you know , I'm just as happy with it. 你必须知道,你必须知道这一切都是为了你。你对我太宽容以至于都不认真地对待我。
And when finally some clerk does deign to notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him. 当终于有个售货员肯屈尊理你,那样子又让你感觉像是打扰了他。
Clerk: The price is the same as a railway ticket if you travel soft. But think how much quicker you will reach your destination. 价格和火车软座差不多,但你想想,很快你就可以到达目的地了。
"Is Mr. Harris in? " inquired a neatly-dressed boy of twelve or thirteen to a clerk, as he stood by the counter of a large publisher's shop. “哈里斯先生在吗?”一个衣着整洁的小男孩,大概十二、三岁的样子,站在一家大型书店的柜台前向店员询问。
The clerk at the hotel office had commented to me at check-in that we were one of the youngest couples she had ever seen there. 旅馆办事处的工作人员在我们登记入住时告诉我,我们是她在那儿工作以来看到的最年轻的住客。
he seems capabal and confidence . it ' s a far cry from the days when he was just a clerk handle letters and he is shame and timid. 理信件的职员的时候相比,那简直是相差太远了。那时,他非常胆小,也很怕羞。