make money

  • na.赚钱;发财
  • 网络挣钱;生财;网路赚钱

make moneymake money

make money


初二英语英语(下册)重点词组与句型_英语网 ... make sb do sth 使某人干 make money 赚钱 make friends with 与交友 ...


八年级下册英语词组_百度知道 ... Travel around the world 环游世界 make money 挣钱 work hard 努力工作 ...


Spool工程管线英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... fashion house n. 时装商店 make money 赚钱, 发财 save money 攒钱 ...


Sinograma « 财 » - Diccionario de Sinogramas ... 轻财[ regard money lightly] 生财[ make money] 贪财[ be greedy for money] ...


网际网路让一切成为可能!-新浪部落 ... TPS 网赚两人攻略术 Make Money 网路赚钱 TPS 营销网路赚钱联盟/阿仁 ...


据传,大约在一百多年前,美国一群爵士乐师们(jazz musicians)经常到各地巡回演出赚钱make money)。乐师们常常把 …


但是可以"造钱(MAKE MONEY)"这是很多人所想不到的事情!!滚滚长江东逝水 一代新人换旧人这是我的感触~~~ 顺心 个人操作 …

Bull almost everyone to make money, but how can we ensure that the funds will yield the greatest believe that not everyone is able to do. 牛市中几乎人人都赚钱,可是怎样能保证资金的最大收益率相信不是每个人都能做到。
"The realization came just a few short years after that it's very difficult to make money from e-commerce. " “但是直到数年以后他们才认识到这个问题,而在这个时候,用电子商务牟利已经变得十分困难了。”
It was a happy surprise to me that it was able to make money. 对我来说它是一个快乐的惊喜,因为它能够赚钱。
Dr. Kadish said he thought it possible but unlikely that some doctors were implanting devices unnecessarily to make money. 卡迪什博士说,通过植入不必要的除颤器赚钱,不是没有可能但未必如此。
So Tawa's revolutionary reform turns out to be little more than a typical story of a rural official trying to make money from land. 如此一来,塔洼村的革命性改革原来不过是一个典型故事:一位村官试图从土地中赚钱。
ANCHOR What made you think you could do it better and make money out of it? 你为什么认为自己能做得好并且能赚到钱呢?
It has always been that you make money and then you run like hell and try to get out of the way. 情况一直都是:你赚到了钱,然后就拼命夺门而出,想赶紧溜之大吉。
'It's fantastic, ' he said, but it's still unclear how the company will make money given its low profit margins. 他说,这很了不起,但考虑到微薄的利润率,这家公司怎么挣钱还是个未知数。
Several companies are now trying to put this into practice and thus make money by selling carbon credits. 几个公司正在尝试将这一想法付诸实践,并因此通过出售碳债权而赚钱。
Some opportunities may present themselves to make money, gain exposure, or get experience in ways that you had not considered or planned. 在这个过程中你可能会经历一些惊喜,在有些你没想到或者没计划到的地方,你会发现有些可以赚钱、增加知名度,或者获得经验的机会。
This kills the need for a school cafeteria, the point of the cafeteria is not to make money. 这样就失去了食堂的意义,学校的食堂不应该以盈利为目的。
Air France even believes it will quickly be able to make money by buying Alitalia, one of the weakest airlines in Europe. 法国航空甚至相信其将通过收购Alitalia航空很快盈利,而后者是欧洲实力最弱的航空公司之一。
However, I would have to say the best way for me to make money online is selling images - photos and illustrations - in microstock agencies. 然而,我不得不说,我觉得在线赚钱最好的方法是在微利图片库卖照片——有说明的照片。
Temper Law: between husband and wife decided to temper the size of how much money, not people who make money Meipi Qi. 脾气定律:夫妻之间,挣钱多少决定脾气大小,不挣钱的人没脾气。
You know, this state is so broke, they're just trying to make money any way they can. 你知道,加州政府已陷入破产的境地,他们只是想尽一切可能赚些钱。
THE dirty secret of the golden age of finance was that it was obscenely easy to make money. 金融行业黄金时代的秘密是,赚钱简直是小菜一碟并且不怎么光彩。
Despite low business, she said the stall is not to make money but to save waste. 她说,虽然是小本生意,她们也不是靠这个菜摊来挣钱,就是不想浪费。
But it is easier said than done to tell those manufacturers who make money once a year that they should run their businesses earnestly. 但想要那些一年赚一次钱的月饼商好好经营品牌,谈何容易?
He continued to make money during the next week and then stepped up to 200 shares. 他在接下来的一周里继续赚钱,然后交易仓位上升到200股。
You still a student, do not make money, spend money on gifts, or to ask their parents. 你还是学生,不会赚钱,花钱买礼物还是要问父母的。
I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things. 我一直喜欢旅游,总喜欢吃,但它永远不会发生,我认为我能赚钱的事情都做。
Tea also sat up, her eyes fixed set of looked at me and said: no, I can make money. Thank you for your good intentions. 红袖也坐了起来,她用一双眼睛定定的看着我,说:不必了,我自己能挣钱,谢谢你的好意。
In a country where everyone is impatient to make money he is always trying to spot the next best-selling product for his company. 在这个人人急着赚钱的国家,他总是设法为自己公司寻找下一个最畅销的产品。
For banks with high infrastructure costs, says Sir John, it has always "been hard to make money out of small payments" . 对基础设施成本很高的银行来讲,约翰说,“他们向来很难从小金额支付赚钱。”
Do we make money on this product, and if so how much? 这项产品是否赚钱,如果是,赚多少?
He could make money on it, but if locals did not like the fruit and it rotted, a single crate would not hurt his business. 他可能会因此赚钱,但如果当地人不喜欢那种水果以至于那框水果全部坏掉的话,一框水果不会对他的买卖造成很大的伤害。
I continued to make money, and finally, bit by bit, accumulated enough to enable me to go abroad. 我不断努力赚钱,一点一点积累,终于最后攒够了出国的钱。
Continue to look for ways to boost your earnings, or to get a better paying job, or to make money on the side. 继续寻找方法来增加你的收入,或找到一份待遇更好的工作,或做份兼职。
Now Lopez is so busy trying to make money and win awards that she's forgotten how to do either. 如今的洛佩兹一边忙着挣大钱一边忙着要夺得奖项,这却让她顾此失彼。
He would get terrible letters from the public objecting to the First Lady cashing in on her position in the White House to make money. 他常常收到公众写来的一些措词激烈的信件,这些来信反对第一夫人利用她在白宫的地位赚钱。